LOL Fran's KO'd sprite.
Thought those were here feet and butt; it's her ears and head.
cheers for all that final fantasy 8 stuff, final fantasy 8 banner.
LOL Fran's KO'd sprite.
Thought those were here feet and butt; it's her ears and head.
New event Omega boss fight in FFRK Japan:
Those honed abilities...
Don't be fooled, though. This is what an unprepared fight look like:
Edit: Oh, this is an "easier" to kill it:
Welcome back!WTF!
Someone stole my Revolver gift firstDAMN YOU WAZZY.
probably should have kept me mythril for the shinra event.
or the balthier event.
So I'm just now realizing same-debuffs overwrite each other, like stop.
What follows those though is Mt. Kolts and Imperial Camp (these should be skipped as those two cost a tonne of stamina and the former is insanely hard and the second...well I hear it is like Figaro Castle but with 3 bosses...). Resume from Phantom Train (if you go by in-game difficulty number start that actually...).Wow, those three FFVI Elite dungeons that give three stamina shards each... So good!
What follows those though is Mt. Kolts and Imperial Camp (these should be skipped as those two cost a tonne of stamina and the former is insanely hard and the second...well I hear it is like Figaro Castle but with 3 bosses...). Resume from Phantom Train (if you go by in-game difficulty number start that actually...).
but does it extend the length of the debuff? that would be good to know
My anecdotal, non-empiric gut feeling suggests it resets the timer, rather than adding a total duration.
So with the JP game adding weird-ass playable characters like Reno, I'm guessing it's only a matter of time until we get Leo from FF6. Excite.
I'm up to the boss in Mt Kolts. Didn't realise there would be a difficulty spike as I had such an easy time with the dungeon before itWhat follows those though is Mt. Kolts and Imperial Camp (these should be skipped as those two cost a tonne of stamina and the former is insanely hard and the second...well I hear it is like Figaro Castle but with 3 bosses...). Resume from Phantom Train (if you go by in-game difficulty number start that actually...).
The friendly reminder about Sunday daily. Three growth eggs (30,000EXP total) is a completion reward on Heroic so go for full clears if you're doing Heroic (I think if you're doing the difficultly below to completion is almost equal to heroic and retreating after 1 battle). Retaliate meta (like all dailies is useful). In this case you can two shot without boost if you have Cloud with >243 ATK, something which I can't say is the case for the other dailies.At this point your best bet is XP dungeon.
so let's say someone has a level 31 bard and needs his materias, where/what would be a good place/way to level that useless muppet?
Growth eggs so you never have to have him waste a space in your team. Only have to take the chump with you to grind for his 2nd Materia.
used them all on decent characters like an idiot.
Falk is back!
Also, Oilboyle x2 on elite just demolished my A-team! Wot happen
Better bring that Reflect son
Falk is back!
Also, Oilboyle x2 on elite just demolished my A-team! Wot happen
Did you silence them? Sleep also works.
Personally didn't find them that hard with those status effects in play.
At least you didn't try 20+ S/L trying to make things work like I did...and I still failed. Best case for me was getting one down and running out of resources on the other. I am using mostly R2 stuff so yeah might be a tad impossible for me as getting one down would take everything I had.Also, Oilboyle x2 on elite just demolished my A-team! Wot happen