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Fighting Games Weekly | Apr 6-12 | Fighting Games Weekly | Apr 6-12 | DaiGOAT


what a great episode of cpt. mike ross and kbrad should share hosting duties from now on. they're so hilarious together.

"Am I ass?" Mike Ross 2015


K-Brad doing an overrated top 5.

I missed number 5.

4. Chris T
3. Louffy
2. K-Brad
1. Snake Eyes

How can Luffy be overrated since every ass american said he won evo cuz character?
"Rose is OP" "Filipinoman got 17th at evo so that proves it" "No body knows Rose matchup".

Majority haven't give Luffy credit to his win at first. So now that he had some quite bad results everybody claims he was overrated? Really?

The rest I kinda agree besides K-Brad, cuz Mike's "joke" it's actually a fact... In the past I think my list would have Ricky and Justin, but right now I think people are messuring them right.
How you guys feel about ESL putting MKX weeklies on xbox one? I think it's a big mistake. I believe more people own the ps4 and the community may be significantly larger on ps4. A lot of potential up and comers are now gonna miss out a chance to become competitive. Big mistake by NRS, not everyone has the money to travel to all the tournaments. This online tourney hosted every week would have been massive, and potential to make MK bigger in FGC. Missed Opportunities if you ask me. Atleast Capcom trying to keep the playerbase together by making Online cross play with SFV. I understand MK is not exclusive to ps4 or one but come on exclusive xbox weekly is a bad idea. I love all FGs i want to see MK grow along with Capcom games. And it looks really amazing. I am just disappointed by this news. How you guys feel about this?


Cock Strain, Lifetime Warranty
How you guys feel about ESL putting MKX weeklies on xbox one? I think it's a big mistake. I believe more people own the ps4 and the community may be significantly larger on ps4. A lot of potential up and comers are now gonna miss out a chance to become competitive. Big mistake by NRS, not everyone has the money to travel to all the tournaments. This online tourney hosted every week would have been massive, and potential to make MK bigger in FGC. Missed Opportunities if you ask me. Atleast Capcom trying to keep the playerbase together by making Online cross play with SFV. I understand MK is not exclusive to ps4 or one but come on exclusive xbox weekly is a bad idea. I love all FGs i want to see MK grow along with Capcom games. And it looks really amazing. I am just disappointed by this news. How you guys feel about this?

Was the MK9 scene bigger on 360 or PS3?


This gen could be the best for fighting games ever. Does anyone else feel like this could be a golden era?

I won't think that until we get an anime/marvel style game that is popular and people stick with, that gets patches and has excellent netcode.
How you guys feel about ESL putting MKX weeklies on xbox one? I think it's a big mistake. I believe more people own the ps4 and the community may be significantly larger on ps4. A lot of potential up and comers are now gonna miss out a chance to become competitive. Big mistake by NRS, not everyone has the money to travel to all the tournaments. This online tourney hosted every week would have been massive, and potential to make MK bigger in FGC. Missed Opportunities if you ask me. Atleast Capcom trying to keep the playerbase together by making Online cross play with SFV. I understand MK is not exclusive to ps4 or one but come on exclusive xbox weekly is a bad idea. I love all FGs i want to see MK grow along with Capcom games. And it looks really amazing. I am just disappointed by this news. How you guys feel about this?

Grassroots tournaments are gonna be PS4 so it doesn't matter. If you honestly think you have a chance at the money, you would be getting an Xbone. If you're a typically tournament player, stick with your PS4 and compatible arcade sticks. All it does is give MKX exposure.

@Oneida I think it differed. Mostly PS3 though.
Was the MK9 scene bigger on 360 or PS3?

hard to tell as we have no solid data on it. only NRS can tell you. But If i had to guess i would say ps3 because it had the exclusive character. So more players were probably persuaded to buy it on ps3 due to Kratos.


Cock Strain, Lifetime Warranty
Then I don't know. Maybe they're expecting a lot of KI guys to pick up MKX. Either way, it's just an online tournament. Anyone can set one of those up
Then I don't know. Maybe they're expecting a lot of KI guys to pick up MKX. Either way, it's just an online tournament. Anyone can set one of those up

Yeah but each weeks prize is 1000 dollars. Oh and i am sure lot of KI guys will pick this up. This game will definitely affect all the other fighters present on next gen console at the moment. KI, GGxrd(not so much I think), DoA etc.
you know wnf online is in shambles when you have to plead for two tekken players to commentate your sf4 weekly.

Aris can commentate anything and has been doing SF commentary for a while now. He was honestly the only highlight of the whole wnf online season.


This gen could be the best for fighting games ever. Does anyone else feel like this could be a golden era?

Depends on Street Fighter V - if it delivers like IV did.

So no news about IV on PS4? Seems like forever since that comment about Capcom testing it for quality assurance.


Whatever I'm sure a lot of the nrs scene has xbones anyway cuz there seems to be a big crossover between them and ki.


I'm surprised more people aren't assuming the MKX ESL exclusivity is due to Microsoft. I know I am. A countermeasure to SFV exclusivity and its campaign to pander to the FG ESports crowd.


I'm surprised more people aren't assuming the MKX ESL exclusivity is due to Microsoft. I know I am. A countermeasure to SFV exclusivity and its campaign to pander to the FG ESports crowd.
People aren't assuming it because they know it's true.


I'm surprised more people aren't assuming the MKX ESL exclusivity is due to Microsoft. I know I am. A countermeasure to SFV exclusivity and its campaign to pander to the FG ESports crowd.

Lol it won't get far but it's a nice effort. I mean outside of existing, there is no domino effect.


Microsoft has a partnership with ESL. I know they run Halo tournaments for them and they have an official ESL app on Xbox One. It could be as simple that MS already has the infrastructure in place for things like this because you have to report your results.
Was the MK9 scene bigger on 360 or PS3?

i'm just guessing here, but i'm assuming that MK9 would've been bigger general consumer wise on the PS3 due to the exclusive character, but bigger competitively on 360 due to that being the FGC console standard at the time with SSF4 and Mahvel and all... game still has a solid player base on 360 too, the room is always full of tons of people. just a shame that the netcode sucked ass.

Whatever I'm sure a lot of the nrs scene has xbones anyway cuz there seems to be a big crossover between them and ki.

this too, i'm guessing it's going to be deja vu for MKX with PS4 & Xbone retaining the same roles (not due to tourny standard this time tho)


I must have missed that narrative then? Why is everyone so confused about this being exclusive to One?

Yeah, that Cassie fatality is pretty dope.


Uniel stands for unfortunately not in EVO lineup.

Stealing jokes from Flux, I see.


For shame.

An EVO champion being in an overrated list....

Two Evo champions, actually.


Pretty much why I asked you guys about how you fee about this exclusive deal.
There isn't much to think about. It's not really a good move on NRS's part because they already know that MKX is going to be on PS4 for most grassroot tournaments plus EVO yet they folded to the esports/Microsoft moneyhats. It would also not be a good luck if say the Xbox One version has lower performance than the PS4 (like framerate issues).

Though with all the "season passes", "pre-order DLCs" and non sense with MKX... the money hats is hardly surprising.
There isn't much to think about. It's not really a good move on NRS's part because they already know that MKX is going to be on PS4 for most grassroot tournaments plus EVO yet they folded to the esports/Microsoft moneyhats.

Though with all the "season passes", "pre-order DLCs" and non sense with MKX... the money hats is hardly surprising.




Indeed. MS is a sponsor for them, big one at that to get that kind of support in return. In a way, MS pays part of their bills. It's only natural that MS gets something in return. No such thing as free lunch. So yeah, it looks backwards but ESL is a business w/ expenses.
I hope smug do well in topanga. people in /rkappa seems to hate this guy with a passion. I don't know why. He's a great player, his playstyle is entertaining to watch and Hes from NYC so i gotta support him lol. I really hope he doesn't end up last.
I'd actually buy Topanga if they'd actually let us buy it. Maybe I'll try one time, but if it doesn't work then I'll just read about it and try to catch it whenever it gets uploaded or watch it live if it's restreamed else where.


Mrs. Harvey
Sounds about right


Nico Nico doesn't want my money apparently. Every year it seems harder and harder to buy tickets. It's easy to get premium but for some reason ten times harder to buy events. Gotta make like several calls and wait this and that. No time for that BS.

Smug is one of the most liked players in the FGC right now. Don't know where all these Smug haters are.


Mrs. Harvey
Nobody is more liked than Daigo obviously. Not too sure about the far East but Smug is well liked in the U.S and Europe. You can even go as far as to say some of these people thought he was going to body Daigo.
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