Yeah, they're all easy, just too many HP.
So, I was doing a stage of Fabul castle to reset my RW choices and Vivi's second materia dropped.![]()
It can drop in any stage, says so in the description.
Yeah, they're all easy, just too many HP.
So, I was doing a stage of Fabul castle to reset my RW choices and Vivi's second materia dropped.![]()
3 out of 5 bosses down on the tidus boss rush and almost all abilities gone. Definitely gonna need at least 1 mythril for it. Having to use 1-3 mythril per event if you want to do all the elites and boss rush really isn't so bad considering how much they give out.
How you finding it difficulty wise/abilities you are using?
I'm just about to start it.
Edit: I see they fixed the description for Wakka's Materia. Now says "sometimes start with a full gauge". Lol like every character has that "ability" anyways. What a waste.
Just finished the Operation Mi'ihen boss rush. Surprisingly it wasn't too challenging. I used a Mythril after the 3rd boss to refresh my abilities. I could of probably taken down the 4th with what I had but the last boss would have been a close fight. I figured 1 Mythril was a good price to pay to guarantee me a Master for the event.
Garnet event elite still seems pretty easy, but damn some of the HP on these later enemies, trash AND bosses. yikes.
You should really have had a bash at the boss before using a Mythril instead of using one before the fight. If you die against the boss and use a mythril, you'll also get a Phoenix bonus which can be a random pick from:
2 more ability uses for everyone
HP +10%
Offensive stats +10% (Attack, Mind and Magic together)
Defensive stats +10% (Resistance and Defense).
Better to try before you fail...especially since they stack and you could dying and keep spending Mythril to get all the bonuses for the fight (if you're that desperate).
Can you obtain garnet second record materia yet?
You've gotten Garnet's second RM?Yes and it's pretty crap.
Yo, we need a Final Fantasy Record Keeper x NieR crossover event.
That reveal had me giddy all day long, afterwards. A NieR sequel was simply a gaming dream come true for me, as it was something I never thought I'd see. Thus, I would certainly be down with some NieR crossover stuff.I just want to say that, when I replied to this earlier, it was hours before I watched the SE press event and now I am stupidly hyped. Oh man.
JEez, I wonder if these bosses have enough HP? Better give them another few million each.
EDIT: That's weird. Nymph took a million years to go down the first time. I ran out of abilities and just autobattled until she knocked out Vivi. I tried her again and she went down pretty quick this time. Bug?
She is not immune to Death, do you have Zantetsuken on someone?
I found a reddit post of some of the other 2* drops:I just got two-star FFVII claws from a regular Ice Pillar #1 Classic monster.
Maybe old news, maybe available elsewhere, but VII stuff is scare, so it's time to make a ++ of that.
I'm not using vit0, although I did use vit0 for the last elite. Didn't bring along what I needed for it, because I was expecting the bosses to be a lot easier. And they are easier; I just don't have my abilities honed enough (or I didn't plan well enough) to last me through all 5 boss's hp.
My setup is:
Cloud - double cut, fira strike
Tidus - double cut, bladeblitz
Wakka - double cut, intimidate
Vivi - quake, firaja
Garnet - curaga, phoenix
I actually went into the 4th boss fully being okay with dying for a mythril refresh but the ether actually gave me enough to get through it. I really really probably will mythril refresh before sinspawn gui though.
Eurgh, the last elite of Garnet's event is fucking nuts.
I know, lets have 2 bosses with ridiculous HP that can do 2500 damage with one attack, that will work!
I ran out of abilites just beating the Black Waltz.
And you mean to tell me Sealion has a powerful AoE attack when it gets to low health? I got wiped out before I even saw that. There's no way I can beat it.
The rest of the event is pretty easy, if not draggy because of all the inflated HP values. Then this fight is just flat out unfair.
"I found it easy, just cheat!"I found it easy. Just Magic Break both of them and then Vit-0 the Black Waltz. Once he's dead Firaja/Firaga the heck out of the Epic Sea Lion.
Eurgh, the last elite of Garnet's event is fucking nuts.
I know, lets have 2 bosses with ridiculous HP that can do 2500 damage with one attack, that will work!
I ran out of abilites just beating the Black Waltz.
And you mean to tell me Sealion has a powerful AoE attack when it gets to low health? I got wiped out before I even saw that. There's no way I can beat it.
The rest of the event is pretty easy, if not draggy because of all the inflated HP values. Then this fight is just flat out unfair.
"I found it easy, just cheat!"
"I found it easy, just cheat!"
Eurgh, the last elite of Garnet's event is fucking nuts.
I know, lets have 2 bosses with ridiculous HP that can do 2500 damage with one attack, that will work!
I ran out of abilites just beating the Black Waltz.
And you mean to tell me Sealion has a powerful AoE attack when it gets to low health? I got wiped out before I even saw that. There's no way I can beat it.
The rest of the event is pretty easy, if not draggy because of all the inflated HP values. Then this fight is just flat out unfair.
Let's just agree to disagree. Just getting a little tired of everyone suggesting VIT0 before actual strategies and playing the game like it should be played.Exploiting poor programming isn't cheating, but okay.
Can you get the memory crystal without the character being in the party?
Or if he has to be in the party, does he have to be level 50?
Let's just agree to disagree. Just getting a little tired of everyone suggesting VIT0 before actual strategies and playing the game like it should be played.
A new accessory has been added to the JP version. It gives HP + 500 and has synergy with FFVIII
Eurgh, the last elite of Garnet's event is fucking nuts.
I know, lets have 2 bosses with ridiculous HP that can do 2500 damage with one attack, that will work!
I ran out of abilites just beating the Black Waltz.
And you mean to tell me Sealion has a powerful AoE attack when it gets to low health? I got wiped out before I even saw that. There's no way I can beat it.
The rest of the event is pretty easy, if not draggy because of all the inflated HP values. Then this fight is just flat out unfair.