I do kinda hope it's the Orlandeau banner today.
I guess I could consider blowing my Lapis on Ayaka / Orlandeau and then start saving again. Not only for a (tiny, minuscule) chance at getting these two, but also because I need to get SOMEONE with a TM that gives dual wield (I only remember Zidane having that, I don't remember who else) because right now I don't even have the chance to get DW, even if I stopped doing the story and focused on macro farming.You're in a rough spot because not only do you not have a big chain unit, you also don't have Tilith either. Chain units for the rest of the year (likely):
Because you joined too late to have Durandal, you'd have to TM Cecil (Excalibur) to make optimal use of Orlandeau, in addition to requiring other TMs I don't believe you have current access to, like Dual Wield. It really can't be overstated how important DW is, and right now, you have none. That's crippling.
Nyx and Lorraine come with native Dual Wield and Lorraine's TM allows you to bestow DW to another unit. Prishe can't really make use of the modifiers on the TM but she would benefit greatly from the DW component. You'd need to TM Nyx to make optimal use of him via his dagger; Lorraine should be more or less fine out of the box.
In your situation I'd probably recommend passing on the old man and going for Nyx or Lorraine when their banners drop (about a month and change away in all likelihood). As for Ayaka, I'm not sure.
If you blow your stack on Ayaka next week, you still have time to get some resources up before Lorraine, if not Nyx. If you somehow manage to secure Ayaka + chain unit, you're set. I guess I'd probably shoot for Ayaka and then switch to conservation mode.
It's probably a really good idea for you to spend this week going through the story and getting all the lapis you can.
User in question has neither Zidane nor Abel.Anyone who has Prishe shouldn't be looking for DW materia. They should be thinking of farming a Bowie Knife for her.
Sheratan (Holy Wand) is live when servers go back up.I'm thinking of possibly going that route or MAYBE (depending on the fight) giving her a DW with Aigaion Fist and Holy Staff (sp?) when we get it later in October or so, which would grant her DualCast for her Curaja.
I guess I could consider blowing my Lapis on Ayaka / Orlandeau and then start saving again. Not only for a (tiny, minuscule) chance at getting these two, but also because I need to get SOMEONE with a TM that gives dual wield (I only remember Zidane having that, I don't remember who else) because right now I don't even have the chance to get DW, even if I stopped doing the story and focused on macro farming.
Maybe I'll reach 20k and drop 5k on Orlandeau, 5k on Ayaka, curse the gods because there's no possible human way to get them with only one pull, and save the other 10k and everything else I gather for the Kingsglaive banner.
Right now my main disadvantage is lack of options, really.
It's one thing to sneakily tap my phone at my desk at work, but a 3DS? Sign me up for that!!Fuck man, wish I'd walked with my 3DS to work. Could be playing the new Metroid at work :-(
Well, compensation is in order. Give the lapis!!!!
Four Fiends.
Cagnazzo is a provoke tank, doesn't look like he has anything specifically anti-magic.
Rubicante having two LB boosts suggests his LB might be something meaningful.
Barbariccia's skillset looks really interesting and her TM looks maybe pretty useful too.
Finally passed 500 TMRs farmed.
Lol power creep slapped a lot of TMR out of existence. Cant wait till my DPS all get Proud Fencer.My favorite TMRs:
-- Your first Dual Wield changes the game instantly. Once you see it in action and realize how much further you can get, how much extra ATK you can pile on, it is just a mindblowing experience for a new player.
-- Similiarly, Dual Cast just meant I could do so much more, esp. with Refia. I was nearly unstoppable! Now, dual cast is a total waste since the best MAG units have it innately and Tillith can't use it / doesn't need it. But still, at the time it was HUGE.
-- Genji Glove. Everything you just read about Dual Wield, but saving a slot while also adding ATK.
-- Power of Creation, man.
Lol power creep slapped a lot of TMR out of existence.
RIP Coliseum trophy (has anyone been crazy enough to finish those ones?)MEGATON, new daily quest won't require colosseum only : MST_DAILY_QUEST_DETAIL_11012^Spend 5 arena/colosseum orbs
Woops, double post, sorry.
How does a person get 500 TMR. I've been working on 5 TMR for the last month.
Ive seen it on reddit, but they just wanted the recipeRIP Coliseum trophy (has anyone been crazy enough to finish those ones?)
You refresh with lapis and let the macro running all day. Most people don't have anything else to do in the game and we are out of new content that drains lapis for quite some time already.How does a person get 500 TMR. I've been working on 5 TMR for the last month.
If the banner sucks for everything else other than Orlandeau, then sure, I'll definitely pass.I'd generally suggest against doing little 5k pulls here and there with the expectation that you're going to get something. It's far from impossible - you can even daily rainbows! - but in your shoes, I'd sit tight on this banner (which, it needs to be said, offers you nothing of value from the 4* and 3* units) and conserve until Ayaka, then throw down on that. 3-4 5k pulls. 4 of them gets you 30% at Ayaka. Between Ayaka and Prishe you can probably just outlast a lot of content while you build up your offensive line.
If the banner sucks for everything else other than Orlandeau, then sure, I'll definitely pass.
Maybe one little pull to scracth that itch, tho.
If the banner sucks for everything else other than Orlandeau, then sure, I'll definitely pass.
Maybe one little pull to scracth that itch, tho.
New skills for Dangerous Arianna : https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/337934600892579840/363342200878268426/unknown.png
100% ATK song / 100% MAG song / 100% LB fill rate song
One thing to mention is that because you're such a fresh account, it may make sense for you to at least do daily pulls every day. At 20% chance for a 3* unit to be on-banner from a daily pull, that's a 4-out-of-5 chance for your 3* to be something other than (on this upcoming banner) Exdeath. Sure, it might be garbage like Shadow or Artemios. But it could also be Cecil, Zidane, Abel, et cetera.
Lots of us have been playing for so damned long we don't always remember what it was like to still need 3* units. But I remember being very consistent with daily pulls back in the day because that chance at a second or third Zidane or a second Cecil or etc., was always there.
A week of daily pulls is 1,750 lapis. You get 90 lapis a day from daily quests (50) and 5 arena fights (40), so a week of daily pulls functionally costs you 1,120 lapis. Not a bank-breaker.
When a free unit has better buffs than a 5* unit.ramza weeps
It's major for TMR farmingExtended maintenance eh? Let's see if they finally push one to 24 hours.
Those QoL changes look great! I have the magical ability to always be just about to rank up before every maintenance (seriously, the last rank up was the hack and now I'm 3k experience away again) so letting the nrg overflow is huge. Mog stacking will save me nearly 20 slots. Some of the others I don't even recognize and could be good.
That's exactly where I am right now. I'm brand spanking new, I haven't even been a month in this game. I need all of the things that old players just take for granted and don't even care about anymore.One thing to mention is that because you're such a fresh account, it may make sense for you to at least do daily pulls every day. At 20% chance for a 3* unit to be on-banner from a daily pull, that's a 4-out-of-5 chance for your 3* to be something other than (on this upcoming banner) Exdeath. Sure, it might be garbage like Shadow or Artemios. But it could also be Cecil, Zidane, Abel, et cetera.
Lots of us have been playing for so damned long we don't always remember what it was like to still need 3* units. But I remember being very consistent with daily pulls back in the day because that chance at a second or third Zidane or a second Cecil or etc., was always there.
A week of daily pulls is 1,750 lapis. You get 90 lapis a day from daily quests (50) and 5 arena fights (40), so a week of daily pulls functionally costs you 1,120 lapis. Not a bank-breaker.
I did NOT expect this game to hook me up so bad, I tell you that.So FFBE is your new home then I take it?
When I was your age I was defeating White Dragons. Now you get your ass kicked by some Veritas who's still wet behind the years. This new generation, I tell you.Wish I still had a screenshot of me defeating the white dragon. Most of this generation won't know who that is![]()
Wish I still had a screenshot of me defeating the white dragon. Most of this generation won't know who that is![]()
That was exactly 479 days ago!Finally defeated the White Dragon with this team :
ExDeath 5* lvl 67
Lasswell 4* lvl 60
Rain 4* lvl 60
Rizer 2* lvl 29
Anastasis 3* lvl 38
So yeah, only ExDeath and Lasswell did enough damage, Rize was here trying to paralyze him but failed and died horribly, Lasswell's Mirage helped a lot, and it would have been easier if I grinded ExDeath's exp a bit more for auto-regen.
It's also my 9th day since I started playing.
*Dig into OT1*... here it is!
That was exactly 479 days ago!
Having said that, the daily pulls I do generally give me ass, but they did give me a couple of good units. Ashe and Prishe were actually free pulls. So the need to do 5k pulls is simply because, you know, pulling is fun, it's that moment between pulling and actually looking at the hot turds that you got that is the fun.
If I were him I would definitely do a 5K Pull as he has a lot to gain bc hes just missing a majority of the great units already and a guaranteed 4* means that he can just pray to not get Hope and he will def get something decent stillRight. It's probably best for you to try to internalize this fact now before you get stitched up too much by it first-hand: 5k pulls are going to give you just as much garbage as anything else. Yes, they are statistically more likely to deliver you a 5* base unit than daily pulls, ticket pulls, etc.; no, you are not likely to feel the difference in the short term.
To sum things up, in your situation, here is what I would personally do if I was managing your account (disclaimer: I am not to be trusted and routinely make poor decisions both in and out of this game):
1) Roll dailies on this Orlandeau banner but do not do a 5k pull or spend any tickets
2) Push through as much of the story as you reasonably can before Ayaka's banner drops
3) Burn 20k lapis or so chasing Ayaka in a likely fruitless endeavor to secure a valuable, powerful unit while hopefully obtaining various valuable 3* and 4* units on the way there
3a) You got Ayaka! Stop pulling and conserve the bulk of your resources until Lorraine, daily pulling on the banners inbetween
3b) You didn't get Ayaka! Rage-uninstall the game, then reinstall it the next day before you miss out on a daily login bonus
4b) Keep desperately rolling dailies in an attempt to get Ayaka
5b) Get Lightning
6b) Cry
MEGATON, new daily quest won't require colosseum only : MST_DAILY_QUEST_DETAIL_11012^Spend 5 arena/colosseum orbs
Woops, double post, sorry.
MEGATON, new daily quest won't require colosseum only : MST_DAILY_QUEST_DETAIL_11012^Spend 5 arena/colosseum orbs
Woops, double post, sorry.
That disclaimer murdered me.Right. It's probably best for you to try to internalize this fact now before you get stitched up too much by it first-hand: 5k pulls are going to give you just as much garbage as anything else. Yes, they are statistically more likely to deliver you a 5* base unit than daily pulls, ticket pulls, etc.; no, you are not likely to feel the difference in the short term.
To sum things up, in your situation, here is what I would personally do if I was managing your account (disclaimer: I am not to be trusted and routinely make poor decisions both in and out of this game):
1) Roll dailies on this Orlandeau banner but do not do a 5k pull or spend any tickets
2) Push through as much of the story as you reasonably can before Ayaka's banner drops
3) Burn 20k lapis or so chasing Ayaka in a likely fruitless endeavor to secure a valuable, powerful unit while hopefully obtaining various valuable 3* and 4* units on the way there
3a) You got Ayaka! Stop pulling and conserve the bulk of your resources until Lorraine, daily pulling on the banners inbetween
3b) You didn't get Ayaka! Rage-uninstall the game, then reinstall it the next day before you miss out on a daily login bonus
4b) Keep desperately rolling dailies in an attempt to get Ayaka
5b) Get Lightning
6b) Cry
If I were him I would definitely do a 5K Pull as he has a lot to gain bc hes just missing a majority of the great units already and a guaranteed 4* means that he can just pray to not get Hope and he will def get something decent still
Can't argue with that logic. Except...I would never recommend 10+1 / 5K pulls to a F2P until they are long past building a team that can clear the story, hold its own in the arena, and compete at the Pro and above levels on weekly events.
1/2 daily pull = 250 per unit
10 pull = 500 per unit (and one free)
If I were him I would definitely do a 5K Pull as he has a lot to gain bc hes just missing a majority of the great units already and a guaranteed 4* means that he can just pray to not get Hope and he will def get something decent still
From the reddit post, some of these new dailies are bullshit. Make a social post or buy a bundle are bad news. Harvest 5 points in 2 minutes sounds very annoying too. If they are going to make dailies more of a pain in the ass they need to give better rewards. Up our daily lapis to 150 or something.
I would never recommend 10+1 / 5K pulls to a F2P until they are long past building a team that can clear the story, hold its own in the arena, and compete at the Pro and above levels on weekly events.
1/2 daily pull = 250 per unit
10 pull = 500 per unit (and one free)
On one hand, you aren't strictly wrong. On the other hand, you've had months and months to slowly accumulate and build up that F2P team through daily pulls that can clear the story and hold its own in Arena and clear events at PRO or higher. He doesn't exactly have that option unless he wants to watch events and limited gear pass him by completely while he inches through on daily pulls.
Lol I said it was smart to do 1, not a bunch. When I first started I did and RNG gave me a lot of great units.Technically correct is the best correct, first. Second, the months-and-months and missing-out-on-top-tier-stuff thing is literally the cost of being F2P. I fondly remember bitching about missing out on stuff I couldn't quite reach because I was F2P and still early on (a year ago this month!), and getting smacked down by everyone back then saying that's what being F2P means.
I just don't think it's great advice to tell a new F2P player to burn lapis on 10+1s. The entire meta for being a F2P rests on two things: NRG conservation/never letting it waste and smart lapis usage.
I say all this and by the end I'm shrugging at myself. have fun and do what you want I say, but understand the cost.