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February Wrasslin' |OT2| Welcome To The New Era (Beta Version 1.0)

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Watching the 2010 Royal Rumble with my five year-old. Shawn Michaels comes out and it says HBK in big letters on the 'tron.

She says, "LOOK, IT'S HEB!"

H.E.B. is the regional supermarket chain around here.

Another highlight from watching it: HHH is cooler than the Big Show. I have no idea how cool that makes HHH. She has no fave five, but she says her favorite wrestler is Goldust and her next favorite is CM Punk.
Oh yeah, just remembered a couple more things:

1) When Drew McIntyre came out she just started booing him immediately. He was the only one she did that to.

2) She thought John Morrison was Heath Slater. She pretty much tries to relate everything in wrestling to her favorite thing in wrestling, the Royal Rumble speed dating commercial from this year, so she really likes Heath Slater and wanted JoMo to be "the guy who's in a band".

3) She laughed when Beth Phoenix eliminated Khali.

The VOD stuff on the network's working perfectly for me now, watched Royal Rumble '99, but it hasn't held up too well. The undercard is pretty dull, except for Rock vs Mankind which I am of two minds about, because it's a crazy match, but also those chair shots are fucking ridiculous. The rumble itself is enjoyable, but also pretty aimless in places. the Vince/Austin stuff gets in the way and it's a fairly unremarkable line-up.

I'm watching Starrcade '97 now. Eddie Guerrero and Dean Malenko are tearing it up in the opener and I'm pretty sure nothing else on the card will be able to top it.


5 years old and already a fan of Punk?


edit: Phoenix took out khali in a rumble? I can't go that far...that's too much disbelief

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Are you sure it was just a super hurricanrana? Because I would've expected a super huricanrana into a flipping powerbomb.
Frackh said:
Will you stop?! (Posting over-the-top Indie wrestling gifs)

Perfect avatar/post combo, so I'll spare you from a swift kick to the external occipital protuberance.

Mr. Nobody said:
So what's going on with the indie gifs? The indie community panicking cause they're not getting attention?

Indie wrestling rarely gets any attention here unless it's of the "lol, indie wrestling" variety.

Dragonzord said:
their point is that roh isn't huge and never was huge.

At one point Billy says "what makes him good?" and, personally, the idea that a guy can't be good because he isn't yet a star is equally as idiotic as calling an indie wrestler a star when he's relatively unknown.

The interviewer picked the wrong word - Joe had a buzz about him when he joined TNA, even if he wasn't yet a star, and that was entirely because of his work on the indies and his title reign that put ROH on the map.
their point is that roh isn't huge and never was huge.

They were arguing semantics in order to shit on Indy wrestling, who gives a fuck if it's huge? The point the interviewer was trying to make was that Joe was absolutely a rising star before TNA got a hold of him.

And for that matter what do the NAO know about popularity? They sold t-shirts because their buddy let them in on the gimmick "Pointing at your dick".


So what's going on with the indie gifs? The indie community panicking cause they're not getting attention?
More like the opposite is happening.
People bitter about not getting to see NJPW live in 3 months are taking this opportunity to mock indie wrestling as a whole.
Granted, indie wrestling is always mocked here - but it comes in waves and spurts.

There's also a bit of a "rally around the WWE" movement going on this week due to positive vibes from the Network.


If you're childhood friends with the High School quarterback and you have a good hook up that lets you sell pot to the football team then you're probably a pretty popular kid. Doesn't mean you know a thing about what it means to be liked, you just have a very convenient set of circumstances.
Did you just describe Triple H's career'?


So, EC was okay PPV. The Shield/Wyatt match was really good; it really should have been saved for Wrestlemania with a longer build behind it. Cesaro was MVP of the Chamber.

And bloody hell, they're actually doing Batista and Orton. I just can't...how is this possible? These two have faced off about a dozen times and they've had one good match. They've messed up Batista's return so much. The only silver lining in all this is that it looks like Brotista has come back and we're likely getting his heel run with the title starting at Wrestlemania.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
If you're childhood friends with the High School quarterback and you have a good hook up that lets you sell pot to the football team then you're probably a pretty popular kid. Doesn't mean you know a thing about what it means to be liked, you just have a very convenient set of circumstances.

Sure, it has nothing to do with the fact that Road Dogg can cut a promo better than most guys and Billy Gunn can carry a match. They're only over because of who they're friends with. I mean, it's why Vincent was so over in WCW.


Did you just describe Triple H's career'?

Wow we gotten to the point of Triple H hate that we don't call him a star now? He was no Rock or Stone Cold but was the 3rd biggest star of the attitude era.

Some news:

Indie wrestlers Roderick Strong and Kevin Steen are confirmed for the next WWE NXT tryout camp at the Performance Center from March 24th until March 26th. Michael Elgin was also trying to get in on the camp but there's no word yet if he will be there.

There is talk of releasing the entire collection of older Madison Square Garden live events on the WWE Network over the next several months. Regarding new content being added to the Network, there is a time consuming process involved to get footage ready for viewing.

There has been some talk of doing a multiple Divas match at WrestleMania XXX. There also may be a multi-team match for the WWE Tag Team Titles.
I was gonna say Bobby Roode could still be awesome in WWE, just gotta buyout his TNA music!

But then its like, they have so many guys already, I don't even see where he could fit now. Probably have a more interesting career in TNA anyway, EC3 is cool but you know he'd just be another midcard jobber or joke USA Guy/Fandango character if he had stayed in WWE.
Sure, it has nothing to do with the fact that Road Dogg can cut a promo better than most guys and Billy Gunn can carry a match. They're only over because of who they're friends with. I mean, it's why Vincent was so over in WCW.


Wow we gotten to the point of Triple H hate that we don't call him a star now? He was no Rock or Stone Cold but was the 3rd biggest star of the attitude era.

Wow. They really did take the time to go back and edit out all instances of "Antonio" on the Cesaro/Sami Zayn match that they are showing on the NXT special.

Of all things to spend your energy on.


I just can't believe they'd give Steen the time of day when they cut Chris Hero for being skinny fat.

Maybe the chance to work with Sami Zayn again will give him to motivation to finally hit the gym?

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
They give tons of people tryouts. Doesn't mean anything.

Also, Cornette(who I hate) made it sound like Steen's a bad influence on Zayn. Tries to act like he's his agent or something.
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