Throughout the years at various jobs, I've met so many guys who were married to a woman who cleaned them out. Maybe they weren't Prince Charming, I'm not saying they are guaranteed to be perfect people or anything, but the law decided that they had to work 3 jobs and live in a box so that they could keep providing a life for a woman who doesn't even want to have a part time job.
The reality is that women are heavily protected by marriage and men get absolutely fucked by it in the event that things go south. There are examples of the opposite happening, sure, but that's not the norm.
I used to work at a lab testing clinic. If during a child custody hearing, someone says the other has a drug/drinking problem, they basically force you to take weekly, OBSERVED drug screens. Meaning I had to watch the pee leave their dicks. I've had so many conversations with people completed jaded at their ex because of them weaponizing children to use to hurt them.
Of course this DOES go both ways because I had a few women least the few who were okay with me observing them pee. But the courts are clearly slanted towards women. Unless the woman has serious problems, it's more likely that children go to the mother instead of the father.
It's pretty bad
And now we live in an age where a woman can just write a single tweet that ruins a man's life and ability to earn income. She can see a man move on, find a new woman, start living a happy life, feel jealous, and years later just accuse him of something he never even did. The company he works for will side with her, the friends and family around him will feel pressured to do the same so as not to be "bigots."
This is true.....but the same place i've worked put me into uncomfortable contact with alot of women who have been raped who cope with it by getting tested for STDs and then never talking about it again. I've heard multiple times that "it's not worth the trouble, i just wanna make sure i'm clean", or they "dont want to ruin families", or a bunch of other stuff.
I think alot of guys believe accusing someone of rape/sexual harassment is easier than it actually is. The VAST majority of women who get raped/sexually harassed/abused actually never say anything. The trouble of burying it and letting them walk is usually FAR easier than dealing with the fallout.
That's just to say that accusations regarding sexual conduct are really complicated. But either way, the types of women who weaponize sexual harassment allegations are no different from the types of women who weaponize their children in divorce/child support settlements. They're malicious cunts.
I just don't think it's the most insane thing for someone to look at it all and say fuck it, this is not worth the hassle anymore. Even Henry Cavill, the guy who plays The Witcher and Superman, who could literally stick his dick in any hole he wanted, has expressed how scary it is to even hit on a woman in this fucked up climate.
There are women out there though who aren't focused on marriage or children, and just want companionship until later in life when they decide they want kids. There are ALOT of them, actually. This is why I said that marriage isn't even an issue here.
Those "incel" type guys tend to convince themselves that women are so much different from men that they not only will never understand them, but can't relate to what they want. That's stupid. The truth is that they've just gotten so caught up in the fact that they're failing that they refuse to take a step back and realize that they're their own issue.
I can 100% get behind a guy who just knows EXACTLY what he wants and is okay ignoring women. But I don't know any guys like that, even if they WISH they were like that. People pretend to dislike things they view out of reach.