I don't drink and I'm all for resolving problems if there are any. I'm sure I'll manage.

Good to have you back.
I don't drink and I'm all for resolving problems if there are any. I'm sure I'll manage.
I would be 100% OK with Bryan v Kane dragging in until Mania if they make the mania match Kanes retirement match.
Can anyone think of any Daniel Bryan related chat up lines?
"Want to be put in the Yes lock?" should work, don't forget to wink at her when you say it.
So I'm curious Progress wrestling fans, are the NDVR (?) shows available on youtube worth watching if I liked Progress chapter 13? I wish I could grab shows on dvd but I assume they are all region encoded.
London Riots is a badass name for 2 random fat indy guys. Do they still wrestle? Some of their impact moves looked solid but they looked Chris Hero ripped.
Tell her she a B+ type of chickJust came across a girl on POF with this in her About Me section:
"Love love love wrestling! Crush: Daniel Bryan!!"
Can anyone think of any Daniel Bryan related chat up lines? Apart from liking the look of Bryan she's a 8/10, would bang.
Just came across a girl on POF with this in her About Me section:
"Love love love wrestling! Crush: Daniel Bryan!!"
Can anyone think of any Daniel Bryan related chat up lines? Apart from liking the look of Bryan she's a 8/10, would bang.
Just came across a girl on POF with this in her About Me section:
"Love love love wrestling! Crush: Daniel Bryan!!"
Can anyone think of any Daniel Bryan related chat up lines? Apart from liking the look of Bryan she's a 8/10, would bang.
On the NXT product and guys working both NXT and the main roster: I never was in a wrestling ring before I stepped foot into a WWE ring, so I am a product of NXT. I trained under Bill DeMott. I did a lot of my promo work with Dusty Rhodes. Those two guys were so instrumental in my career, I feel like I never could just completely take that step out of NXT. I owe it to the fans, I owe it to the people around me, the trainers, the coaches. Thats what you see in our product, you see people who are hungry and those people who are coming back, pulling double duty, theyre hungry, they wanna compete. The NXT environment is so competitive.
On being discovered by Triple H: He had started training with my strength coach. From the age of 14 I had been training with Joe DeFranco from DeFrancos Training Systems out of New Jersey, they do a lot of combine training. I had played college football, I had always lifted and was a huge fan of the sports entertainment business, more particularly the WWE. Huge fan of DX, Shawn Michaels and Triple H. One day I was working out at DeFrancos gym and Joe came up to me and said, I got a phone call from a guy named Paul Levesque, who wants me to train him. My jaw just hit the ground.
After about a year of him training with Hunter, I made a YouTube video I was always training so basically I gave Joe a link to a YouTube page that had a compilation of me lifting, running, boxing, and then I cut a promo at the end of it on the Hudson River around the time the Jersey Shore was popular. Came at the Jersey Shore peoples necks, a little disrespect, hit em with a little 1-2 combo, the haymaker, pancaker, and badaboom, the realest guy in the room was born.
He showed it to Hunter and Hunter just gave me a tryout. Hes our boss and hes very approachable out here at NXT. He gave me my first opportunity and Ill never forget the words that he said to me when I met him, he simply said, dont screw this up. He probably wouldnt remember it, but for me I hung onto those words, because thats all he said.
On how accessible Triple H is with NXT talents: He is hands on as hands on gets. Ive seen him step in the ring with guys, Ive seen him go over promo material, Ive seen him congratulate people when theyve done something admirable. Hes extremely approachable, you cant ask for a better boss. Hes somebody who you wanna work for.
More PROGRESS converts! One of us, one of us, etc. Riots are currently gone from PROGRESSSo finished Progress Chapter 13 and overall I was very impressed with the product. Things I liked;
1. The atmosphere was electric, fans really into it.
2. Ring work was solid from all parties, can't recall any botches like in most indy feds.
3. Really great roster. Enjoyed what I saw of Rampage Brown, El Ligero, Eddie Davis, Will Ospreay was real good, Zack Sabre jr, Havoc and Mandrews put on a damn good main event.
4. London Riots is a badass name for 2 random fat indy guys. Do they still wrestle? Some of their impact moves looked solid but they looked Chris Hero ripped.
Definitely considering watching more.
They are region coded unfortunately, so either grab a region free DVD player, or you can download the shows in HD cheaper: http://www.progresswrestling.com/downloads/So I'm curious Progress wrestling fans, are the NDVR (?) shows available on youtube worth watching if I liked Progress chapter 13? I wish I could grab shows on dvd but I assume they are all region encoded.
That Austin podcasts have been amazing (Vince and Trips).
Who will be next? Steph?
That Austin podcasts have been amazing (Vince and Trips).
Who will be next?
That Austin podcasts have been amazing (Vince and Trips).
Who will be next? Steph?
Already been on there. Had a fun story about Terry Gordy nearly getting them shot at a bar.
Steph would be the worst guest. I imagine she would be far more careful than HHH or Vince. Taker, Brock, or Heyman would be awesome.
"So what exactly do you do?"She'd be using her business robot face/acting that she uses in all the dvds.
Cena would make a great podcast but they already did one who the have m.Ambrose would be awesome I guessbet it will be Cena...
Maybe Taker after wrestlemania, once he finally retires??
He will hug people instead and scream "sempai".So, when Seth Rollins eventually turns face, he's not going to continue using the curb stomp as a finisher, is he? Seems like a total heel finisher.
So, when Seth Rollins eventually turns face, he's not going to continue using the curb stomp as a finisher, is he? Seems like a total heel finisher.
7. Daniel Bryan beat Seth Rollins, Joey Mercury, and Jamie Noble in a handicap match. Bryan won via submission, but he was taken out by Kane as he was leaving.
He will hug people instead and scream "sempai".
Enzo Amore:
Hes somebody who you wanna work for.
If Kane could actually work then it would be fine.
And he would not talkWell... Reigns would look kinda cool in a mask I guess.
And he would not talk
That Austin podcasts have been amazing (Vince and Trips).
Who will be next? Steph?
So, when Seth Rollins eventually turns face, he's not going to continue using the curb stomp as a finisher, is he? Seems like a total heel finisher.
That Austin podcasts have been amazing (Vince and Trips).
Who will be next? Steph?
Really been missing this dude, haven't seen him in weeks, I really wish Carmella wasn't anchored to Enzo and Cass either.Enzo Amore:
Finally watched the Stonecold Podcast. I wish this were a weekly thing, or at least a once a month regular thing.
Triple H got real on the Chyna question....and quite frankly, I agree with him.
Great interview. Stone Cold don't throw no softballs.