What's the current max stamina? 100?
101 1/5
What's the current max stamina? 100?
I didn't have too much trouble with that fight, but then again I had a level 58 Vivi with Oak staff hitting Black Waltz with Firaja for 9999 every turn with 65 Tidus and Wakka backing him up. I kept Sea lion rebuffed afterward with Magic Break, which made the Tsunamis afterward do trivial damage while I burned down his HP (including two back to back Doublecasr Venom SBs for 24k damage total).
Curious, have you spent a lot of real life money on this? I play with moderate regularity and have only one character over level 50 (Tidus at 51, after using a bunch of growth eggs since he was hot garbage before they buffed him). Rydia, Kain, Cecil (light) and Celes are also level 50 (Kain is 48). I can't imagine even with growth eggs having been able to get enough turns in to level up that fast unless you've been using the gems or whatever to refill your stamina.
I've mastered all of the Elite FFX stages but can't beat those last few of the event.Couldn't beat the second to last and last FFIX stages yet either.
Curious, have you spent a lot of real life money on this? I play with moderate regularity and have only one character over level 50 (Tidus at 51, after using a bunch of growth eggs since he was hot garbage before they buffed him). Rydia, Kain, Cecil (light) and Celes are also level 50 (Kain is 48). I can't imagine even with growth eggs having been able to get enough turns in to level up that fast unless you've been using the gems or whatever to refill your stamina.
I've mastered all of the Elite FFX stages but can't beat those last few of the event.Couldn't beat the second to last and last FFIX stages yet either.
The trick to leveling up your character is to carry them around for your daily orb grinding. You just have to be efficient with your time and abuse the exp dungeons (2 sweepers + 1 dead weight). I have never use a stamina refill or eggs and I only have 3-4 non level 50s (Tidus and Wakka are both 65s). Though I did start on day 1 so I might have an advantage there.
I spent a good 8-10 mythril on stamina refills in Festival of Gold. I made sure to get Vivi and Garnet the moment they popped and put them into that exp heaven, cause those kind of events don't happen often! Took them to level 50 with four star growth eggs, got their memory crystals and let them ride the xp wave as high as they would go.
What does this mean exactly? Pretty impressive accomplishment! The speed my guys level up, I expect it'll take me another month at least to have someone hit 65 let alone a whole squad.
I took it to mean one person who needs EXP and the other two to kill everything. Smaller parties lead to less EXP division. For a 3 man party the total EXP is the same but each member gets 66.5% more EXP than they do in a 5 man party.What does this mean exactly? Pretty impressive accomplishment! The speed my guys level up, I expect it'll take me another month at least to have someone hit 65 let alone a whole squad.
What does this mean exactly? Pretty impressive accomplishment! The speed my guys level up, I expect it'll take me another month at least to have someone hit 65 let alone a whole squad.
I probably should have utilized the exp from there more effectively but the inventory management but I just can't get into grinding in this game at all. Isn't fun for me. Smart thinking though!
Fuck the last FF9 dungeon. I had more problems with that than the last X mission. Blizzard hitting my level 50 characters for 2500 damage.
Barely beat it. Guess I'll level up and hone more then try for mastery before the event ends.
Pshhh. Abuse Celes' Friend Summon Relic + Pheonix/powerful magics on your black mage/summon. Absorb magic dmg & free refill? Yes please.
I don't have Phoenix and only 4 uses each firaja/ga plus fira strike. I used all of that along with my own trance fire, Vanille friend summon, magic/armor breaks, and still barely beat it with 3 characters dead.
What does that Celes ability do exactly. I don't think I've seen it...
I don't have Phoenix and only 4 uses each firaja/ga plus fira strike. I used all of that along with my own trance fire, Vanille friend summon, magic/armor breaks, and still barely beat it with 3 characters dead.
What does that Celes ability do exactly. I don't think I've seen it...
Celes' limit act as a taunt for single target black magic. Anytime your enemy use it, it'll target the person who use the limit and the spell will then get absorb and one of your ability will get randomly refill. Since the last IX loves using black magic, you essentially get free magic + tank.
Eurgh, the last elite of Garnet's event is fucking nuts.
I know, lets have 2 bosses with ridiculous HP that can do 2500 damage with one attack, that will work!
I ran out of abilites just beating the Black Waltz.
And you mean to tell me Sealion has a powerful AoE attack when it gets to low health? I got wiped out before I even saw that. There's no way I can beat it.
The rest of the event is pretty easy, if not draggy because of all the inflated HP values. Then this fight is just flat out unfair.
Woo, smoked Death Claw. Got all the stamina now. Ready to pull my hair out at the next set of elites.
I've been dreading the last 6 FFV elites for a long long time now. I just finished up all the other realm elites this morning before work, have to start in on the FFV ones now then I'll have max Stamina. I remember hating Iron Claw so much on just the normal mode. At least now I have 6 uses of intimidate and I know about the S/L trick, and VIT0 if necessary I guess. Is it just me, or does FFV as a realm just seem to be unusually difficult, despite the rating numbers?(even though the numbers are high as well)
What is Vit-0? Sure it's been discussed previously but I'm in the dark on it.
Cast protect on an enemy
Use Wakka with Status Reels on same enemy
Cast protect on enemy again
Then your next couple of attacks should do 9999 damage. It seems to wear off pretty quick though.
Don't bother, do the first X classic (Zanarkand) and just keep repeating the first battle for 2 stamina a go.Going to redo the whole Tidus event so I can try to get his and Wakka's damn Record Materia. Wish me luck.
How many times did that take you?Don't bother, do the first X classic (Zanarkand) and just keep repeating the first battle for 2 stamina a go.
That's what I did earlier today.
About 5 tries until I got Tidus' and once more for Wakka's. But you can just auto through it and 2 stamina a go is nothing.How many times did that take you?
Vivi's just drops while he is in the party, doesn't have to be a FF9 dungeon. Garnet's second materia isn't available yet. But yes, that would be the best way.So redoing early 9 ones is the best way to get vivis/garnets other mastery skill? or do they not have them yet?
Vivi's is in, Garnet's is not.So redoing early 9 ones is the best way to get vivis/garnets other mastery skill? or do they not have them yet?
Having to redo Amongst the Flowers Elite for Mastery because I mistakenly took Dark Attack instead of Dark for the "Exploit weakness to Dark" hurts... This game does not forgive stupid errors like that, bye bye 49 stamina!
About 5 tries until I got Tidus' and once more for Wakka's. But you can just auto through it and 2 stamina a go is nothing.
It might take longer for you or it might take less, it's random.
Vivi's just drops while he is in the party, doesn't have to be a FF9 dungeon. Garnet's second materia isn't available yet. But yes, that would be the best way.
I did the same. I always get those and poison wrong lol
Whoo cleared those bastard sinspawns! Didn't even need to use Vit 0. Protectaga and using the right breaks made all the difference. It's a relief to hear that the boss rush is actually slightly easier than that stage.
Anyway, I used VIT0 sorry people, it's there, I'm gonna use it. It's tricky to setup anyway, especially on this fight, where you can't use Deprotega as it messes up the order on both bosses (brought Wakka to use Status Reels on Waltz, while Garnet was eating up spells with Runic and casting Phoenix EVERY ROUND SON)
Feels good man, now I can go back and master the elites I have left, and I'm ready for dungeons tonight! Feels REAL good to be caught up again.
I really wanted to create Protectga but my heart dropped at seeing I needed 8 Greater Earth Orbs, before realizing you get 5 from the Garnet event.
Anyone know where I can get the final 3?
Garnet with Protectga + White Mage second materia = Goodbye Heroics!