As an OTKO DPS there are much better units right now, especially as she doesn't have Imperil on any of her moves. The problem right now for A2 is that her main move doesn't chain (hopefully due to a bug).
Also, you'll need someone to Imperil, plus a finisher, and she takes multiple turns to get her warmed up, to fill and activate her LB, along with abilities that require multiple setup steps. She is best suited to be part of a full team of healers, support, and other dps.
Frys, Tidus, Orlandeau, DV, etc are better chainers, and you have FV, Olive, DKC, that are better finishers. She doesn't really specialize as a pure DPS.
The majority of her abilities are built around a longer battle; taunts, evades, counters, sacrificing allies to heal HP/MP, death evasion, attack moves that heal yourself, etc. Even her own TMR sword comes with extra defense.
Building her, and using her, as a glass canon is really not taking advantage of her. You can still get her to 1,400 ATK(with her LB) while surpassing 10K HP and a ton of DEF with A2; she can still wreak havok while being able to survive a long-drawn out battle.
I completely understand how you feel. I really do.
But if you're going to spend that lapis, you should probably just hold off for Onion Knight. He has a 520% 16-hit attack, with his incredible sword.
Two of him can do a 63-hit chain.