As far as I know Tyro is the only one able to wield those.
I think you're right, although I'd be very ok with getting a Scholar.

As far as I know Tyro is the only one able to wield those.
As far as I know Tyro is the only one able to wield those.
It will pop up when you get it in the dungeonDo record materia actually DROP in dungeons in a chest or something or as an orb or do they just show up at the end of a stage?
I got Tidus' second record materia in one of the dailies today, so yepAnyone know if it's possible to get the 2nd Record materia in the daily FFX dungeons?
If you want to see the details about each 5* use this link:
Change the last part to 1802, 1803...; 1901, 1902...; 2001, 2002...
Cloud is getting his second soul break with Hardedge: Cross Slash.
I was happy with the new daily dungeons until this. Saturday was the "do whatever" day because I very rarely need gil, now it's the "must get non-elemental orbs" day.
Now I'll feel like wasting stamina clearing content instead of farming orbs except for Sunday and Friday. /firstworldproblem
It will pop up when you get it in the dungeon
Pop up as what?
I got Tidus' second record materia in one of the dailies today, so yep
I got Tidus' second record materia in one of the dailies today, so yep
I hope new dungeons will come very soon, especially the FFXII ones. I have perfect weapons for this one, and I'm actually happy to have them (Hammerhead 4*+, Trident 4*, Diamond Sword 4*, Storm Spear 3*++, too many staves, and a Power Rod 3*, though that last one probably won't be as good as Vanille's Binding Rod).
What's that last armour? Every time someone shows it off all I can think is that it looks like Samus' power suit.
Wait Squall is definitely next or is it Shinra?
How so? Everything I've seen shows he's pretty good, especially with his later relics.
I don't know if he's better than existing characters but he isn't bad.
I like the idea of keeping a fully effective back-row party for grinding out dailies. With Squall's gunblade, he could join my Rising Sun Locke and Official Ballz Wakka. Really wish I'd have gotten Rinoa's Valkyrie.
Wait Squall is definitely next or is it Shinra?
How so? Everything I've seen shows he's pretty good, especially with his later relics.
I don't know if he's better than existing characters but he isn't bad.
So with two Healing Grimoires and a Guard Stick in my inventory, I'm covered for healers. That said, which event is my best bet for using 50 mythril with the goal of getting some weapons that will give me some raw power?
So what does Cross Slash do?
I think DeNA missed an opportunity with Snow's Record Materia. Something like "Adds 20% of character's DEF to ATK" would be both interesting and completely in line with Snow's characterization and gear in XIII and RK.
(His two RM are basically "ATK down DEF up" and "more DEF as HP lowers") Yeh ok, kinda useless without Taunt.
Also no idea why anyone would want to Taunt even onto a highly defensive character, when an alternative in Retaliate-Taunt exists and is better both defensively and offensively.
It's ok, Irvine will make anyone look good so just stand next to him.
Looking at the banners last page, I'd have said Banner 5, because Aerith and Celes weapons are God-tier for 4-mage meta (Guard Stick, despite its SB, has better MAG stat and is a rod so it doubles as an offensive weapon on high MAG characters), Cloud has a 2nd Soul Break and Cyan's SB weapon is actually ridiculously good if you're so inclined to abuse VIT0.
But you already have a Guard Stick lol
I think it'll boil down to what generics there are too.
As nothing, it's a pop up message. Can happen between waves
. Now I'm going to show you my collection of equipment, note this is from spending over $2000 dollars USD on the game, I think I'm near $3000 now, not sure, don't really count my spendings.
I think I'm near $3000 now
Woo Squall enters the fray now, and a gunblade at that! Well here's the sad thing, it's Cloud's Braver soulbreak, just redesigned. Clocking in at 129 attack at level 30 (7star), it does a single physical blow to the enemy, but what's different about Squall's soulbreak to Cloud's? Well Squall's soulbreak ignore enemy defenses (at least some of it, if not all), so it's slightly better in the long run, as you can reach the 9999 damage cap easier than Cloud. But as I said with all single hit soulbreaks, it is advisable not to get them.
So that still doesn't answer my question then. I want to know if it "drops" in the dungeon, as an orb or a chest or some unique icon.
I get what he's saying about the SB but in a VIII dungeon it would be advisable to have a VIII weapon, especially a native 5*.
I dunno what's better, the fact that he's all 'yea i spent a shit ton of money but i dunno the exact amount don't rly care' or that he has 115 inventory slots after having pulled maybe 1250 items.
I get what he's saying about the SB but in a VIII dungeon it would be advisable to have a VIII weapon, especially a native 5*.
This game is supposed to be about scratching a nostalgia itch. Trying tobget Tyros weapons seems to be 100% against that.
He did answer it (vaguely). You get a pop up message mid-battle when an enemy "drops" it. Doesn't show up as an orb/chest.