Man, I can't stop laughing at this. I never understood the appeal of Sting. What are some of his best matches?
I don't think *everything* on NXT would work on Raw, they do cater to the hardcores a bit more. For instance, they've assumed a lot of indy knowledge for Zayn vs Steen, Itami, and Balor. Most of the Steen Zayn rivalry's history hasn't been gone into, it's just assumed you know it. Similarly they don't tell you *why* Itami and Balor are big deals, they just assume you know why.
But that is the raw booking style and the Divas are fucked because they just want people to watch the reality show.
HHH seemed to allude to the NXT booking not totally working on Raw because NXT was aimed more for the hardcore audience. I'm not sure I totally agree with that mindset mostly because the stuff that makes NXT work are simple things that would work on Raw also.
I guess having a show that doesn't insult your intelligence is only for the hardcore crowds.
To change both of these aspects, one two or all three of the aforementioned need to stop fucking things up. As has been rightly pointed out so many times, NXT's women's division is superior to the main roster in probably every single way, because they're given time and decent builds and plots.
How can you all stay awake for that long?! Looking forward to watching the podcast replay tonight.
did he really pierce his nipples?
Just reading up on Raw and they're going to job Bryan to Reigns at Fastlane aren't they?
Just reading up on Raw and they're going to job Bryan to Reigns at Fastlane aren't they?
How can you all stay awake for that long?! Looking forward to watching the podcast replay tonight.
Hmmm, Jericho did eventually look great with the WHC though. (Hypocrite run)
Peak Jericho
the GOAT
the GOAT
I think the main reason I disliked this belt was because it looked so small on Brock.
This is how I feel in regards to Punk currentlySeth Rollins is better.
In recent years, Brock Lesnar's upper body absorbed 50% of the mass from his quads.
The new belt looks fantastic on him. Like it was made to fit him perfectly.
I think the main reason I disliked this belt was because it looked so small on Brock.
I fully expect Bryan/Roman to be a decently entertaining match. At the very least Bryan will carry Roman through it. I might go full mark for Fastlane and pull for Bryan as hard as I can simply because I want Bryan/Brock to be a reality
Marvel hands down.Who's got more viral marketting on neogaf, Marvel or Jimmy Fallon?
Marvel by far.Who's got more viral marketting on neogaf, Marvel or Jimmy Fallon?
Who's got more viral marketting on neogaf, Marvel or Jimmy Fallon?
Every day I unfortunately learn of a new character in Marvel lore.
Fixed that. Whaaaaa you'll never believe what Jimmy does this week! #90skidsknowMarvel hands down.
Jimmy gets a thread once every week
Every day I unfortunately learn of a new character in Marvel lore.
Who's got more viral marketting on neogaf, Marvel or Jimmy Fallon?
The winged eagle belt looked boss as fuck with any schmuck