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Figure GAF |OT4| Witty Title Delayed

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Midnight launches at gamestop has always been weird for me.

Ya...I went to get my copy of GTA IV when it was released along with two friends. It was pouring outside but there was a awning luckily so we stayed dry. Really random group of people honestly, but what freaked me out was this incredibly overweight lady that showed up wearing clothes way to small for her and carrying BAGS of McDonalds and a huge duffel bag. She sat right down on the concrete half in the rain and scarfed her food down louder than any wild beast I have ever heard before. She then tried to talk to my buddy about the new game, he was freaked out and stayed quiet, I tried to at least converse with her and be nice. She seemed ok at first but when I told her how much I liked Vice City when she asked about what other GTA games I liked she scoffed at me and stopped talking almost immediately. Saying something under her breath about how much the 80s suck and should die.

After that I stuck with my friends and we got our games and rushed home lol.


Ya...I went to get my copy of GTA IV when it was released along with two friends. It was pouring outside but there was a awning luckily so we stayed dry. Really random group of people honestly, but what freaked me out was this incredibly overweight lady that showed up wearing clothes way to small for her and carrying BAGS of McDonalds and a huge duffel bag. She sat right down on the concrete half in the rain and scarfed her food down louder than any wild beast I have ever heard before. She then tried to talk to my buddy about the new game, he was freaked out and stayed quiet, I tried to at least converse with her and be nice. She seemed ok at first but when I told her how much I liked Vice City when she asked about what other GTA games I liked she scoffed at me and stopped talking almost immediately. Saying something under her breath about how much the 80s suck and should die.

After that I stuck with my friends and we got our games and rushed home lol.

The amount of incredibly overweight people in ratty clothing at these launch events astonishes me.
Preorders are starting in February for “Persona 3 the Movie: #1 Spring of Birth” Takeba Yukari by Vertex
Vertex released today some additional photos for their “Persona 3 the Movie: #1 Spring of Birth” Takeba Yukari figure, which was teased last week with first painted prototype photos and then displayed at Wonder Festival 2015 [Winter] on February 8th, 2015. The company announced that pre-orders for the figure will open sometime in February.

“Persona 3 the Movie: #1 Spring of Birth” Takeba Yukari figure by Vertex is sculpted by M.I.C., with release date, list price and scale still to be announced. While waiting for pre-orders to start, here’s new photos Vertex released today.


I might need these (gatchaman):

Fuuuuuuuuu is this the next one from the Sentinel Tatsunoko line??!!!!

See, my problem with this kind of line is that I'd get them if they do the whole gang, and by the time the five of them are out, if ever, the first ones will be out of print :/ But I'd love to have a nice set of Gatchamen figures...

A bit too conservative for my tastes....
I heard she was all the hotness in Victorian England though :p

Cross post. Thought you all might enjoy it.
I used to work retail, I swear the smelly gamer trope is sometimes brutally real. Plus, I'm French, we all stink to begin with anyway. I think the other one might be pathologically insane though.
Holy crap this thread moves lightning fast. We're a quarter way through this OT already!

Ieyasu has kinda of a derpy face but I'll still get him regardless.

lol at Durararara body pillows

and what's with the sudden increase of shirtless guys

I can't say I'm complaining. I look forward to any and all figures attempting to pander to me. (I do wonder if it's due to the influence of Free! since that was a whole anime about shirtless guys and it was a hit.)

I have no need for Yukari but I'll still hope the figure sells well enough that more Persona figures are made.


Still can't get over how short that skirt is. At eye level you can see her asscheeks.


this pics look awful but I think they just need to give the camera to somebody who knows how to work the damn thing.

day fucking 1 i don't even care.
Cross post. Thought you all might enjoy it.

I'll admit it, when I was doing my system transfer after everyone else had left, I was chatting with the employees at my GameStop (Who are really, really cool, and are more or less friends of mine), and I might have made a bit of a Nintendo appreciation conversation, but I always always make it clear that it's just my opinion, and not in any way better than others.

To be clear it was more of "I like how Reggie and Iwata actually make themselves known and get involved with all the internet humor", and not any "Nintendo is the lord and savior of games and Sony and MS suck and shall bow before them".

EDIT: Those are some very weird choices of camera angle.
Further proof on why I don't mess with Amazon (US) for figures.

My Zelda LE arrived and the box is all kinds of messed up. Shipping box is pristine though >.>
Same thing happened with my latest Medicchu that I bought, that box also had a massive dent and wrinkles all over one corner. Yet the shipping box was fine.

Emailed them and they offered 30% back on the Zelda order at least. Or a full refund but I would have to send it back.


I'll admit it, when I was doing my system transfer after everyone else had left, I was chatting with the employees at my GameStop (Who are really, really cool, and are more or less friends of mine), and I might have made a bit of a Nintendo appreciation conversation, but I always always make it clear that it's just my opinion, and not in any way better than others.

To be clear it was more of "I like how Reggie and Iwata actually make themselves known and get involved with all the internet humor", and not any "Nintendo is the lord and savior of games and Sony and MS suck and shall bow before them".

It's typical loser behavior. I mean loser in the literal way. You have to validate your purchasing decisions by downplaying everything else.

This isn't exclusive to Nintendo. People do this with the Vita a lot.

And yes, the employees at Gamestop can be awesome. The guy behind the counter was super friendly and actually offered me advice when I told him I was new. When I picked up the game he genuinely wished I enjoyed the game and told me if I had questions I could stop by any time and he'd help.
The amount of incredibly overweight people in ratty clothing at these launch events astonishes me.

That reminds me of the WotLK launch.

My friend and I cruised past Gamestop in the Arboretum here in Austin because some of the Blizzard guys were going to be there and we figured "Why the hell not?"

Saw the the half mile long shambling mob dressed like hobos and said "Let's try Walmart."
I can't say I'm complaining. I look forward to any and all figures attempting to pander to me. (I do wonder if it's due to the influence of Free! since that was a whole anime about shirtless guys and it was a hit.)

I didn't say it was a bad thing! Just an observation.

I have no need for Yukari but I'll still hope the figure sells well enough that more Persona figures are made.

Akihiko deserves a new figure!
But i like skirts that low.
Skirts that low ARE pretty nice...

It's typical loser behavior. I mean loser in the literal way. You have to validate your purchasing decisions by downplaying everything else.

This isn't exclusive to Nintendo. People do this with the Vita a lot.

And yes, the employees at Gamestop can be awesome. The guy behind the counter was super friendly and actually offered me advice when I told him I was new. When I picked up the game he genuinely wished I enjoyed the game and told me if I had questions I could stop by any time and he'd help.
I think it's so weird with the validating. Like I get the playful ribbing your friends and stuff, but... I mean, you bought something. Isn't that validation enough?

The only thing I shake my head at is people who buy everything BUT Nintendo. They'll have PC, XBone, PS4... But not Wii U. Just from a value perspective, it seems odd that they'd have like 90% redundancy across every system they have, but won't pick up the cheap system with an almost wholly unique library, just cuz it's "too kiddy". And then they talk about how awesome Disney and Toy Story are. :/


Midnight launches at gamestop has always been weird for me.

Heh the launch event at the gamestop near me for SSB 3DS was quite a blast, where the few of us that were there played not only the demo of the 3DS version, but also Melee, and the N64 version during the couple hours before midnight thanks to someone bringing in a tv and the consoles.


I don't have a Wii U for many reasons. I don't typically like Nintendo's games nor their consoles.

No real account system. No achievements. No third party support. I don't really like platformers or character action games. Zelda could be fun, but I'm not buying a system for one game. X looks amazing. But, again, not buying a console for two games. Wii U isn't for me. I have a 3DS, Vita, PS4, and PC. I'm overflowing with games. It has nothing to do with being kiddy. That's stupid. I just don't like the games they make, personally.


I don't have a Wii U for many reasons. I don't typically like Nintendo's games nor their consoles.

No real account system. No achievements. No third party support. I don't really like platformers or character action games. Zelda could be fun, but I'm not buying a system for one game. X looks amazing. But, again, not buying a console for two games. Wii U isn't for me. I have a 3DS, Vita, PS4, and PC. I'm overflowing with games. It has nothing to do with being kiddy. That's stupid. I just don't like the games they make, personally.
Bayonetta 2, W101, and Pikmin 3 yo.
Too many good posts to quote, so I'll only do a few:

This is what I'll say

I played some Monster Hunter Freedom Unite (AKA 2G)... Didn't care much for it. Really couldn't get into it.

I got MH3U on day one, but never played it because none of my friends got it... A year later I finally decided to play it, even solo... Holy crap I fell in love with the game. Absolutely incredible.

MH4U is even better. No more annoying underwater segments, two new weapons, new monsters, and far more verticality in areas, which is really awesome... Oh, and of course portable online, etc.

I dunno about the full game, but the demo appeared to be running at 60fps on my old 3DS XL. (Could be variable framerate though. MH3U would normally run 30fps for me, then sometimes shoot up to 60fps... Was always weird to see)
Even though MH4G/MH4U was designed with the n3DS processor in mind, MH4 was still designed originally for the OG 3DS.

The FPS was fine in 3U. I can't imagine that it will be awful here. Although unless a game hella chugs it never really bothers me.

Thanks for the help guys, I appreciate it. This time I'll dive into MH4U more.

Cross post. Thought you all might enjoy it.

Ya...I went to get my copy of GTA IV when it was released along with two friends. It was pouring outside but there was a awning luckily so we stayed dry. Really random group of people honestly, but what freaked me out was this incredibly overweight lady that showed up wearing clothes way to small for her and carrying BAGS of McDonalds and a huge duffel bag. She sat right down on the concrete half in the rain and scarfed her food down louder than any wild beast I have ever heard before. She then tried to talk to my buddy about the new game, he was freaked out and stayed quiet, I tried to at least converse with her and be nice. She seemed ok at first but when I told her how much I liked Vice City when she asked about what other GTA games I liked she scoffed at me and stopped talking almost immediately. Saying something under her breath about how much the 80s suck and should die.

After that I stuck with my friends and we got our games and rushed home lol.

Wow, I always thought those stories were sitcom level of comedy, not real life stuff. Although a couple of people that I know almost turned into memes after a Blizzard event (there was a picture in the internet where they all looked into the screen while a nice/pretty looking girl was right in front of them).
wonderful 101 was awful. I did love bayonetta 2 though

My Wii U collects dust for the most part, except when friends are over for 8 player smash

Basically everything that isn't my PC collects dust most of the time, its really the only place to play. The consoles and handhelds are only for those dirty games that dont come to PC
I don't have a WiiU cause I bought a PS4 instead.

And that's already collecting dust.

I said this so many times that I sound like a broken record, but I will keep saying it: I almost bought a PS4 just to play Destiny, but at the last moment I gave up and got a Wii U.

Think about it, just to play Destiny.


Although I must admit that Pikmin is meh and I still hate Platinum for making Metal Gear Rising.


I don't have a Wii U for many reasons. I don't typically like Nintendo's games nor their consoles.

No real account system. No achievements. No third party support. I don't really like platformers or character action games. Zelda could be fun, but I'm not buying a system for one game. X looks amazing. But, again, not buying a console for two games. Wii U isn't for me. I have a 3DS, Vita, PS4, and PC. I'm overflowing with games. It has nothing to do with being kiddy. That's stupid. I just don't like the games they make, personally.

those are some of the issues that I have yet to find a good reason why nintendo is not doing them broadwide(for example Hyrule Warriors has achievements that you can share on miiverse, but that's an inside game feature, not a standard), the most troubling is the no real account system, Nintendo Network ID is the closest it can get, I can deal with the third parties one because I buy nintendo consoles for their exclusives, but then again I can count with my fingers how many games are really worth a Wii U right now, still I am waiting for Zelda Wii U, and I am still enjoying Hyrule Warriors, MK8 & of course my favorite, Smash Bros, I bought the Wii U instead of a PS4 because well, you know, ps4 has no gamez huehue P: ... but as soon as an Atelier game or Silent Hills hits it I must get it

it's funny that I have more Nintendo figures than Nintendo games lol.

Finally got my MM LE!

heh, your Skull Kids striking a JoJo pose
my problems with the Wii U on top of the account issues and third party support is just how weak the system is. Every game i've enjoyed on the system has been also marred by how piss ugly it was on my 55" TV. Hyrule Warriors, Smash Brothers, Mario Kart. Brutal resolution and terrible aliasing across the board. It honestly doesn't matter if the console gets third party support because it'll always be last in line behind PC and PS4 for buys. It'd need to be a third party exclusive, and that won't happen.


Preorders are starting in February for “Persona 3 the Movie: #1 Spring of Birth” Takeba Yukari by Vertex
Vertex released today some additional photos for their “Persona 3 the Movie: #1 Spring of Birth” Takeba Yukari figure, which was teased last week with first painted prototype photos and then displayed at Wonder Festival 2015 [Winter] on February 8th, 2015. The company announced that pre-orders for the figure will open sometime in February.

“Persona 3 the Movie: #1 Spring of Birth” Takeba Yukari figure by Vertex is sculpted by M.I.C., with release date, list price and scale still to be announced. While waiting for pre-orders to start, here’s new photos Vertex released today.

Hell yeah!!! Hopefully they make a
next if they're only doing the girls.
I didn't say it was a bad thing! Just an observation.

Akihiko deserves a new figure!

I know you well enough that you weren't complaining. haha I was just trying to think of a theory as to why this phenomena is occurring.

I'm still waiting for a Ryoji figure of some sort, but I doubt it'll ever happen at this rate.


Preorders are starting in February for “Persona 3 the Movie: #1 Spring of Birth” Takeba Yukari by Vertex
Vertex released today some additional photos for their “Persona 3 the Movie: #1 Spring of Birth” Takeba Yukari figure, which was teased last week with first painted prototype photos and then displayed at Wonder Festival 2015 [Winter] on February 8th, 2015. The company announced that pre-orders for the figure will open sometime in February.

“Persona 3 the Movie: #1 Spring of Birth” Takeba Yukari figure by Vertex is sculpted by M.I.C., with release date, list price and scale still to be announced. While waiting for pre-orders to start, here’s new photos Vertex released today.


A Yukari figure is all I've wanted since I started lurking that first "geek gaf" thread. Gonna hit that pre-order button with all my might.


I don't have a Wii U for many reasons. I don't typically like Nintendo's games nor their consoles.

All the current gen consoles have been dragging feet in my eyes for a bit. Nintendo's exclusives happen to beat out for me by far last year. Plus Toys R Us ended up giving me one for free (with PayPal arm twisting), so that helped...fuck TRU.

Anyways, PS4 is likely my next up, but it's a straight dust collector in terms of exclusives so far which will hopefully end with upcoming JRPGs eventually. PC has still been on top of my pile since I got the gaming rig and is holding the boat fine.

Work has been keeping me from playing much anyways. Buu

As far as handhelds, the 3ds is the only one that exists in my mind.
I said this so many times that I sound like a broken record, but I will keep saying it: I almost bought a PS4 just to play Destiny, but at the last moment I gave up and got a Wii U.

Think about it, just to play Destiny.


Although I must admit that Pikmin is meh and I still hate Platinum for making Metal Gear Rising.

I bought a white PS/4. Because it's white. Oh, it came with a copy of Destiny.
I regret nothing.
I bought a white PS/4. Because it's white. Oh, it came with a copy of Destiny.
I regret nothing.

It was the same one that I almost bought, the white one. But then I thought "I'm going to kick myself hard when, not if, this get yellow-ish".

When I get mine for P5 and U4 I'll get the black one instead.


I'm thinking I'll have to get a PS4 soon only so my girlfriend can play Senran Kagura Estival Versus in the best possible fidelity.

That and I guess Disgaea 5 and Kingdom Hearts 3. I really don't have any other reason to get one. I will admit that the white one is real sexy.
I'm thinking I'll have to get a PS4 soon only so my girlfriend can play Senran Kagura Estival Versus in the best possible fidelity.

That and I guess Disgaea 5 and Kingdom Hearts 3. I really don't have any other reason to get one. I will admit that the white one is real sexy.

SK EV is one of the main reasons I bought my Destiny bundle lol. No regrets at all.
I'm thinking I'll have to get a PS4 soon only so my girlfriend can play Senran Kagura Estival Versus in the best possible fidelity.

That and I guess Disgaea 5 and Kingdom Hearts 3. I really don't have any other reason to get one. I will admit that the white one is real sexy.
your girlfriend wants to play SK? reminds me of my friend that liked dead or alive more than I do. Too bad I never got anywhere with her
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