What so beautiful about that? All I see there is a vision of me pulling two shitty 3-star equipments I already have at the end of two weeks.
I might just spend them all on inventory slots.
What so beautiful about that? All I see there is a vision of me pulling two shitty 3-star equipments I already have at the end of two weeks.
Don't lose hopeWhat so beautiful about that? All I see there is a vision of me pulling two shitty 3-star equipments I already have at the end of two weeks.
Anyone done all the new elites yet?
How much stamina does it take you to with all done?
Currently on 88 with majority of new elites to do.
Yup. T-Rex is realistic because you can throw all the status effects at him to keep him from wrecking you.At current power levels you'd be hard pressed to complete the elite even geared out the teeth (see: Wazzy and his 3 5* FF8 gachas lol) unless you pump Mythril into the stage.
Wouldn't worry about it. T-Rex Elite is a more realistic target with currently farmable abilities/etc. and drops an awesome accessory.
If you aren't aware, shell -> mental breakdown -> shell and protect -> armor breakdown (we don't have this) -> protect makes enemies drop to 2 DEF/RES respectively due to some hilariously wonky interaction, meaning virtually everything of decent damage hits for 9999
It's broken and DeNA 'fixed' it by not fixing it and giving bosses after it was exploited immunity to shell and protect.
It's so beautiful...
Gil Grasslands Heroic sucks. :/
It's not so much that it's hard, but because it's Core synergy, there's very little you can do to beef up your party, so I'm only getting Expert ranks on it. Even a team of all level 50 characters still has to slog through.
Purely theorycrafting here - this is highly broken game mechanics territory, but for Stage 10 Elite mastery, you probably could shell->mental breakdown->shell zerg down Seifer and Edea. It even fits in with the 'best practice' zerg meta for the 2 Iguions, which is having 2 casters with 2 casts of Quake each.
If those two casters sport a good damage single-target spell in the second slot that's gonna be 20k damage per turn with the s->mb->s shenanigans, not counting the other 3.
Only thing is unless you honed the shit out of Mental Breakdown (not likely, especially if you spent that time farming for 2x Quake) and the other abilities, you're still gonna be blowing Mythril to refresh on each boss.
I haven't tried the elite yet but I'm thinking you'll need a lot of thunder moves equipped if you want to beat it out. Thunder Strike, Thundara, Thunder and Thundaga on whoever can equip it and you should be fine. Just don't blow them all on the first two fights.Any idea how to beat the elite FF VII stage where it has 4 boss stage?
I ran out of ability on 4th level. I guess this means a few more hone of double cut and thunder.
If you aren't aware, shell -> mental breakdown -> shell and protect -> armor breakdown (we don't have this) -> protect makes enemies drop to 2 DEF/RES respectively due to some hilariously wonky interaction, meaning virtually everything of decent damage hits for 9999
It's broken and DeNA 'fixed' it by not fixing it and giving bosses after it was exploited immunity to shell and protect.
finally got my first 5 star weapon... And it's Josef's... Fml... At least Tifa has a permanent spot on my team now I guess...
Do we have to start from scratch in collection events? I was so angry when I got too busy on the last day to finish this:No, any rewards you already earned cannot be obtained a second time.
Has anyone been able to blind Dreadnought? First hurdle I've faced in the new Elites, I can't make it stick at all.
Dark Buster took me a good few resets, and it's higher chance than Dark Attack.
Oof.Do we have to start from scratch in collection events? I was so angry when I got too busy on the last day to finish this:
Has anyone been able to blind Dreadnought? First hurdle I've faced in the new Elites, I can't make it stick at all.
It works, but may take some tries. You also may want to be careful not to blow all your abilities on the first fight, since he hits harder in the second one.
Fuck oooooofffffff
Is there ever going to be a full-party healing spell?
White Mage Limit Break.Is there ever going to be a full-party healing spell?
White Mage Limit Break.
Yeah, I'm not stressing over the Elite Dungeons myself until they can be done without studying spreadsheets and wasting days collecting one type of orb.That's what I'm going to have to settle for. Assuming I can get it charged before I need it. Because apparently if a single enemy in this dungeon goes down in more than two hits, you get penalized for actions taken.
Elite Dollet is a bitch. Hone that thundaga and thunder strike, damn, and bring cures. I used Rinoa with Curaga and Watera, BMage with Thundaga and Thundara and Celes with Thunder and Drain strike. Probably would have swapped Aerith (with guard stick break) for one of the scrubs and put another strong bmagic on rinoa
Elite Dollet is a bitch. Hone that thundaga and thunder strike, damn, and bring cures. I used Rinoa with Curaga and Watera, BMage with Thundaga and Thundara and Celes with Thunder and Drain strike. Probably would have swapped Aerith (with guard stick break) for one of the scrubs and put another strong bmagic on rinoa
I still don't know how to master it. He spams aoe and if you get hit once you lose mastery
I still don't know how to master it. He spams aoe and if you get hit once you lose mastery