Ben Morales

Yey! Finally got my first character specific SB weapon!
I'm liking that 3-pull!
According to this roadmap. Irvine, Arc, Refia, Fran.What characters are supposed to show up in this update?
Apparently there was a fix in Japan for this and they skipped giving us the crap version and went straight for the fix. The fixed version is claimed to be Support 5 / Combat 3 / White 2 / Black 1
Is this accurate? If so, I think we have a winner for the shittiest named character in the game. Black Magic 5 but can't use rods, lolololol. His unique weapon doesn't even have magic on it either, like Terra's. Also is there even a single gun in the game yet?
So does VIT0 still work in the western version? I'm reading conflicting things.
I know it's fixed in Japan, but they're way deeper in than we are so I'm hoping they'll at least wait until the same point. (Or alternatively, give is the QoL updates that we still don't have earlier.)
I've done vit0 probably 15 times total since T-rex/ultimecia FFVIII event
I'm used to getting it up quickly, then I used it on Aster Protoflorian (elite) in FFXIII dungeon for Cloud's memory crystal
Didn't work, thought I missed a step... S/L and reloaded the fight, didn't work somehow?
I was using Vanille friend summon
edit: I chalked it up to some unique boss mechanics that interfere with vit0 glitch, I'll let the subreddit figure it out, I'm too greedy with my stamina lol
You don't even need it for that battle though. Retaliate + Cecil Friend summon = six misses on cloud and and then him wailing on the thing six times in retaliation. It was the most one-sided Elite I'd done yet, lol.
Lmao at the login bonus. I was like "Giant Scarletite huh, nice, I bet I got like 3 or something"
10 Giant Scarletite, 10!
BTW, got Tyro's second record materia. Which would be better on Vivi? His Rod boost or this one?
Lmao at the login bonus. I was like "Giant Scarletite huh, nice, I bet I got like 3 or something"
10 Giant Scarletite, 10!
I think somebody already mentioned this but I went back to the Nymph fight in the IX event because I missed mastery the first time around.
She died in two hits.
I brought along a DK Cecil friend summon to fulfill the darkness requirement and didn't even have a chance to use it. I did a s/l before she faded out so I could use Cecil. This time the battle was normal.
Weird bug.
Zantetsuken probably procced.
Apparently there was a fix in Japan for this and they skipped giving us the crap version and went straight for the fix. The fixed version is claimed to be Support 5 / Combat 3 / White 2 / Black 1
If you have him already, check out his skills: we start with the updated Irvine!
I hope it loops the page back but I can see it just vanishing completely.Wait, the festival of gold daily login event lasts for another 2 weeks? Is there another page of goodies?
Have a peek at the roadmap (click the dungeons tab for individual info on rewards etc). Bard if you've level capped them.Are there any important memory crystals to rush for in this update ie white and black mage? I know clouds is on ffxiii elite stage. Just wondering which levels to rush (irvine and Fran are available, also important characters
Man it's slow going doing the classic dungeons now you only get 1 stamina per dungeon.
Also I think some of these Elite bosses could be a bit troublesome. The classic ones and that boss rush dungeon in IX (not the event one) the bosses certainly have a decent amount of HP on those alone. And not forgetting status affects like silence and blind is in effect too.
Weird how they'd give Vivi again, despite the current event still playing out.
You chose a very good time to start playing, hahaLog in reward was a 5* sword today![]()
The Bomb at the end of the first FFIX elite painting has easily 5 or more times as much HP as it had in the boss rush. I actually couldn't stop it from exploding.
Vivi is included because he is supposed to be regularly available and they didn't want to lock people out of getting him.
Yeah it had loads more in Classic too. I was like "I'm sure this should be dead by now". IN fact another 1 or 2 goes and I think he'd have exploded. Not looking forward to Elite if that's the case. I'll have to make sure I have a shit ton of Ice attacks ready.
To better prioritize memory crystal unlocks and growth egg usage, who has the most useful materia?
I saw a strategy on Reddit for the elite saying that you should cast Slow on the bomb to delay it exploding, burst down Steiner, then use Sentinel Grimoire friend summon when the bomb has used Grow twice. It will do barely any damage to you, and will damage Steiner.The explosion only hits for ~1000 (it doesn't seem to be a factor of the bomb's HP) and Steiner is still much weaker than in the event, so you should be fine. You'll lose the three medals but there's still enough for mastery. In fact, you may be more likely to get those by just going ham on Steiner and ignoring the bomb.
So, at what point will I not be able to steamroll through the game by spamming attack anymore? :>
Not yet.
Or try the daily heroic dungeon if you want to die![]()
Does Black Waltz 2 counter all elemental attacks or just magical ones?
Guess I'll find out.![]()
It was magic attacks in the original game iirc? Like, he would counter if Vivi used magic but didn't if Steiner attacked with a magic blade