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Fighting Games Weekly | April 7-13 | Smash our expectations


Ah thanks, I will. I really don't know much about Dolphin, I'm a Mac user too. Does it work on Macs?

I posted this screenshot last week in a thread about Wii games. I tried looking for some online TvC matches, waited 15 mins and got nothing.

It does run on mac but I don't know much about the current mac version. TvC looks fantastic in Dolphin (though it's one of the titles that tends to be a bit twitchy to get to run smoothly).


This was also dissapointing. They go through the trouble of creating a great 3D model for Megaman X as use it as a fucking costume for Zero!
/3 year old salt
Ah thanks, I will. I really don't know much about Dolphin, I'm a Mac user too. Does it work on Macs?

I posted this screenshot last week in a thread about Wii games. I tried looking for some online TvC matches, waited 15 mins and got nothing.

T'is a shame too. I prefer TvC of Marvel gameplay just because it doesn't have X-factor. But it's a fighting game on a system that isn't good for fighting games other than Smash. Shame too, TvC is a really awesome game.


tagged by Blackace
Now I'm curious why every fighting game event is primarily a competitive tournament.
Well, they started as tournaments, that is and always will be the foundation or what the event is for pirmarily. The best events (EVO, UFGT) try to be more of that and integrate convention elements. You wouldn't see much of the panels, etc. or the periphery stuff if there wasn't that fierce competition as a counterpart.
Now I'm curious why every fighting game event is primarily a competitive tournament.

Because it's the center piece. Like the roast, or the BBQ pit, the big game at the tv, idk. Even when me and friends used to have get togethers, we always had a mini tournament at the end for ego and bragging rights. So many "stop fucking around, play for real" were uttered at this things. The tournament is main event and the main reason to be there, along with the other stuff. To me.

About that article, I agree with MikeBreezy92, I thought he was going somewhere with it, then it trailed off. I agree with the core of what he is saying, I think. What I took from it, and this is how I look it, the act of serious competition is where enjoyment is extracted, win or lose. The competition and the journey of getting better and the camaraderie of a common goal.

I used to play tennis with groups on the weekends and play city league softball. Yea, we are all there just to have fun and be casual about it, but people are getting serious, people want to win and we like the having the structure. There is a goal.


I was largely considering the competitive scene and any groups willing to develop a standard ruleset amongst themselves. It being a separate mode gives it a stigma on its own (I know, somewhat ironic considering the scene).

The core gameplay has hardly evolved since Melee, when there's so much more they can do, without convoluting its presentation through mode/content bloat or its accessibility.

What Brawl and these upcoming games make me think of are the Japanese equivalent of Western AAA tumescence. The multiplayer can't be shoehorned in, since it was there from the start, so you keep tacking on these other (meaningless) distractions to add bullet points to the back of your box and ad campaigns. Meanwhile, the core gameplay either devolves from some lofty (often times nostalgic) standard or changes little, which is meaningless to some, great for some, and spiteful and horrible to others. In the end, it doesn't matter, because the perceived value of the product ultimately outshines how the game actually plays in relation to its predecessors and sells to the average consumer anyways. Then some sit back some months later and can't put their finger on what wasn't the same.

The hype surrounding the Direct kinda falls into my point. In this thread in particular.

What are you guys hyped about? You know nothing about how the game plays. How the game feels. But you're hyped because you were presented Little Mac? And Pokemon? Because Sakurai GIFS? Trophy guessing games? A mode that was thrown in in hopes to salvage ideas that were tossed to the cutting-room floor?

What about how precise the control over your most interested character is going to be? What about the game's speed? What about the tension of the edge-guard game? In what capacity is that relevant? Any new additions to the baseline mechanics, such as the Toadstool jump in Brawl? Hopefully something more meaningful? How are the physics? How is controlling Mario going to feel? etc. etc. I'd think being fighting game players, you'd all care more about that stuff.

It seems like what happens when certain developers/designers stick around too long, is that they stop thinking about pure mechanics and dynamics and they start thinking more about content and presentation. The majority of the fan base follows suit, and I think neither content, nor presentation, actually make a game good.

So you won't get hype for games unless you have their frame data?


I don't want tournaments to stop being tournaments, I'm just curious why almost every last event is a tournament first, everything else second. A large number of people go to these events and don't give a crap about the tournament, so why keep having it be the main focus of every event. I'm sure a TO will pop in and tell me that nobody will show up unless it is a tournament.

Not trying to start like an argument or debate like things always go here, I'm just curious why. I probably already know why, but still curious.

Well, they started as tournaments, that is and always will be the foundation or what the event is for pirmarily. The best events (EVO, UFGT) try to be more of that and integrate convention elements. You wouldn't see much of the panels, etc. or the periphery stuff if there wasn't that fierce competition as a counterpart.

They started as tournaments and that's why everything is a tournament, sure. Doesn't mean it has to end up with everything being like that.
I was bored, so:

Evo 2013 top 8
Fountain of Dreams-5
Final Destination-3
Pokemon Stadium-1
Yoshi's Story-1

Apex 2014 top 8
Final Destination-9 (thanks M2K and your FD counterpicks)
Pokemon Stadium-5
Yoshi's Story-5
Fountain of Dreams-3
I don't want tournaments to stop being tournaments, I'm just curious why almost every last event is a tournament first, everything else second. A large number of people go to these events and don't give a crap about the tournament, so why keep having it be the main focus of every event. I'm sure a TO will pop in and tell me that nobody will show up unless it is a tournament.

Not trying to start like an argument or debate like things always go here, I'm just curious why. I probably already know why, but still curious.

They started as tournaments and that's why everything is a tournament, sure. Doesn't mean it has to end up with everything being like that.

What would you suggest be the main attraction over the tournament though? Sure in theory the tournament doesn't have to be the main attraction at a FG event, but what else would it be?
I don't want tournaments to stop being tournaments, I'm just curious why almost every last event is a tournament first, everything else second. A large number of people go to these events and don't give a crap about the tournament, so why keep having it be the main focus of every event. I'm sure a TO will pop in and tell me that nobody will show up unless it is a tournament.

Not trying to start like an argument or debate like things always go here, I'm just curious why. I probably already know why, but still curious.

What do you think the reason is for that? It's interesting to hear other opinions on it.

Do you think that amount of people that go to EVO would go if there was no tournament, and just a hall of casual play and panels and stuff like that? Or any event. I am not sure myself. I might, just a straight fighting game convention I guess. The actual tournament, along with lots of room for byoc (which has been an issue with EVOs lately for me) are the main draws for me to go to these things.


tagged by Blackace
Anyone have a link to new discoveries/easter eggs/observations people made from all the Smash stuff we got from yesterday? Don't really feel like reading tens of pages in the Smash thread, if there is a summary somewhere.

They started as tournaments and that's why everything is a tournament, sure. Doesn't mean it has to end up with everything being like that.
Like I said, the competition is what brings the rest of it together. If you take out the main attraction, would the rest sustain itself? Or would people just rather go to conventions that already have that periphery stuff plus more? The tournament focus is what makes those fighting game events unique. It's not side gigs like say going to PAX or Comic-con.

lol at enzo getting fooled videogame-The Onion. For shame.
I didn't see a link in OP, should have checked for myself :(


Like I said, the competition is what brings the rest of it together. If you take out the main attraction, would the rest sustain itself? (

This is why this hasn't been done yet. And idk what I'd want the main attraction to be. Maybe smaller tournaments for more games in different formats, maybe panels and con stuff, maybe have preview builds and loketests around, have lots of room for consoles and cabs, have exhibition events, etc. Idk what everybody wants(I just go to see people from other regions) and being successful without the guaranteed tournament draw is a thing I haven't seen attempted before.


Isn't dah beach a tourist attraction first and a tournament second? At least that's how the players treated it.
We've been around this block before Kars. You know I love my women with a phat ass but they gotta have a brain I can appreciate first.

Zero is a Mega Man, technically.
A Mega Man =/= Megaman.

Of course you would. I'm sure his post looksnicer.

I liked his content.

Anyway, I need to clear something up. When I said I liked JC's post, I didn't even mean that I liked it as a response to you. I just liked the general thoughts it contained. So, let's not continue this discussion; I never had it set as a great response to you in the first place.


tagged by Blackace
Isn't dah beach a tourist attraction first and a tournament second? At least that's how the players treated it.
Well, VxG was a tournament before they started attracting international players, though its sold as an international event to us. Seems like a tourist attraction to us because of some high profile community members being flown out but its still a trans-Caribbean event first.

TBH VxG doesn't really fall in line with any type of event. It's such a unique circumstance.

I swear this isn't the first time enzo's been had by P4R, either


Fans who say that fake news piece is "believable" are only believing their own bullshit too much. The villain fantasy is too overpowering. When you say that it is less of a Capcom diss and more of a sign your reality might be a little too predicated on the on-goings of a videogame news forum. The truth is that a corporation has put a mascot platformer IP on hiatus for about four years (including Virtual Console and such), so in 2014 instead of having 71 Megaman franchise games we have 70 (and an iphone game or w/e).

Letting elaborate narratives over videogame news dictate your reality is CRAZY. These people are CRAZY.
This is why this hasn't been done yet. And idk what I'd want the main attraction to be. Maybe smaller tournaments for more games in different formats, maybe panels and con stuff, maybe have preview builds and loketests around, have lots of room for consoles and cabs, have exhibition events, etc. Idk what everybody wants(I just go to see people from other regions) and being successful without the guaranteed tournament draw is a thing I haven't seen attempted before.

I don't think that'll work for a few reasons. One money. Two just casuals and panels seems kinda boring even with Smaller tournaments because the air of competition really isn't as thick. We do value competition as a end and that's not a bad thing. 3. I don't think the FGC is "mainstream" enough for anything like that.


If a game's gameplay isn't fulfilling, any amount of extraneous content won't make the game better for me. I consider setting, quests, loot, and story secondary to the game itself, though I will make exceptions for a boring game if it has an interesting story.

This was true for brawl, guild wars 2, DmC, Bioshock Infinite, Skyrim, billion other games.

When I tell people I think Brawl is a bad game, I always get responses like "well it's the smash game with the most characters, stages and music and (insert extraneous systems) so it's the best game by default". It's pretty much standard nowadays that people rate games based on their content rather than their systems, so I'm not at all surprised about those responses.

So for me, the new Smash at the moment looks great from a content perspective, but very uninteresting (but slightly more interesting than brawl) from a systems perspective.


Fans who say that fake news piece is "believable" are only believing their own bullshit too much. The villain fantasy is too overpowering. When you say that it is less of a Capcom diss and more of a sign your reality might be a little too predicated on the on-goings of a videogame news forum. The truth is that a corporation has put a mascot platformer IP on hiatus for about four years (including Virtual Console and such), so in 2014 instead of having 71 Megaman franchise games we have 70 (and an iphone game or w/e).

Letting elaborate narratives over videogame news dictate your reality is CRAZY. These people are CRAZY.
What is this in response to?

Capcom doesn't make MM games because it's not profitable for them to make it. That's really the bottom line. Franchise average is lower than DMC games and right now even a new DMC game is uncertain.

If Capcom were to make a new MM game it would be an outsourced product like they did with Strider. And given how zealous some MM fans get they will reject the game anyway saying "this is not the REAL MM game we wanted!"

That said Capcom needs to handle their PR related to MM much better.


I could see more tourneys being held at Comic Cons, anime conventions, game conventions. Some already do but they are usually low key.


tagged by Blackace
Capcom doesn't make MM games because it's not profitable for them to make it. That's really the bottom line. Franchise average is lower than DMC games and right now even a new DMC game is uncertain.

If Capcom were to make a new MM game it would be an outsourced product like they did with Strider. And given how zealous some MM fans get they will reject the game anyway saying "this is not the REAL MM game we wanted!"

That said Capcom needs to handle their PR related to MM much better.
Fans don't understand reliability in IPs, nor the amount of work/money that would go into such a thing.

The petition or support list or w/e for MML3 really proved that the venture may have been more risky than an otherwise surefire success when it crawled to get to a fraction of the number of people they'd want to sell the game to.

An event centered around loketests and previews of multiple games would be awesome actually, although most like unrealistic.
Incredibly unreliable and unpractical. Also solely dependent on dev cycles of games. Devs best opportunity for this is existing events, where also the logistics aren't expensive for them either (just need to bring a few set ups; a loke test with a hundred set ups means collecting information requires more personnel too). The current solution makes dedicated events kind of irrelevant.


Alternatively you can have stuff like Blizzcon and the former Capcom Captivate hold tournaments (Blizzcon already does, at least they had for Hearthstone). For Capcom they can make Capcom Cup the new Capcom Captivate where they can make it both a tournament and an event to announce/showcase new games. This would both get gamers hands on with the news and get more exposure to their fighting games (as press will be there to cover new games).
An event centered around loketests and previews of multiple games would be awesome actually, although most like unrealistic.

How reliable is that? What if we hit a dark age again and no new games are coming all the time. We gonna have COD ghosts 2 and BF 2016 demos stations there?

I'm all for expanding stuff around the core of the tournament, but this would require more and more room. Arcade rooms, with dedicated cabs for the non big games, like Cyberbots or EX2, or just console stations dedicated to the small games, like a TMNT or weaponlord station. or little mini exhibitions for small games. My personal want, a bust a move tournament. I would love a 24 hour BYOC room at EVO.

Though, I always wanted a SEGA convention (not every year), Scud Race, Fighting vipers, house of the dead, all sega game tournaments. VF of course, haha.


Brawl was an amazing game and was packed full of content.

Competitive Brawl doubles is also some of the best gameplay I've ever had the pleasure of experiencing in my life. Pure Bliss.
Some of you probably know what offbeat tourney I would hold... in fact I'm trying to prod players into going to a potential one at UFGT. Not too successful so far though :(


And despite my preference for number notation, hearing it dominate commentary in anime games does not help grow the scene in my humble opinion.
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