Well, goodbye my 140 mythrils, and welcome 3* shits and some 4* stuff.
Of course my luck is terrible, I knew it.
My first P2W experience with this game and I usually quit those just after it :x
For those going for Terra's sword relic pull, keep in mind that its highly likely that Terra will also be one of the 4 character relic pull bonus later on
Just for those deciding between wakka/kain/rydia/cloud and terra or saving up $$
finally glad we have a 5* black magic user that isnt black mage![]()
yup this is my thinking as well gonna save up for those group ones.
Well, goodbye my 140 mythrils, and welcome 3* shits and some 4* stuff.
Of course my luck is terrible, I knew it.
Yeah I'm running Cyan, Summoner and WHM. For this. If either the two core characters could heal and use BLM, i'd only use one of them
EDIT: I forgot Tyro. Well he and Cyan can run together as long as possible
Why would you? The current 4 in 1 pull is 10% chance for 5*, the current Terra event is also 10% chance for 5*. The current event also has a katana which is ok if you don't have the one for Sephiroth.
5How many inventory slots do you get with one Mythril? Just one?
The Zantetsuken is a sword, not a katana, and most of the 5*s you can get from Terra's banner suck. The 2 swords are the only good items, and combined chance is only 2%, nd the only other weapon you have a hope of getting is Danjuro.
The 4 in 1 banner seems to be the best bet right now
Why would you? The current 4 in 1 pull is 10% chance for 5*, the current Terra event is also 10% chance for 5*. The current event also has a katana which is ok if you don't have the one for Sephiroth.
I consider 5* soul break weapons more valuable over 5* equipment that doesnt (zantet and gown) so I would invest in the 4 character bonus pull since I dont have any of those yet
4 soul break weapons vs terra's and 2 generic 5* for 10% pull chance
edit: terra's relic pull isn't even 10%? well then, easy decision
I pulled from Terra's spot.. Crystal Sword 4* (VI)! Awesome! I combined it with my other one for a nice 5*.
Cyan trying to rescue Terra by himself, but there's an enemy with stop. It will be slow.
Probability of the new event relic draw
Grand Glove (VII)
Lustrous Shield (IV)
Masamune (VII)
Ice Whip (IV)
Official Ball (X)
Dark Sword (IV)
Blood Lance (IV)
Guard Stick (VII)
Buster Sword (VII)
Healing Grimoire
Regal Gown (VI)
Zantetsuken (VI)
Enhancer (VI)
Genji Armor (V)
Judgment Staff (V)
Danjuro (XII)
Genji Shield (IV)
Genji Helm (V)
Total for 5* is still 10%.
Why this even is giving me more Power Wrist (VII)? If only it were from a different world. Straight to the garbage bin.
so it's 10% rate for a 5* then different % pull rate to get an item off a 5* relic pull? did I get this right?
Danjuro - 1.398%
Genji Armor - 1.398%
Genji Helm - 1.398%
Genji Shield - 1.398%
Judgement Staff - 1.398%
Enhancer - 1%
Regal Gown - 1%
Zantetsuken - 1%
All other 5*s, - 0.1%
Certainly better than nothing. I wouldn't say no to another Crystal Sword.
Do you have a list like this for the current four-character relic draw?
It was on reddit but basically
1%: ball, spear, whip and buster sword
1.198%: Regal gown, gendi shield, armor, judgement staff, danjuro
0.001%: the rest
Think about it this way; you used all your crappy luck, you're bound to get nice pulls when you buy!Must resist urge to spend money ... ugh *remembers crappy 3-star pulls* Phew, close one. Probably gonna try to get remaining mythril from elites and hope for Terra's weapon. I imagine Vargas would be a cake-walk with that Soul Break. Managed to get 3 Soul Break weapons from mythril (Aerith, Cloud, Wakka). Hope the non-spending luck continues.
Think about it this way; you used all your crappy luck, you're bound to get nice pulls when you buy!
Maybe when Red XIII's weapon comes out. Lunatic High looks like a good Soul Break. Though going for a specific character weapon was how I ended up wasting money before.... damn Masamune.
So Terra is better than Rydia hands down?
I finally got 50 Mythril. Is it better to do an 11 draw, do it one at a time, or does it matter? Is the drop rate the same if they're all done at once or individually?
Scrap what I said earlier. Terra can use Helms and Armours perfectly fine.
*stares at his boring new four star FFXII axe*
I'm never getting a five star weapon.
Chance wise, I don't think it matters. There was some talk on the subreddit about the menu you use to access the relic pull can effect your chances. But I don't know if it was ever confirmed. They were looking at the API calls.
Cyan trying to rescue Terra by himself, but there's an enemy with stop. It will be slow.
Probability of the new event relic draw
Grand Glove (VII)
Lustrous Shield (IV)
Masamune (VII)
Ice Whip (IV)
Official Ball (X)
Dark Sword (IV)
Blood Lance (IV)
Guard Stick (VII)
Buster Sword (VII)
Healing Grimoire
Regal Gown (VI)
Zantetsuken (VI)
Enhancer (VI)
Genji Armor (V)
Judgment Staff (V)
Danjuro (XII)
Genji Shield (IV)
Genji Helm (V)
Total for 5* is still 10%.