yeah, you definitely did. as soon as i posted they started turning up! fran and i thank you!Classic. I hope I have the name right.
It's this little guy:
Is it just me or was this event really easy?
Is it just me or was this event really easy?
It's probably because Balthier's bosses weren't HP sponges and ability drains compared to Jenova and Materia Keeper. Fuck those two bosses.
LMAO I love these. The Rinoa Angelo Cannon one is great too
You have finished everything? All events and classic and elite dungeons? Go farm some orbs or get rich =pIm so bored.....more content please.
I wish they could separate armor upgrade dailies from weapon ones, there are way more weapons that need mats compared to armor.
Is there more of these?
LMAO I love these. The Rinoa Angelo Cannon one is great too
Im so bored.....more content please.
They're by nebezial on Deviantart!I need to find the source of these or wherever they are all collected in one place.
Almost done Sephiroth elites and then I'll start Balthiers.
They're by nebezial on Deviantart!
Bring on the Blue Magic. Quistis needs to have her full potential unlocked.There are rank 1-5* blue orbs in the data, and Aero is considered a blue magic spell by the game
(for reference the image shows Power, White, Black, Blue and Summon orbs, in that order)
Who knows when it will be released, or what abilities it will have other than the Aero spells.
At which floor does this current event suddenly spike in difficulty and make you wish yo uhad properly prepared?
Well, there's a good chance slowga is already at the point where it will get the job done. YOu can never have too much blitzblade.
A majority of my VIII gear is from mythril but a few are def paid pulls. From the time I've played I've spent quite a bit but that's been a few months now.Alrighty.
BTW Wazzie, did you spend much on this or do you have the devil's own luck?
Quick, someone make fanartpulled a five star regal gown.
put it on balthier.
Quick, someone make fanart
The prize is amazing. a 5* accessory that increases Mind by 15 and gives a strong resistance to Silence. It's a fantastic healer item.Finished the Balthier Elites. Ghis was easier than the mobs leading up to him. Might give the boss rush a go if the prize is any good.
Balthier's event was easy, but that's okay!
Bah, I had trouble with Ba'Gaman Elite but managed to Master it with Mythril refresh. The two judges however I cannot beat. I just can't damage them enough - Breaks hit them for 1800-2000 and normal attacks for 800-1000. I even silenced the two of them but in the end they still killed me. Do not want to do another Mythril refresh so I guess they are the stop for me. Maybe I will try Judge Gish and blind him but he is surrounded by 3 other mobs which probably have 20-30k HP.
I hate how this game does not have HP bars yet.
Bah, I had trouble with Ba'Gaman Elite but managed to Master it with Mythril refresh. The two judges however I cannot beat. I just can't damage them enough - Breaks hit them for 1800-2000 and normal attacks for 800-1000. *Ga spells for 2500 (meanwhile Ba'Gaman Elite was eating 8000 per hit). I even silenced the two of them but in the end they still killed me. Do not want to do another Mythril refresh so I guess they are the stop for me. Maybe I will try Judge Gish and blind him but he is surrounded by 3 other mobs which probably have 20-30k HP.
I hate how this game does not have HP bars yet.
Berserk and paralysis can really take the pressure off with the two judges. Combine that with a retaliate party (since magic is pretty worthless against them) and they can go down pretty fast.
Same with Ghis. But I brought along Paladin Cecil's SB to manage his followers.
Huh, apparently they are starting to have extra conditions in event battles now in Japan. Reddit mentions battles in the current event where you are restricted to a party of 3.
Something is wrong with her face in that art, but I can't place it.
WOW the Jenova event elites suck donkey balls. Even the trash waves are ridiculous.
I got absolutely destroyed by Materia Keeper. Apparently it uses Trine when it reaches low HP? yeah, I didn't even get that far.
All my party is level 50, 3 of them having synergy, and I was doing under 1000 damage a hit due to it's frankly ridiculous defense, and it was doing upwards of 2600+ damage on every attack. and the fight dragged on so long that I ran out of protectga and curaga.
Why is this event so unnecessarily difficult? especially for a realm which frankly has shit all for synergy equipment anyway unless you get incredibly lucky, and 3 characters that are basically useless without special equipment (Tifa, Sephiroth, Red XIII)
A majority of my VIII gear is from mythril but a few are def paid pulls. From the time I've played I've spent quite a bit but that's been a few months now.
So most of my paid pulls have actually been worse than my mythril pulls. xD the only good one I had recently was the VII pull I did which I've limited one paid pull to banners I want but aren't focused on.