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February Wrasslin' |OT| Royal Reignble Fallout. NO HOLDS BARRED, SMARKS!


I found more enjoyable things about last nights RAW than I have any other RAW in quite some time. 3 hours still doesn't work but having at least 3 semi decent to good matches made a world of difference.


Who is somebody who doesn't look good with gold?

Too cool?



Man, I can't stop laughing at this. I never understood the appeal of Sting. What are some of his best matches?

You don't like Sting for his matches. You like Sting for his mystique. If you have the Network, put on Starrcade 97 and watch the opening of the show and watch his entrance.


I don't think *everything* on NXT would work on Raw, they do cater to the hardcores a bit more. For instance, they've assumed a lot of indy knowledge for Zayn vs Steen, Itami, and Balor. Most of the Steen Zayn rivalry's history hasn't been gone into, it's just assumed you know it. Similarly they don't tell you *why* Itami and Balor are big deals, they just assume you know why.

With Zayn and Owens I think they covered just enough, basically saying "these guys wrestled together a lot when they were in the indies". They established that they had a history without going into too much detail with it and thus not handcuffing themselves creatively.

With Itami and Balor they've basically just said that these guys wrestled in Japan and were big deals over there. I'm actually glad they've kept it at that because it lets the NXT audience (whom not all of them are familiar with Devitt/KENTA) find out why those two are big things. On top of that if they went into detail about Balor pre-NXT it would have probably ruined the Demon Finn Balor reveal a little.

I think acknowledging that there are other wrestling promotions besides WWE is something that would benefit Raw a bit too. If a big star from NJPW shows up on WWE TV, make a big deal out of it instead of treating him/her like they're some new jobber.


But that is the raw booking style and the Divas are fucked because they just want people to watch the reality show.

To change both of these aspects, one two or all three of the aforementioned need to stop fucking things up. As has been rightly pointed out so many times, NXT's women's division is superior to the main roster in probably every single way, because they're given time and decent builds and plots.


Anyone with the bedazzled WWE Title looked terrible., because that as the shittiest belt ever made.


HHH seemed to allude to the NXT booking not totally working on Raw because NXT was aimed more for the hardcore audience. I'm not sure I totally agree with that mindset mostly because the stuff that makes NXT work are simple things that would work on Raw also.

I guess having a show that doesn't insult your intelligence is only for the hardcore crowds.

I think that would be more specific stuff like gearing the gimmicks or matches towards young adult males, or relying on the hardcore fans' knowledge of guys pre-WWE. The core stuff that's good about NXT booking like its treatment of the titles, slow burn stories or more freedom in promos would translate to any show.


To change both of these aspects, one two or all three of the aforementioned need to stop fucking things up. As has been rightly pointed out so many times, NXT's women's division is superior to the main roster in probably every single way, because they're given time and decent builds and plots.

plus the matches last longer than 4 minutes.

That Flair-banks match could main event most WWE PPVs.


Just reading up on Raw and they're going to job Bryan to Reigns at Fastlane aren't they?

I think the most likely outcome at Fastlane is that they have someone turn heel on Bryan (Ziggler or Shaemus) and hope that deflects all of the heat off of Roman. It isn't going to work, but it's what they're going to try. Roman beating Bryan clean isn't going to happen because Roman would get heat that he'd never be able to shake. I really don't think Bryan is winning just because they've invested so much in Roman.


Just reading up on Raw and they're going to job Bryan to Reigns at Fastlane aren't they?

I think WWE will book babyface, indie darling Daniel Bryan to do the job for babyface, WWE-chosen Roman Reigns, but they won't bury Bryan. Personally, I expect a snug match to sell Reigns as a powerhouse babyface, and Bryan may use this opportunity to shoot potato the chosen one with a few stiff kicks during one of Bryan's signature spots. The bumps Bryan will take for Roman's signature moves will earn him accolades among the internet wrestling community. After a run-in from another wrestler, they will go-home with a surprise spear and Bryan will ultimately give Roman the rub and continue with his push at the top of the card. Depending on the city, Roman may have heat with the marks and smarks alike, but I expect a decent sized pop.


Raw wasn't half bad. I like how they adapted things and gave us more Bryan. The match with Rollins was fantastic. Just really great to see two amazing workers wrestling with high stakes on the line. Great, great stuff. Sure, Bryan will job to Reigns but it's cool how they are putting the two faces against each other, almost like smarks vs marks. Reigns also got a great reaction.

Miz vs Mizdown went down great. That's how mid card feuds should be booked. Sandow is over as fuck and Miz has become a great heel with this hollywood gimmick. Can't wait to see what they do next but this should be a template for future comedy/midcard feuds.

Cena and the three friends just isn't grab me. I really couldn't care less, even with Ziggler involved. Skipped two of the three matches and Wyatt vs Ziggler wasn't anything special. I just really don't care about it.

Ambrose going for the Intercontinental Championship could be good but it just screams filler to me. They have no ideas for him and it shows. Ambrose almost killed the US belt so hopefully he will do better with the IC strap.

I could rant about the podcast too but I'll just say that, despite dodging some questions, HHH just hit all the right points. I can't wait until he is in full control of the WWE. He knows what certain parts of the audience wants and he knows how to take advantage of the talent he has. Nobody's perfect but HHH really seems to know what he is doing and he is going to do great things in the future.
Glad I was wrong about Bryan losing a step, he looked fine last night. It was just Kane in 2015 ruining things. Bryan vs Reigns will probably won't be half bad, match wise.


In recent years, Brock Lesnar's upper body absorbed 50% of the mass from his quads.

The new belt looks fantastic on him. Like it was made to fit him perfectly.

You can't even see Brock's quads anymore with the shorts he wears

its like when he wore the sleeveless top the first time and people thought he was fat and out of shape, until he took it off and he was still a freakish motherfucker


I think the main reason I disliked this belt was because it looked so small on Brock.

The undisputed belt was small period. It actually worked well in that occasion because it reminded me of the NWA championship belt. Small but prestigious...


I fully expect Bryan/Roman to be a decently entertaining match. At the very least Bryan will carry Roman through it. I might go full mark for Fastlane and pull for Bryan as hard as I can simply because I want Bryan/Brock to be a reality


I fully expect Bryan/Roman to be a decently entertaining match. At the very least Bryan will carry Roman through it. I might go full mark for Fastlane and pull for Bryan as hard as I can simply because I want Bryan/Brock to be a reality



could never
Well friends, no matter the outcome at FL brines gonna hit his 2sweet forearm ground shots to reigns again. Crowd gonna eat it up.

Hit me with that jiff.


Every day I unfortunately learn of a new character in Marvel lore.

and generally you learn about them when someone on the internet gets angry at you and goes "WHAT THE FUCK YOU DON'T KNOW HIM, WOW WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN"

Marvel fanboys are the worst
have I been on gaf too long?

Missy Hyatt's twitter is usually a great follow but she made a tweet making fun of the cashier at her dunkin donuts for being a hairy girl and I felt kinda shitty reading that.


If Bryan would somehow go to Mania, beat Brock, and then bring back the Wingled Eagle belt I think he would be my hero of forever.
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