Will ask in here. Have a few level 50 characters (Seph, Cloud, Rydia and Cyan) but am thinking about using these for heroic Anima when I get them up to about 48/49. Have no issues with Hard on this current setup.
For Heroic I'll be using these abilities:
Tyro - r4 Retaliate + r3 Thundara Strike
Tidus - r2 Double Cut + r1 Power Break
Snow - r2 Double Cut + r1 Armour Break
Wakka - r2 Double Cut + r1 Boost
Vanille - r4 Curaga + r2 Thundaga
Only reason I'm thinking about this as I only have 2 5* naturals and it's the Sentinel Grimoire and Rydias and want to level up my FFX characters for elites.
Do you think it would make sense to use the retaliate meta to attempt Heroic seeing as I would essentially have the Tyro's Sentinel break up constantly? Or could you offer any other suggestions.