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Fighting game fans - Prepare your wallets

We're going to have some cool fighting games coming out every month until November and it all begins with SFAC (PS2) on 8-31-04. Assuming all this stuff actually ships on time. I'm kind of skeptical about that Capcom FE date. I still won't have the money to get all this stuff with all the other non-fighting games I plan on getting.

Street Fighter Anniversary Collection - 8/31/2004
King of Fighters: Maximum Impact - 10/11/2004
King of Fighters 02/03 - 11/2/2004
Guilty Gear Isuka - 11/9/2004
Capcom Fighting Evolution - 11/16/2004

Xbox - All on Xbox Live
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload - 9/7/2004
SVC Chaos: SNK vs. Capcom - 9/28/2004
King of Fighters 02/03 - 11/15/2004


Street Fighter Anniversary Collection - YAY
King of Fighters: Maximum Impact - meh
King of Fighters 02/03 - 11/2/2004 - OK
Guilty Gear Isuka - 11/9/2004 - meh
Capcom Fighting Evolution - 11/16/2004 - Is it even out in arcades in japan?

Xbox - All on Xbox Live
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload - 9/7/2004 - think my college has live blocked.
SVC Chaos: SNK vs. Capcom - 9/28/2004 - BLEH
King of Fighters 02/03 - 11/15/2004 - see comment in PS2


Isuka, #Reload, Fighting Jam and the KOFs are must buys for me. I already have Chaos, 3rd Strike and Hyper SF II but I might get those anyway too.

Need to get MKD and DOAU too.
LinesInTheSand said:
wtf? when is Street Fighter Anniversary Collection coming to XBox?


Here's what I'll most likely end up getting.

Street Fighter Anniversary Collection - 8/31/2004
Guilty Gear Isuka - 11/9/2004
Capcom Fighting Evolution - 11/16/2004 - If it really does come out.

King of Fighters 02/03 - 11/15/2004
wow, its funny how a fighting game doesnt come out for a while (mostly 2d), and then all of the games flood out in a period of 3 months.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
I'm definately getting Street Fighter Anniversary for PS2 and Guilty Gear X2 Midnight Carnival for Xbox. Isuka is coming out at an inopportune time.
waiting on xbox -> Street Fighter Anniversary Collection - 8/31/2004
trash -> King of Fighters: Maximum Impact - 10/11/2004
garbage -> King of Fighters 02/03 - 11/2/2004
unplayable -> Guilty Gear Isuka - 11/9/2004
waiting to see how much it will suck -> Capcom Fighting Evolution - 11/16/2004

Xbox - All on Xbox Live
preordered! -> Guilty Gear X2 #Reload - 9/7/2004
how did this game get past QA? -> SVC Chaos: SNK vs. Capcom - 9/28/2004
garbage -> King of Fighters 02/03 - 11/15/2004
People people people.

I know I'm predictable, but I just can't let this thread go by without reminding you all put some money into your controller hardware. These are arcade adaptations, after all, and you will benefit by going the extra mile.

That's all. I'll shut up. Just a Post-It Note.


Street Fighter Anniversary Collection - Have had it for 3 months already (JP)
King of Fighters: Maximum Impact - I dunno...SNK's last 3D effort produced SS64.
King of Fighters 02/03 - cool
Guilty Gear Isuka - shit
Capcom Fighting Evolution - ?

Xbox - All on Xbox Live
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload - shit
SVC Chaos: SNK vs. Capcom - Have already had it for 3 months on PS2 (JP)
King of Fighters 02/03 - cool

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Magic Box works well enough for PS2 conversion, but I have issues with the DC side of things, plus I think you gotta import it.

Another good one is the 'gamers-edge' adapter or something. It can be found on the shelf at Comp USA or Gamestop usually. It converts PS2 stuff to both Xbox and GC(not that much outside of SC2 would demand it for Nintendo's console), but it does its job extremely well. I'll try to find a pic of if u want, but it's cheap, reliable, and domestic.

I hook both of these up for my arcade stick sessions on the Xbox. Haven't run into a problem with either in regards to PS2 conversion.


hyperbolically metafictive
yeah, i think i've seen that ps2 -> xbox/gc adaptor. so that works with ps2 arcade sticks for you? i think i'll pick it up then...it'd also be nice to use my ps2 pads/sticks on viewtiful joe, the gb player, and really anything on gc that demands digital control.
The adaptor side of things is frought with incompatiblities. Not every adaptor is compatible with every PCB, and there's often side effects that crop up even if does seem to work. Generally, the closer to a real dual shock PCB yours is, the higher probability that there will be no issues.

Pelican's adaptors are readily available, and I've had a pretty good success rate with those over the years. They aren't without their own little issues, but I've not seen anything too serious, mostly just a random directional input every five minutes or so. I have a tiny Nyko PS2->GC adaptor that Is the best I've used yet. At a SC2 tourney, it converted when the other adaptors didn't.

If you're planning on playing SF3rd on LIVE, I highly reccommend finding a solution that doesn't involve an adaptor. Input lag in this arena has been overly prevelant. You've got over four months to get ready, build something for yourself. Try not to use adaptors. PCBs don't have to be tied to one stick you know.

Drohne: exactly what PS2 stick are you using?


How much is Street Fighter Anniversary Collection? It's not full price right?

edit: Just checked. $30? Hmm, it's gonna be tough. I don't know, I'm leaning towards purchasing Katamari Damashi (the concept itself sounds great), and that's $20 and I've got Paper Mario 2: The Thousand Year Door on pre-order :/



hyperbolically metafictive
i actually have a bunch of different ps2 sticks...one of the ascii ft2's, an old grey and yellow namco stick, and a couple x-arcades. i prefer the x-arcades for 2d fighters, so i may just get a couple xbox cables for those if the adaptors don't work properly.
drohne said:
i actually have a bunch of different ps2 sticks...one of the ascii ft2's, an old grey and yellow namco stick, and a couple x-arcades. i prefer the x-arcades for 2d fighters, so i may just get a couple xbox cables for those if the adaptors don't work properly.

Don't bother with the X-Arcade, those things are bad on Live and not real good for SF3rd anyway. The offical adaptor doesn't work fast enough and running a PS2 cable through some random adaptor usually results in lag you can drive through. And by usually I mean: every damn time I tried it.

I'd go with the Namco, those are pretty good, got six buttons, and should be pretty vanilla. Throw a reliable adaptor on that and you've got a good canidate for what I don't think is a great idea anyway, but you can prolly get by.

this space reserved for something else
like maybe I post another arcade stick picture or something, or Bloodrayne.


hyperbolically metafictive
hm...would've assumed the official xbox adaptor would work perfectly on the x-arcade. haven't had any problems with the ps2 adaptor. i do like that namco stick, though, and thanks for the advice.


Virtua Fighter 5 (arcade, prolly nextgen console(s), Tekken 5 (arcade, PS2),
Dead or Alive Ultimate (Xbox), Dead or Alive 4 (likely Xenon) will get the green in my wallet.
SVC Chaos: SNK vs. Capcom - 9/28/2004.....maybe....BIG maybe, played it hated it maybe palying other people on live will do something for it otherwise I'm wating for X-box version of SF:AC
drohne said:
hm...would've assumed the official xbox adaptor would work perfectly on the x-arcade. haven't had any problems with the ps2 adaptor. i do like that namco stick, though, and thanks for the advice.

there's slight input lag on all X-Arcade adaptors, about a frame and a half. This makes it a little difficult to parry properly in SF3rd. If you've got what you need for the DC, try it out yourself. It's also benn well threaded elsewhere that LIVE can lay hell with the little lag that is already there, thus rendering the X a very poor choice for SF3rd on LIVE.

Don't count the X completely out tho', I keep a solo near my desk and that's what I use on my PC.
hey, can you guys post some more info on the arcade sticks. i'm definitely picking up sfa collection and would like to get something good to play with. and if i can also use that stick for vf4 and scII, then that's even better.

ArcadeStickMonk, what sticks are out there that are durable, have a great feel, and lag won't be an issue? what about the real arcade pro that r-b-x posted? it looks sturdy... any help you could give would be hugely appreciated!
Yeah, some arcade stick info would be nice. I'll probably pick one up with SFAC Xbox. I've been a Ascii pad whore since SNES/Genesis Xband.
SaitoH said:
Bah, nothing on that list worth looking at. (waits for real fighting games)
The drunk threads are in the OT.

Personally, I no longer want to use the same stick for three different games, because a big hangup of mine is having only the exact number of buttons needed for the game, and no more, arranged to the arcade spec and properly labled if possible. But that's me.

I haven't used that Pro Arcade, but being that it is a Hori I trust that it is quite good. I never want to own an eight button stick again, but that idea isn't for everyone. Provided that it is made to the same spec as the SC2 Hori's, then I'd trust it with my game, but it wouldn't be my first choice.

Let's talk about those SC2 Horis for a sec. I think they're cheaper, I know they're pretty good, and they only have six buttons. I'd choose this stick over the Pro on the button number alone. A bonus is that they come configured for SC2 and you won't have to change your controls for that game.

The XBOX is trickier, because I've not seen a Hori or something as good made for it, but then again I haven't looked real hard. The issue here is that I don't trust adaptors for other format controllers very far anymore, and I know that the issue can be made worse by XBOX Live - that's can be, and you really need to have a clean controller to hit your parries in SF3rd reliably. I still think that most CVS2 players on SRK use custom built sticks.

Honestly, I don't have a XBOX solution that is good enough for me right now. I'm sure most people will adapt a Hori or Namco and think nothing of it, and I cannot claim definitively that they are wrong, just that I don't trust that method. There are some other XBOX arcade sticks in the stores, but all I've seen is crap. Some people are going to use Red Octane sticks with Happ parts thrown in, but RO seems to have suddenly changed what they offered and it's back to adaptation.

Myself, I had hoped to use my stupidly expensive MAS stick that I had made specifically for Street Fighter games, but while its DC and PS2 performance are above reproach the special adaptor they provide for the XBOX is flakey for some people and we're back to adaptation again. So I can't even recommend my best stick for XBOX use without warnings.

Basically, I'm going to use my MAS when SF3rd comes out and find an XBOX solution before the end of the year. I might mod my MAS to run on hacked PCBs and get XBOX support that way, or I might just build a whole new rig. Maybe I'll get lazy and just have MAS send me another adaptor, hoping that this one performs better, but I doubt it. For SC2 I'll continue to use my SC stick from RO that I modded.

So basically what I'm saying is that the Hori's and Namco's will be good little performers for the PS2 games, but I highly reccomend finding an XBOX solution off the main retail path, unless it doesn't keep you up at night that you're parrying could be faster - in which case you just adapt.
Shompola said:
so are the adapters still shitty for the dc agetech/ascii/sega stick? I plan to use it on PS2 and/or Xbox.

Ah, the good ol Green Goblin. This resists being an exact science, since every stick (PCB) - adaptor combo can work differently. I cannot say that you will have any problems doing this, but I consider it a high lag risk taking and adaptor on LIVE, because any little shred of input lag can be exagerated. I will not trust adaptor hell anymore, but good luck to you.

Think outside the box, people, the PCB doesn't have to be in there, or permentantly attached.


ArcadeStickMonk is right on the money on the Xbox issue, it's truly hard.

Here's what I plan to do :

1. Get Gamester Reflex arcade stick for Xbox (already done).

2. Buy true Happ cherry arcade buttons and Perfect 360 joystick to make the stick OR send the Reflex PCB to MAS Systems or SNAAAKE from SRK to get it inside the stick and make it work.

It doesn't seem very hard to do, you can get pretty much the instruction manual on how to hack this stick right here :

The Reflex even has a working memory card port that works with the Xbox Live headset... so if you can place it well on the new stick : jackpot.


I will hunt down and kill each and every one of you that buys SvC and supports Playmore's mediocrity. Sony had the right idea canning the US version of that game, it's an abortion. :(


ArcadeStickMonk said:
The drunk threads are in the OT.

I'm a fighting game fan, but those titles are crap, IMO. So I'm going to prepare my wallet by keeping it closed and saving money for good fighting games.
Hellraizah said:
Here's what I plan to do :
1. Get Gamester Reflex arcade stick for Xbox (already done).
2. Buy true Happ cherry arcade buttons and Perfect 360 joystick to make the stick OR send the Reflex PCB to MAS Systems or SNAAAKE from SRK to get it inside the stick and make it work.

Send it to Snaaake, the extra 5v ground on the P360 plays hell with people; depends on your confidence in your wiring I suppose.

cherries are the microswitches that the Happ buttons hit, not the buttons themselves. I believe that all Happ horizontal buttons are cherries. Hope you meant to say competition, convex buttons?

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Maximum Impact ROCKS. I guess I still need to post a review after all. It is nothing like SNK's previous 3D efforts. The REAL let down game in this is Guilty Gear Isuka....don't hate on MI when most, if not all of you haven't even played it yet. :p

I highly doubt the U.S. will see the releases of Capcom Fighting Jam and KOF 02/03 this year, so scratch those off the lists for now. CFJ hasn't even been released in arcades yet, and KOF 2003 has yet to hit the PS2 in Japan.

Sorry Mox...I'm buying SvC Chaos. It's got online play, so I'm there. ^_^;


Lyte, how could you!!!!1 AGGGGGGH I HAVE NO SON

I am looking forward to Maximum Impact a lot, actually. Mainly to see Maxima, Clark, Ralf, and Seth in 3d. The game looked pretty good in the movies I saw.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
MoxManiac said:
Lyte, how could you!!!!1 AGGGGGGH I HAVE NO SON

I am looking forward to Maximum Impact a lot, actually. Mainly to see Maxima, Clark, Ralf, and Seth in 3d. The game looked pretty good in the movies I saw.

It's a great game. Different than the 2D KOFs due to the chain combo system, side stepping, and the wall/juggle combos, but at the same time familar, with the rolls, counters, and the cast of characters with all their moves intact. Playmore paid a lot of attention to detail, too; the models look awesome and everyone gets 2 different character models, with the second usually being very different looking than the original, plus there's unlockable third color schemes for each character that usually further changes the way the characters look. This is definitely a different kind of KOF; I've already confirmed for myself that non-KOF gamers would like this title, based on the reactions of my friends yesterday. :)

Here's some pics I captured for those who missed them:

Iori's alternate costume and PIMP SETH:

Leona vs. Ikari Warriors-style Ralph:

Schoolgirl outfit Athena, since it's required to have to have a schoolgirl outfit in every fighting game:

MI has some nasty-looking super moves:

Chae Lim, AKA Kim Kaphwan after a sex change. She plays EXACTLY like him:

The game's boss, Duke:

K' poses:

Alternate K' beats up on Maxima:

Kyo takes on Athena. Kyo gets every outfit he's ever had in KOF, including 2003:

More alternate outfits:

Skimpy extra costumes for the new girls:

Alternate Clark is pretty different-looking:

Original Terry vs. MOTW-style Terry. Both models shout out different names for their moves ("Power Wave!" and "Rock You!"); great attention to detail by Playmore:

Yuri beats up Ryo, whose alternate model is based on his Buriki-One incarnation:

Mai and Lien face off on who has the best "assets."





Unconfirmed Member
SaitoH said:
I'm a fighting game fan, but those titles are crap, IMO. So I'm going to prepare my wallet by keeping it closed and saving money for good fighting games.
Street Fighter II Third Strike is crap? That's news to me.


KoF: MI doesn't look great but I like the details. What's it retailing for here? Guess I need to return to my Saturn "donate to SNK weekly" days.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Grifter said:
KoF: MI doesn't look great but I like the details. What's it retailing for here? Guess I need to return to my Saturn "donate to SNK weekly" days.

Don't let those screen grabs fool you; the game looks very nice, especially the character models...


::awaits rumblefish port ::
note to dimps/sammy/whoever... speed the damn game up while you're at it.

about the hori real arcade stick, it uses jdm (tite, yo) real arcade parts, made by sanwa. that means nice convex buttons and square type stick movement as opposed to american style bat style circle movement. japanese construction also favours plastic and metal over wood. i think it'll be made really sturdy and heavy so it won't move around so much. from the sounds of the description, it might just be a regular ps1 controller taking advantage of backwards compatibility since it's rather featurelss as well as analog-less.
lien > mai it looks like..
hearing srk people saying MI is kinda messed up because of the otgs.
SFAC is where its at, I've got the strat guide and am all ready to go.


anotheriori said:
hearing srk people saying MI is kinda messed up because of the otgs.

ahahahaha... that's so true. it's super cheesy. try some of these tricks from a few rounds of scrub play:
link several power dunks in a row and it's even possible even to do that away from a wall
orochi nagi can otg.... close knockdown, do orochi nagi. evil.
finally, ground fireballs have a purpose. if they're too far away for other moves, do a ground fireball.
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