Yo you're gonna Dia the Iguions for 9999
2nd healer can DPS!
Do the holy damage skills scale with MND instead of MAG? I couldn't really tell.
Yo you're gonna Dia the Iguions for 9999
2nd healer can DPS!
Yo you're gonna Dia the Iguions for 9999
2nd healer can DPS!
YeahDo the holy damage skills scale with MND instead of MAG? I couldn't really tell.
Fucking hellProof of further racism against FFV. Record Keeper is the worst.
Made less Gil with the Heroic daily than I usually do with Hard, maybe I was just unlucky. Got 0 drop on my first stage of armor upgrade on Heroic yesterday and pretty average drops on the other two. I must have been unlucky again because someone here got pretty good drops. Anyway, not impressed so far but 4* orbs is what should be interesting if the drop rate is acceptable!
Six slows and an Aerith soul break on Seifer and no Slow status. When I do it on Elite, I'm just going to give her healing magic. Forget slow. Not worth it.
Proof of further racism against FFV. Record Keeper is the worst.
Six slows and an Aerith soul break on Seifer and no Slow status. When I do it on Elite, I'm just going to give her healing magic. Forget slow. Not worth it.
Don't think it's racism as much as the west could careless about V compared to the likes of VII or VIII.
Don't think it's racism as much as the west could careless about V compared to the likes of VII or VIII.
Meh. V isn't even that good
Meh. V isn't even that good
I think people are gonna go apeshit nostalgia overload when FFVII/VIII/IX paintings (beyond the measly 2 VIIs) release.
Well, the freemium mechanic shows its ugly head with this Elite event. It seems nearly impossible to complete it without some very good gatcha items (according to reddit), which means being incredibly lucky, and/or pay for more stuff and retries.
Yeah, I'll pass. I won't spend a single euro for this.
Think this is less of a freemium problem ahs more of a "they fucked up releasing content out of order" since the only synergy gear is what little you get as rewards from the event itself.
That said... Fuck yes! Finally some content I can bang my head against and fail a few times! It baffles me that some people only want all content to be instant farm ready the moment it comes out. The most fun I've had with this game so far was the overtuned elites on release.
V is pretty neat on a mechanical level, but there's little to be desired on a mass market appeal level.
Is there anything other than quake i can use to easily solo farm flans with rinoa?
Battle on the Big Bridge, Gilga-fucking-mesh, All the jobs, The endgame ultimate weapon hunts, the Esper hunts, The crazy secret fucking Ultima Weapon-ish boss, the backstory to Butz and the previous band of heroes.... I could go on man
Summons and Bladeblitz are your friend. Quake does zero damage.
I have Dragon but seems Rinoa can't use it. Not sure about Bladeblitz because I'm 0/8 of the way towards having the Greater Wind Orbs for it. Right now I'm duoing with Summoner/Rinoa, but was hoping I could solo it. Could probably leave Rinoa in for all 5 kills individually, just kinda slow
I have Dragon but seems Rinoa can't use it. Not sure about Bladeblitz because I'm 0/8 of the way towards having the Greater Wind Orbs for it. Right now I'm duoing with Summoner/Rinoa, but was hoping I could solo it. Could probably leave Rinoa in for all 5 kills individually, just kinda slow
Just did my first 50 mytril relic draw and I'm pretty happy..I got the 5* Valkyrie and the 5* Balamb garden uniform..is this considered a good drop?
Also is this a good time to use all those upgrade materials on those 5 star pieces? Does it really matter what I use? Or just dump all of them into both pieces?
Also is this a good time to use all those upgrade materials on those 5 star pieces? Does it really matter what I use? Or just dump all of them into both pieces?
What's Seifer weak to?
I got Master without Rinoa by replaying it with Bio and Slow.I didn't slow Seifer and I didn't have Rinoa in my party and still got a Master for that, as long as you brutalize every enemy quick smart you don't need them.
Expert will obviously be different...but then again, it's a pipe dream for me to even think about beating Seifer and Edea without even thinking about the Master bonuses.
There's just something not right about continually subjecting Rinoa to constant attacks of Sapping Ooze and Sticky Goo, but she's holding her own and is getting better at it, battle by battle
Thank God today is Gil day. The past 4-5 days I ran out of money from upgrading items and my inventory was nearing the cap so I had to sell some items instead of using them towards upgrades and I couldn't run the armor and weapon upgrade dailies because I had no inventory space and gil to use them!![]()
I really should go through my Inventory. I want to stockpile it all, but I can't. I even increased my limit to 140 and it's still not enough.You gotta prune bro. If you're holding onto weak synergy items when you have 5*s or 4*s that are better, you gotta prune.