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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT| The only ATB here is Active Time Battle.

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I feel like Aerith is judging me because I made her bring Protectga. I'm sorry Aerith, I didn't know it would be like this.

I'm enjoying the loot rewards from this event, though--getting a variety of items/abilities (and mythril) instead of just straight up magicite. Even if the items aren't great, it's a nice change of pace
I got two 5*'s from my 11-pull that don't belong to anyone (Judgement Staff, Golden Spear) and a crapload of 4's, which would be nice if they weren't all stuff I didn't have before. I really need to use cpp_is_king's sheet to clear out some more stuff.

So it means I need to spend more Mythril on inventory space.

I also tilt-pulled and whatever came out was not memorable.

p.s., I have 8 more Mythril. Hold me


The only thing stopping me from doing an 11-pull right now is the fact that I only have 3 free inventory spaces.

Just sell some of your gear! I'm sure you'll get better replacements from the 11-pull.
Shiva drops the 2* Flame Helm in the Classic version of the Locke event. (Ifrit most likely does too since they're one boss.)

Extremely easy to grind for a quick 2*++ piece of equipment for FFII.


Shiva drops the 2* Flame Helm in the Classic version of the Locke event. (Ifrit most likely does too since they're one boss.)

Extremely easy to grind for a quick 2*++ piece of equipment for FFII.
I've been getting the bronze helms from the trash and have 2 of them at ++. Might grind those.


that puzzling face
Despite clamoring for cpp's tool release, I'm not getting or using it (for rather obvious reasons)

You peons should be clambering all over yourselves to tell me all I want to know whenever I ask tho.



that puzzling face
Eh, any event that isn't at least partially clearable by someone who registered on the same day fails at being an event.

Like I said though, would have been awesome if you could progress on the Elite track (while unlocking Normals), e.g. the opposite of how it works right now, as an alternative option.
100% confirmation that RNG hates me obtained. RNG, you're gonna get it. O_______________________________O

I'm gonna keep saving for 11 pulls until my perseverance is rewarded, but good lord that last one was awful.


Got two FF5 relics from the Locke banner.

Not gonna complain, I was already loaded with FF6 crap anyway!


To those who have done the Vanille event on Heroic, a question. I recently got 2 Kaiser Knuckles, if i max both and give one each to Snow and Brosef, could I master Heroic, or is retaliate cheese a necessity?
Did a Locke pull, got Locke's weapon, Genji Helm and Danjuro.

I think I have way too much good FF6 gear.

Crystal Sword +
Rising Sun
Air Knife +
Poison Rod +
Moonring Blade
Man eater
Falchion +

Red Cap +
Diamond Helm
Ninja Gear +
Diamond Vest
Golden Armor
Diamond Armor
Mythril Mail +




Ready to bowl over these early Elites, more so once I get the two Main Gauche and stick em on Cyan.

Edit: Just noticed that Locke has almost as much HP as Cyan does without being at level 50. Poor dude.


To those who have done the Vanille event on Heroic, a question. I recently got 2 Kaiser Knuckles, if i max both and give one each to Snow and Brosef, could I master Heroic, or is retaliate cheese a necessity?

It's hard to say because there are so many factors that go into mastering Vanille's event on Heroic, though I think it's safe to assume that 2 Kaiser Knuckles alone won't guarantee a Mastery.

Assuming the bulk of your damage comes from physical attackers, you get a path with only one Anima, and you aren't using Retaliate, you'll have to prepare for Anima countering every attack. Protectga and/or Power/Magic Break will be necessary. To maximize damage (and minimize damage received from # of counters) you'll probably want to pack Armor Break, Boost, and some very honed Double Cuts.

A strong caster + Thundaga/Firaga will help you save "Actions Taken" medals along the way. You'll need at least 65 out of 78 medals for Mastery, and if you don't bring Vanille you lose -3 automatically from the last battle.


It's hard to say because there are so many factors that go into mastering Vanille's event on Heroic, though I think it's safe to assume that 2 Kaiser Knuckles alone won't guarantee a Mastery.

Assuming the bulk of your damage comes from physical attackers, you get a path with only one Anima, and you aren't using Retaliate, you'll have to prepare for Anima countering every attack. Protectga and/or Power/Magic Break will be necessary. To maximize damage (and minimize damage received from # of counters) you'll probably want to pack Armor Break, Boost, and some very honed Double Cuts.

A strong caster + Thundaga/Firaga will help you save "Actions Taken" medals along the way. You'll need at least 65 out of 78 medals for Mastery, and if you don't bring Vanille you lose -3 automatically from the last battle.

Thanks. I have 2 r3 double cuts, r1 protectga, all the breaks, Vanille at a decent level, Rydia with her Ice Whip, and Wakka with his Official Ball. My only concern is not having my abilities honed enough, other than the double cuts my combat abilities are mostly r1, -aga spells are r2. Even on Hard i'm usually out of abilities by the end, especially on a 2 Anima run.


I honestly feel that doing singular relic pulls as you get Mythril is a better idea. Sure you miss out on a single extra pull, but it saves you a hell of a lot of disappointment, or at least spreads out it a bit.
I honestly feel that doing singular relic pulls as you get Mythril is a better idea. Sure you miss out on a single extra pull, but it saves you a hell of a lot of disappointment, or at least spreads out it a bit.
Makes you tough. Who needs special SB weapons?

This game wants to play? Let's play.


Thanks. I have 2 r3 double cuts, r1 protectga, all the breaks, Vanille at a decent level, Rydia with her Ice Whip, and Wakka with his Official Ball. My only concern is not having my abilities honed enough, other than the double cuts my combat abilities are mostly r1, -aga spells are r2. Even on Hard i'm usually out of abilities by the end, especially on a 2 Anima run.

Cool, I think that's a pretty competitive setup. Status Reels helps BIG time, especially because it stacks with Armor Break. Wakka was my MVP for burning down Beta Behemoths & Anima.

That said, I couldn't master Heroic without using a mythril to revive/refresh abilities at Anima. If all you're after are the Mastery rewards, it's worth considering spending 1-2 mythril for a one-time runthrough. If you'd rather not use mythril, there are at least a couple no-mythril guides on the FFRK subreddit. Might be worth checking out.


Almost done Locke event. I'll need to prepare setups for each stage since I only mastered regular from being overpowered.

I've been stuck on content recently and saved up for a 50 mythril drop

Yep quitting this game
That's not a bad pull though? There's two 4* and one is for VI which will help with the new event.

I mean it's shitty to not get a 5* but it's definitely not a terrible pull.


....How many FFVI daggers are there?

The oversaturation of VI items is helpful due to the large amount of VI dungeons, but still, damn.



"I'm destroying these early elites. How tough could that dragon be?"

Holy hell don't be me. This fight is a real fucking battle of attrition. Archeosaur was a chump compared to this guy. Bring Venom Buster or don't show up at all, even with that and the Reflect stat I still had to eat a Continue mythril and get the 10% offense bonus to even beat it. I feel like I could have mastered it, but Celes ate the floor right before the final hit and I was too tired from trying this fight (for the last hour and a half) to keep going.

I was planning on bringing Haste (even crafted it), but the twelve waves of trash before he boss were too annoying without being mitigated by Quake, so I had to drop that.

...I might try again once Locke has more levels and doesnt die instantly to Flare Star or Southern Cross.


that puzzling face
I have a Maneater, Swordbreaker, Air Knife, and then two Greatswords, a Falchion, a Bastard Sword and a Stoneblade in various states of combination/upgrade.


edit: Apparently I sold off the Falchion since it was inferior in every way to the Greatsword(s)

"I'm destroying these early elites. How tough could that dragon be?"

It seems they're following the Rinoa template for event content. A Normal mode that should be reasonably easy to clear and character reasonably easy to obtain (I mean heck, people could get Sephiroth in about 3 days of playing if they knew what they were doing), and then Elites which basically stretch out from 'sorta like how Normal ended' all the way up to absurdity.

I think it's a good system, and if this event hadn't been Retread Central, would have been just about as cool as Rinoa event as a measuring stick that everyone can use. There definitely were very distinct tiers - from people who couldn't beat T-Rex, to those who did, to those who did Iguions, to those who were nuts enough (and lucky enough with 5*s) to Mythril their way through Parade Float.

Future events separate out the Parade Float analogue into its own Boss Rush mode, but the challenge is still there. From what I'm understanding though, none really comes to the level of absurdity that Parade Float was, just from all the extra features in the game (increased levels, Materia, friend summons, etc) and the fact that most people have had some time to roll some synergy gear by then (5* or otherwise).


Yeah, the only reason I even cleared it is because I'm rolling in 4* FF6 relics, had the "right" abilities and had Growth eggs to dump on Locke from the start.

This was my party for the dungeon. Still ended up using two Mythril to complete it with an absurd amount of S/L. 180k HP is no joke.

I might try using Retaliate on Cyan. Despite no one being able to Double Cut (cause Locke is busy), Terra and Celes could pump out more damage once their spell charges inevitably run out.


I'm finding this event not fun at all.

Really, replaying FF6 paintings? 347937493749 billion stages?

Only way this would have been worse would be Dr. Mog.


Just waiting for my stamina to refill so I can take on the final dungeon and collect Locke :)

After that I'm looking forward to the elite dungeons, I already farmed all the Ninja Gear I needed a few weeks ago and I have a Zanteksuken+, Kiku-ichimonji, Swordbreaker++, Maneater+, Crystal Sword and Main Gauche (which will be a Main Gauche++ after I collect the two from the elite dungeons) as well as a Blitz Blade.

I got very lucky with my free draws (for FF6 and 8 weapons, anyway)

And Luneth and Snow finally hit Lv50! Just Gordon (44) Warrior of Light (48) Lenna (22) Vanille (44) out of the non-core characters to go now. I'm going to feed Locke some growth eggs and use him through the elite dungeons so he should gain quite a few levels too.
Oh my god anima is such a fucker.

He counters every attack.

He regenerates his arms after like one turn.

His resonant magic let's him hit the whole party as many times as he likes.

Trying to do the vanille hard run feels like the first time this game is saying "fuck you, pay me"

I killed one but it still uses resonant magic and counters. It makes no difference.


Oh my god anima is such a fucker.

He counters every attack.

He regenerates his arms after like one turn.

His resonant magic let's him hit the whole party as many times as he likes.

Trying to do the vanille hard run feels like the first time this game is saying "fuck you, pay me"

Hard? Not even heroic?

Also the obvious thing to do is to cut only one arm so it doesn't regenerate.


that puzzling face
You.. have 3 5* weapons


To be more useful though, your abilities do seem very lacking. That's not something throwing money at the game is going to fix, (3 5* weapons, gee) unless you meant throwing money for stam refills to go farm orbs for better abilities.

rofl, got Locke, put him right into weapon daily Heroic


(also because he's lv1 it's free Bladeblitz recharges every stage from levelling up)

Doesn't help when he kills in two or three hits.

I've only spent $6 on the game since i started in December. Only the gold book was from a paid pull.

The game launched in Feb. If you started in December, your ability situation is even worse.


Doesn't help when he kills in two or three hits.

I've only spent $6 on the game since i started in December. Only the gold book was from a paid pull.

You should use snow and/or vanille and better abilities. If they're underleveled give them some eggs so they are 20-something.
Maybe another healing spell.

Also Kain and Tyro are fragile as fuck. Tifa too :x


that puzzling face
Your Tyro is in the front row. Why is everyone wearing Power Wrists?

You really need better abilities. Breaks make anything much easier.

I'm not gonna say the game is a money sink (because it is, for schmucks willing to spend) but throwing money at the game honestly will fix few of the problems you have right now.

I have 2 5* weapons and been playing since launch (Feb, not Dec) and I've cleared a double Anima heroic, so sorry if I'm coming off as a little bit of a jerk because seeing that picture with three 5*s is... well. Yeah.



Well then, I'd best go unlocke Locke I suppose.

Both of my character exclusive relics are Throwing Weapons lol, and I got both by spending money. I'm quite literally throwing my money away.
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