Welp. Not had many followers for the past 2 days. Change to Garnet/Ramuh and 10 in the last 1hr 
Not really. FoG required less stamina, making it morexp per sstamina.
Tidus event struggle mastered with 10 min left to spare. No mythril. No VIT0.
But fail me for miscalculating the level up, which didn't happen. And for casting Firaga on Cloud once near the end of the Sinspan Gui fight (that retaliate muscle memory). haha
Deciding if I will do the Garnet event struggle or level up for the rest of the day, since I'm tired from today's emotions -- beat the last three elites for Tidus event and the last elite for Garnet.
And I still have all the new dungeons, of which I only did the first to get Tyro and Cloud's memory crystal. I wouldn't mind if they didn't announce an event today and gave me a few days to catch up.
No, fog it was the standard 3/5/10/15 stamina per stage.
Wazzy, it's time. :OOh, god. Squall event announced. I guess I can just not sleep for this week.
Caster meta totally INC
Wazzy, it's time. :O
So I heard Squall weapon is good?
edit: looks like the first one suck.
What's the benefit of taking a character into their own world?
Is it just HP? does it boost any other stat?
I've got enough orbs to hone Phoenix. Sort of tempting.
^ Switch out Tyro for Garnet. Better stats and can be a combo White Mage/Summoner.
Don't forget Terra and Rinoa can use support skills so they could bring Intimidate and Mental Breakdown. And eventually we'll get Power Breakdown too, I believe. Then Garnet can bring Protectga. I was thinking Vivi and Vanille as pure Black Mages, Garnet White Mage with Summoner backup as needed, and Terra and Rinoa as auxiliaries, swapping skills that suit the particular dungeon, and acting as your trash killers since you have good weapons for them. (Vanille can also be your backup White Mage if you need Garnet to focus on Summoning.)I've considered it, my reasoning is I wanted this 5 mage party to perform better than my retaliate meta set up team, and after trail and error during the new dungeon elite clears, I really needed abilities such as Paralyze, Power Break, Mental Breakdown, and some random others to win out retaliate meta
so in the end, Tyro's master-all abilities ended up way too useful to kick him out
edit: and the plus side I can pick any friend sumon instead of restorting to Tyro's shield book because mage's struggle with HP during select boss fights
other misc info:
elites bosses with around 200-215 magic stat
3* aga nuke normally take in 5k without any mental break, 7500 with vulnerability
4* aja nuke is always 9999 with vulnerability, about 7500-8500 without vulnerability, both without mental break
mental break adds about 1500 damage give or take
mental breakdown adds more than 2k
so mental break with 8 uses should last for the entire boss rush
Don't forget Terra and Rinoa can use support skills so they could bring Intimidate and Mental Breakdown.
Tyro is extremely versatile, but he's got wretched stats. Just something to think about.
Breaks are Combat but the stronger Breakdown versions are Support skills.Breaks are combat, hence none of these mages can use except for Tyro
Tyro's stats are bad but his book adds +96atk, +105magic, and +91mind, so he can actually stand on his own now without sucking
Breaks are Combat but the stronger Breakdown versions are Support skills.
No problem. If you take out Tyro then only Terra in your party could use them, but since she's your strongest physically, that works anyway. And Rinoa can be on paralyze/blind/poison/etc. duty.Oh crap, never noticed! this is a game changer now!
Thanks for pointing it out, this opens up more things
No problem. If you take out Tyro then only Terra in your party could use them, but since she's your strongest physically, that works anyway. And Rinoa can be on paralyze/blind/poison/etc. duty.
There is a quite up to date EXP spreadsheet here. You see looking at the NA tab that Sunday does have some variance. It is worth noting FoG did as well. I had some runs where I only got 59k and one which went up to 70k (champion nos).There was something different about my. Might've dropped more eggs or something.
No, FoG definitely gave more xp. Like 65k to daily's 54k.
I am too thinking about swapping Tyro (LVL48) with Garnet (LVL1) because Tyro kind of sucks. But he is my 4th strongest Melee character... but then Garnet can go up to LVL65... decisison, decisions...
No, I have a HUGE backlog od classic + elite dungeons. In the last 3 weeks I was focusing on Events + Dailies.
gah, totally struggling with jenova on elite.
What's your current set up? Did you die from Jenova's aoe or run out of abilities?
That battle was an endurance fight for me
Y'all, I really want Umaro. Where's Umaro?
I'm so interested to see how they implement him.
I'm wondering if he'll actually be auto-berserk though. Sephiroth isn't despite how he acts when he's in your party in FFVII, and no other character has any sort of special behavior patterns hardwired. I guess they could give him his Record Materia early which enables auto-berserk, and you have to level him up to 50 to unequip it. XD I think he'll probably just act like any other character though, and his Record Materia will give him benefits for being in berserk status. I'm guessing axes, hammers and gloves with access to combat and possibly monk skills.Level 1
500 Attack
200 Defense
0 Resistance
No abilities.
Unable to equip any weapon/armor but can equip an accessory.
Always berserk.
was using this, minus a bit of a rejig in terms of armour for cloud. badly prepared, i admit!
nah, been playing a while, just not very good haha.Just wondering if you started playing recently? Because I usually see players using full teams with RM equipped tackling Jenova-BIRTH
If you haven't had the chance to get characters to lv50, that is even more challenging!
FranWhich of the new characters are worth levelling
Everyone elseand which are garbage tier?