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February Wrasslin' |OT2| Welcome To The New Era (Beta Version 1.0)

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I'm amazed it has taken so long for main stream WWE to understand that it is easier to turn a guy heel when fans won't accept him as a face. NXT should have proven that already. They should have called an audible the Raw after Rumble and had Bateaster full Broteaster.

If only NXT took the next step and figure out I dont want CJ Parker on screen at all.

I felt the same about the Ascension but the crowd with their Yah chants made it enjoyable now


You think that's bad, he spawned a girl that looks so much like Bo I can't even tell them apart:

Nightmare fuel.
I'd fuck her. She has a great body on her and a great set of legs.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Turning Batista basically guarantees Bryan is added to the Main event. There's no possible way* they go Heel versus Heel at XXX.

*cue Randy Orton face turn.


Turning Batista basically guarantees Bryan is added to the Main event. There's no possible way* they go Heel versus Heel at XXX.

*cue Randy Orton face turn.

Well either they are stupid and doing that or Bryan or a man who quit comes out next week and gets his main event match at WrestleMania he desires so much.


If you listened to Cole's commentary (and the story points he was hammering), there's no way they were leaving Bryan out of the WM main event. They're just trolling everyone at this point for as long as they can.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
If you listened to Cole's commentary (and the story points he was hammering), there's no way they were leaving Bryan out of the WM main event. They're just trolling everyone at this point for as long as they can.

and I love every minute of it Maggle! In fact I'm going to reassemble The Cabinet and make my own way to the title match!


Adding Bryan to the Main Event does make to much sense now, especially when you consider that Batista really isn't fit enough to work a main event without 2 other men carrying him.

Not sure how that would effect the supposed Shield Triple Threat though. Would they 2 in one show?


Adding Bryan to the Main Event does make to much sense now, especially when you consider that Batista really isn't fit enough to work a main event without 2 other men carrying him.

Not sure how that would effect the supposed Shield Triple Threat though. Would they 2 in one show?
They completely screwed up and should have done Shield/Wyatts for WM, leaving the Bray/Cena feud for after.


Adding Bryan to the Main Event does make to much sense now, especially when you consider that Batista really isn't fit enough to work a main event without 2 other men carrying him.

Not sure how that would effect the supposed Shield Triple Threat though. Would they 2 in one show?

Well in WrestleMania 2000 they had no problem doing multiple team matches. Also Smackdown spoilers

* Batista opens SmackDown and gets booed heavily. He says he will beat everyone and out comes Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler challenges Batista. Batista laughs at him and accepts the challenge. Ziggler dropkicks Batista.

* Jack Swagger and Cesaro defeated Mark Henry and Big E. Cesaro hit the Neutralizer on Henry. There was a lot of tension between Swagger and Cesaro.

* Backstage segment with Alberto Del Rio and Vickie Guerrero. Del Rio wants the night off but doesn't get it. Sheamus comes in and challenges him to a match.

* There's a segment where Alexander Rusev and Lana come out on the stage for a live promo.

* Sheamus vs. Del Rio ends when Christian comes out and attacks Sheamus, laying him out with Killswitch. Del Rio and Christian beat on Sheamus some more.

* Batista defeated Dolph Ziggler. Batista won a squash match and played the heel role big time.

* The Wyatt Family comes out for a promo but The Shield interrupts them. Triple H interrupts and announces a six-man match between the two teams on RAW.

* AJ Lee defeated Cameron with the Divas Title on the line. The referee had thrown Tamina Snuka out.

* Brock Lesnar will confront The Undertaker on RAW.

* Daniel Bryan and The Usos vs. Kane and The New Age Outlaws is the main event. Bryan gets the hot tag and kicks out of the fameasser. Hits the running knee and gets the pin.

Bryan got a biggest pop and Batista the most heat. Man whoever writing smackdown is on a role right now. They are building up Bryan for something right now.

Also, they are bringing out all the stops for Monday's Raw. Brock and Taker, Shield vs Wyatt rematch. Most likely Hogan will be there and it will be the show to see if someone show back up because if he not there he is not coming back.


Maybe they are turning Batista AND face turning Orton.

Because good guy randy is such a draw!
Wait... I have the perfect solution.
How about they leave both Orton and Big Dave as heels... and... get this... add The Big Show to the main event so we'll have someone to cheer?

You like it, right? I knew you would.


Watching the old stuff and seeing how commentary was focused on calling the match and treating it like a sport makes me sad at the state of things today. Now we gotta be bombarded with shills and winnie the pooh

And bring back time limits to matches. Even if you never have draws just fucking announce them at the start of the match.
Wait... I have the perfect solution.
How about they leave both Orton and Big Dave as heels... and... get this... add The Big Show to the main event so we'll have someone to cheer?

You like it, right? I knew you would.


Everyone loves the Big Show. And he is really big so they can play up a fresh "Can Batista even Batista Bomb him" angle.

BRB texting Hunter.


Junior Wrestlemania XXX Champion
Well in WrestleMania 2000 they had no problem doing multiple team matches. Also Smackdown spoilers

* Daniel Bryan and The Usos vs. Kane and The New Age Outlaws is the main event. Bryan gets the hot tag and kicks out of the fameasser. Hits the running knee and gets the pin.

Bryan got a biggest pop and Batista the most heat. Man whoever writing smackdown is on a role right now. They are building up Bryan for something right now.

So is D-Bry's new match ending sequence kicking out of finishers and then laying down his own?

Kick out of pedigree confirmed!


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
adding DB to the main event will ruin the Royal Rumble's value

whats the point of having a rumble if anyone can get a main event slot

It also ruins the whole build up for the title match

WM 2000 was horrible

WM 20 was stupid because HBK stole ***** spot

WM 24 was a boring title match because Cena decided to use his title shot a month early..then he lost...twice

Just switch Orton to a face.


adding DB to the main event will ruin the Royal Rumble's value

whats the point of having a rumble if anyone can get a main event slot

It also ruins the whole build up for the title match

WM 2000 was horrible

WM 20 was stupid because HBK stole ***** spot

WM 24 was a boring title match because Cena decided to use his title shot a month early..then he lost...twice

Just switch Orton to a face.
The build up is already ruined.


adding DB to the main event will ruin the Royal Rumble's value

whats the point of having a rumble if anyone can get a main event slot

It also ruins the whole build up for the title match

WM 2000 was horrible

WM 20 was stupid because HBK stole ***** spot

WM 24 was a boring title match because Cena decided to use his title shot a month early..then he lost...twice

Just switch Orton to a face.

The Rumble's value was already lost when it was used just to hurl Batista into the Main Event.


whats the point of having a rumble if anyone can get a main event slot
It also ruins the whole build up for the title match
Del Rio won the Rumble in 2011. He curtain jerked Mania and lost to Edge in 11 minutes.
Sheamus won the Rumble in 2012. He curtain jerked Mania and beat Daniel Bryan with a single move in 18 seconds.
John Cena won the Rumble in 2008. He didn't even use his shot to challenge for the title at Mania. Instead he used his shot at No Way Out and defeated Orton by DQ. Cena needed to win his way back into the Mania main event triple threat match (against Orton and Triple H).

So yeah... the Rumble's already been devalued. Don't worry about its precious legacy being tarnished further. Hell, Vince McMahon won the Rumble one year.


I remember when Cena won RR back in 08 (I think) and "cashed" it in at EC. Still went on to the title match against Orton and HHH at Mania

RR don't really mean shit nowadays


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
If the Rumble lost it's value then why is it the 2nd most hyped ppv of the year?



I felt the same about the Ascension but the crowd with their Yah chants made it enjoyable now

Is the Ascension heel? Do they even have gimmicks? Personalities? I can't remember the last time they didn't just show up, squash jobbers, do the Fall of Man, then pose with Viktor's junk in the loser's face for an uncomfortable length of time.

Straight up jobbers like Purple Trunks Guy From That One Time have more personality. (He had moxie.)



You shouldn't talk trash on twitter, you coulda been in the chamber! You could've been somebody again after your concussions!!

The Ascension is terrible. Bland as fuck. Like, are they supposed to be the new Brood or something? I don't get them or like them.

You'd have a better time making Christian be a vampire again and having Hawkins and Ryder or Ziggler and Miz be his partners.


Is there even any other tag team other than the Ascension on nxt? They broke up the random mismash of Neville and Graves with no replacement. And they wont give Enzo and Cass a real chance anywy
Rumble value has been shit for years. The last time they did classic babyface Rumble/WM main event (last match) build is sadly last year with Cena. Before that was way back to WM21 with Batista. They thought they can do it with Bootista but we all see how that's working out. Bryan needs to be in the main event to have a happy ending. Orton winning over a heel bootista won't do shit. You'll fool the kids and shit but the marks are going to eat them alive. Good luck turning Orton with Chicago up next and NYC soon after. With that said RAW next week sounds pretty damn good.

They HAVE to be bring back Legends of Wrestling. Worst Characters episode was hilarious.


Has there been any word on if they're trying to get Punk back by Monday? I imagine that the nuclear option is they'll announce Bryan is in the WMXXX main event...if he can beat Kane AND Triple H at the same event.

Adding both Punk and Bryan would be smart if Punk says yes. Two faces and Two heels.


Is there even any other tag team other than the Ascension on nxt? They broke up the random mismash of Neville and Graves with no replacement. And they wont give Enzo and Cass a real chance anywy

Whatever happened to that other guy in LeFort's Legionnaire? The one other than Scott Dawson? Aside from them, there's Hunico and Camacho and that's about it, barring women's wrestlers.

(Are women immune to the Fall of Man? That would change the title scene.)

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Man, early WCW Hogan looked like shit. Them tiny arms, that lack of tan, weak ass mustache/no mustache. It looks like a completely different guy.


Did they seriously have Batista come out and bury the entire roster and essentially call them pussies? That's some HHH level shit
Whatever happened to that other guy in LeFort's Legionnaire? The one other than Scott Dawson? Aside from them, there's Hunico and Camacho and that's about it, barring women's wrestlers.

(Are women immune to the Fall of Man? That would change the title scene.)
Scott Dawson is injured and they let go of Kris Kristofferson's son

Well in WrestleMania 2000 they had no problem doing multiple team matches. Also Smackdown spoilers

* Jack Swagger and Cesaro defeated Mark Henry and Big E. Cesaro hit the Neutralizer on Henry. There was a lot of tension between Swagger and Cesaro.

* Sheamus vs. Del Rio ends when Christian comes out and attacks Sheamus, laying him out with Killswitch. Del Rio and Christian beat on Sheamus some more.

* Batista defeated Dolph Ziggler. Batista won a squash match and played the heel role big time.

* Daniel Bryan and The Usos vs. Kane and The New Age Outlaws is the main event. Bryan gets the hot tag and kicks out of the fameasser. Hits the running knee and gets the pin.
1 - holy fuck, i gotta see this
2 -
sheamus vs. Christian is really what they're doing, isn't it?
3 - :(
4 -
so is D. Bryan's thing just kicking out of ALL THE FINISHERS now?
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