800 more Memory Prisms for another Greater Ice Orb which is the last one I need to create Mental Breakdown.
Yes, this event is literally about to give me Mental Breakdown.
In the Celes event , how do you prevent those tanks from blinding your party on hard? It ruins my run everytime they get me.
I'm also obsessed with the idea of seeing every character's level at 45 or 50. At least some multiple of 5. ALL OF THOSE OTHER UNORGANIZED NUMBERS ARE SO UGLY
Lv. 5 Death inc.
So I started playing the game a few days ago (I'm hooked !). I just went through a bunch of normal dungeons, those FF2 dungeons around level 20, and I tried my luck with 2 relic draws before going to bed. I got 2 Zantetsuken back to back! Is that a common drop or am I really lucky? In any case those will help me tremendously given my current 2/3* gear!
Try 1/100 x 1/100 for 1/10000 chance of getting Zantetsuken twice in a row.
Jeez, Celes seems super weak and incapable of equipping a lot of FFVI items. What exactly is her selling point again? Even with resonance and a 3 star weapon with resonance she isn't doing as much damage as any of the other characters with a 3 star weapon and no resonance.
After a character reaches level 50, do they still soak exp?
They do, yeah.
So, they have added character profiles for WoL, Luneth, Lenne, and Snow. o_o
BTW, I've been wondering, why do the enemies in Monday's bonus all hit like a truck?
Ohhhhhh man. I didn't realize it wasn't 8bitting all the battle themes, I guess I haven't done X/ViI in so long I forgot. Man now I'm sad.
Need me some flan to eat away my sadness...
Ohhhhhh man. I didn't realize it wasn't 8bitting all the battle themes, I guess I haven't done X/ViI in so long I forgot. Man now I'm sad.
Need me some flan to eat away my sadness...
I did.Who renamed Tyro?
I did.
I named him Shahed after myself like I usually do for male characters. Then I found out he was shit and promptly dropped myself to the reserves.Who renamed Tyro?
I did.
Who renamed Tyro?
I did.
Mine is Borys as every character I've ever made in every RPG I've ever played.
Is there a schedule for the US version dungeon releases to this game? JPN is so far ahead it makes me want to drop the US version and start from scratch the JPN one...
So with the current schedule it would take a little over a month to save 50 Mithril. I don't mind difficulty and such as long as I can even just compete on "Normal" but when you get a new character every week or so, it's really difficult to get their 5* weapon without spending money.
Look at it this way; the business model keeps the game free for you lol.
Once we start running into insurmountable brick walls I guess it's time to reevaluate.
(it's also probably really hard to get their 5* weapon while spending money. Double or triple shitty odds is still shitty odds, except now with more disappointment)
Is Rydia 50? Because they still soak XP at 50. In which case, in the long run, having her soak 50% of the XP (2 people) is less efficient than having her soak 20% of the XP (5 people) even if your trainees level slower per flan run.
She's not 50 yet. I figured once she hit 50, I'd replace her with Summoner (who's like level 13 right now), and keep the XP being useful.
It's virtually equal then. I guess it'd only start making a difference when you get close to running out of people who can summon that won't also soak XP, although Bladeblitz is a viable alternative. They absorb Quake, unfortunately.
(from the FB page)
I dunno which is more awkward, having Snow in an English screenshot (oops!) or Sephiroth having Thunder equipped in a 'tips and tricks' screenshot about useful abilities lol.
That No.24 exploit wow