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Fighting Games Weekly | April 7-13 | Smash our expectations

Aquapazza is $10 at Newegg.

There are a ton of other games on sale, if you want to dig around.

And now it's out of stock. Not surprised, though - $10 is a steal.

Shoutouts to niconico blocking the stream outside Japan and even with that tons of restreams are up and even VPN's are working fine. Good shit niconico, good shit....

The Sega approach has its flaws, but at least they didn't have to handle any filthy, converted foreign money. Now their performance metrics are pure! Untainted by outsiders!


The Full Schedule thing was probably the biggest Marvel related thing to happen recently.

That and Justin Wong vs Nemo matches at the Korean tournament.

Was that ever captured? I don't remember reading much about it, but I may have been away from GAF for a little bit. Was it even hype?

Damn, its so great to see NLBC poppin' again. Sanford time and time again reinvigorates the East Coast.

Are we sure this isn't the Ultra effect? Not to say that Sanford doesn't inspire people to come out, but interest always rises when there's a new version.

Here's the number of tournament and event postings on SRK by month correlated with release dates of various fighting games:



Yes, this doesn't have just SF tournaments, but you can see how the number of tournaments for fighting games increases drastically when a new version of SF comes out.

Forward compatibility is not something we control. We don't make the consoles nor do we get the specs on compatibility until long after our product is designed/produced.

You can control the space in the middle (between your stick and the console).

For future designs, making components more modular, maybe even to the point where you can swap out PCBs easily (and in a manufacturer-supported way) would provide many more options for people who just can't shell out that much money for a new system.

They somehow made Falcon cool. Probably the greatest achievement in the MCU.

As they did with Nick Fury, they took from the Ultimate universe:



As far as Topanga results.

Wao vs Xian:
Currently 6-3 Wao


Like I agree some STUPID shit has been said in the Smash threads that deserve criticism and I can understand why some here are frustrated but I'm not sure ridiculing them here or pulling their posts over here to point and laugh at them is healthy or accomplishes much. It's just an attitude that doesn't sit well with me - little pockets of the site lording over and ridiculing other little pockets of the site. If anything is to be done, I feel confronting or ignoring them is more productive.

This times 1000, even though I'm guilty of it too. But ever since Solar called me out on it I've tried to be more mindful that it's toxic. Also the mocking of other posters from other threads was one of the things cited in the downfall of HaloGAF. Let's not be that.


God damn Bonchan making me a believer. I can't believe they gave him Infiltration and Fuudo on the first day, easily his two hardest matchups and he passed with flying colors.

Oh wow Xian doing better when it actually means something, who would've guessed.


So who is everyone planing on using in the new smash?
I'm planning on using Greninja, Pikachu, Zero Suit Samus, and Bowser myself :D

My main in Brawl/Project M is Diddy/Lucario, so I'm gonna keep themm around. I'll be messing with Sonic, Mac, Villager and Greninja doe


Rog doing a decent job livetweeting Topanga.
This Daigo/Xian match sounds amazing

So who is everyone planing on using in the new smash?
I'm planning on using Greninja, Pikachu, Zero Suit Samus, and Bowser myself :D

I like the look of the changes to Pit (Project M main) and also think I'll love the way Little Mac plays. We'll see.


Xian's weird blonde hair took away all his strength.

From watching the highlight videos, it seems like the story of the day was random/wake up ultra/supers.
Can't believe I can't watch this Topanga league :(

And I think the final USF4 changes are out there but in Japanese.. I downloaded it and have no idea what any of this says :(


Thank you capcom for listening to everyone saying Dhalsim needs help:p

Here are the old and New Dhalsim changes:

Capcom are really good at copying and pasting!
EventHubs' MajinTenshinhan is working on translating the list as well. Here's what's up so far.


- Crouching Medium Kick is now -2 instead -3 on block.
- The first hit of Jumping Medium Punch is now cancellable into Airborne Tatsu (EX as well)
- Light, Medium and Heavy Airborne Tatsu can now be used in combos
- EX Airborne Tatsu: Hitbox, as well as "vacuum effect" increased. Easier to land all hits now.
- Light, Medium Shoryuuken are now -5f frames on block when FADC'd into a forward dash.
- When you do "EX Shoryuken (first hit), FADC, Dash", you can be punished by anything other than a throw (?)
- Metsu Shoryuken: One more frame of invincibility added


- Movement speed slightly increased.
- Close standing medium kick has had its downward hitbox increase, and is now easier to hit crouching opponents with.
- Crouching medium kick recovery has been reduced from 16 frames to 13 frames. Hitstun changed to +2 frames from -1 frame. Blockstun changed to -1 frame from -4 frames.
- Crouching heavy kick startup changed to 7 frames from 8 frames. Recovery changed to 19 frames from 21 frames.
- Lightning Kick changed to ±0 frames on block, from -1 frame.
- Light, Medium and Heavy Hadouken damage increased to 70 from 60.
- EX Hadouken damage increased to 50+50, from 50+40.
- If Medium Shoryuken trades on the first hit, Ken will now be considered airborne when hit.
- Heavy Shoryuken can now be FADC'd on second hit during opponent's block.
- Light, Medium and Heavy Shoryuuken are all now -5 frames on block when FADC'd into a forward dash.
- Heavy Tatsu now has 6 frames startup instead of 7 frames.
- Light, Medium and Heavy Airborne Tatsu trajectory changed when done while jump is heading upwards.
- EX Airborne Tatsu trajectory changed.
- Shinryuken non-animation damage increased by 60.
- Guren Senpukyaku has slightly better range when activated.


Setec Astronomer
T. Hawk looks mostly the same as Capcom Cup, but there's a note for EX Condor Spire and recovery on L Tomahawk got changed 28f->27.


Well, its definitely a better homage because it has .EXE, the best Megaman. The SFxTK one is still awesome and super creative though. Although it isn't the same, Megaman's ending in UMvC3 did something similarly cool.

...You meant Zero's ending, right? I haven't seen it yet.


Setec Astronomer
Sagat is the same as Capcom Cup list except:

2nd hit of close stand LK is special and super cancellable.
Tiger uppercut FADC is -5 like all the other dp FADCs. (same for angry scar upper).
UC2 is 384->309.

Edit: Rose is the same.
Evil Ryu is the same, with dp FADC being -5.


Hahaha they actually improved ken from capcom cup, I thought capcom cup ken would be top ten at best because he lacked his setups after Kara throw thanks to dwu, and than I thought he would get nerfed even more since everyone was whining about him, nope even more buffs.

I'm sure the last topanga settled who was the best ken anyway, but if that was in doubt for anyone it won't be in ultra. (Assuming no one else jumps in on the ken train)

And after all that crying about kens 2 hit fadc dp on block and hit, he gets it back after it was nerfed in the last build.

Unless the translation was wrong

Someone do Cammy please!!!


Setec Astronomer
Cammy changes from CC:

Cannon Spike is -5 on FADC
c HP is now even on block (was +2)
No mention of c LK not chain cancelling
EX cannon strike blockstun reduced by 5f. (was listed 4f)


What's the current frame data on the average DP > FADC? I forget.

It would take EX Fireball providing KD for me to play Ken again. Don't know why but that change from 3S really bugged me.


Setec Astronomer
Ibuki from CC:

Backhand(HP->HP) listed as being special, super, and superjump cancellable.
No mention of neckbreaker not being hard knockdown

Note: I'm leaning on the understanding that being focus cancellable and super cancellable are the same thing to the game's engine. It actually just mentions focus cancellable here when I say "super".


I really really don't agree with some Sim players that he is THAT bad, and he got some great buffs all around in Ultra. Wultra will help him imo, his double-hitting MP will mess up people trying to crumple him from far away, U2 is better, tons of buttons getting more damage.

What's wrong with him now? And what major change would you give to Sim? *looking at Arturo, SimSim and UltraDavid*

What's the current frame data on the average DP > FADC? I forget.

It would take EX Fireball providing KD for me to play Ken again. Don't know why but that change from 3S really bugged me.

It's 0 on block now
Ibuki from CC:

Backhand(HP->HP) listed as being special, super, and superjump cancellable.
No mention of neckbreaker not being hard knockdown

Note: I'm leaning on the understanding that being focus cancellable and super cancellable are the same thing to the game's engine. It actually just mentions focus cancellable here when I say "super".

thanks. so she's pretty much the same.


Setec Astronomer
Makoto from CC:

L and M Tsurugi blockstun reduced by 2f, lowest hit now -3f.
No mention of Karakusa CH damage-when-hit nerf.


Setec Astronomer
Zangief from CC:

L greenhand...
Startup 11 -> 8
On hit -5 -> -3
On block -7 -> -8

M greenhand...
startup 13f -> 11f
on hit -8 -> -6

H greenhand...
startup 16f -> 14f
on hit -7 -> -6
on block -9 -> -7

No EX greenhand changes listed.

(note: there's a typo in the move naming. it lists L M H as L, M+H, and L+M+H respectively, which makes no sense.)


I really really don't agree with some Sim players that he is THAT bad, and he got some great buffs all around in Ultra. Wultra will help him imo, his double-hitting MP will mess up people trying to crumple him from far away, U2 is better, tons of buttons getting more damage.

What's wrong with him now? And what major change would you give to Sim? *looking at Arturo, SimSim and UltraDavid*

He is getting slightly buffed, but the ex blast buff is not noticable (according to UD), his lk and mk blast buffs are insignificant since they still won't be reliable as reactionary anti airs.

He is getting a nerf to st.mp as well as the buff.

He is getting ex blast hard knock down removed, which was one of his only ways to set up offense as well as to escape from the corner

His U2 buff is very slight and isn't noticable (according to the plauers that have tested it)

He will be one of the chracters to benefit the most from Wultra, but he does fall in to the "less damage" category

He will benefit from delayed wake up, but will suffer from it as well, since his fireball traps will be messed up.

All in all he is getting more buffs than nerfs, but they aren't very significant. And as you say, both Arturo, Champ, UD and me, pretty much thinks he is a bottom 5 character. I know a lot of people don't think that, but if you gather tierlists from top players all around, they all feel they og even or beat Sim.


Would bet money on Sim being bottom tier not due to competitive balance but due to "Sim makes lower level/casual players not want to play anymore."
Would bet money on Sim being bottom tier not due to competitive balance but due to "Sim makes lower level/casual players not want to play anymore."

Its true. I switched characters at work because of how slippery and frustrating Sim can be for people learning or casually play SF. Its a death by a thousand med punches or full screen teleport crossups that get frustrate a lot of people.
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