Worth pulling for the Staff for MAG if I already got 2 judgement staff? Is there MAG focus rod coming later on?
My highest MAG rod is +70 right now.
Either this or FF8 which should be next are your best chances for a while. The next really good caster banner isn't until the Tellah Golbez one.
The next event should be Quistis and Selphie and it's great for mage gear. It has Quis's Whip and Sel's Nunchucks that are somehow Rods.Worth pulling for the Staff for MAG if I already got 2 judgement staff? Is there MAG focus rod coming later on?
My highest MAG rod is +70 right now.
Did you actually get the email?I just saw that promotion thing everyone thought was a scam and turned out to be legit and now I'm annoyed. Ugh I wish it was more obvious.
I didn't receive it but I saw the talk about it when people first got one.Did you actually get the email?
I didn't personally, but I don't blame people for thinking it was shady. It looked really unprofessional.
Yeah, I'd be pretty annoyed if I got the promotion but ignored it due to how janky it looked.I didn't receive it but I saw the talk about it when people first got one.
It's a pretty horribly done promotion made even worse for people who received the email but didn't do it.![]()
Well, let's take a look at Quistis (level 50 stats):
Quistis seems to be a jack-of-all-trades at first glance... and a bad one at that. While she has access to 4★ BM, which is fine, we have countless other BM users who are better than her, including Rinoa from the same FF realm (who has a better INT stat than her). She isn't a good healer, being restricted to 2★ WM. She can be a decent Support ability user, if it wasn't for the small problem that she is very squishy (58 DEF) and should never be on the front row. She can use whips, weapons that are already quite rare and which aren't that great to begin with (as far as I know, they don't deal full damage from the back row, but if I'm wrong please correct me).
- HP: 3015
- ATT: 77
- DEF: 58
- MAG: 107
- RES: 91
- MIND: 78
- SPD: 118
- Abilities: 4★ Black Magic, 2★ White Magic, 4★ Support
- Equipment: Dagger, Rod, Staff, Whip, Hat, Light Armor, Robe, Bracer, Accessory
My opinion? She isn't worth the effort, and doesn't bring anything that another character can't do better than her.
You want a Black Mage? Take Vivi, Rinoa or Terra.
You want a Support ability user? Tidus (front row) and Wakka (back row) are available and have better stats than her. Her measly 77 in Attack prevents her from being a decent physical damage dealer.
You want a White Mage? Countless better options.
She may become better once DeNa adds Blue Magic to the game (and it is guaranteed she will get access to it). But for now? Don't bother, she is bench material.
This is kinda where I am. I've got a handful of elites that are all above my level left. Events are coming pretty quickly, so I finish them all on classic and then finish the first 3/4s or so on elite and kinda stop, I've got maybe 1/4 of my characters at the level cap and the rest I just kinda fill the bars as I get more growth eggs, I've got a bunch of high level skills but most aren't too refined and I'm not engaged enough to grind to really refine them. I've got maybe 90-95 quests done and most of the rest would require me to grind specifically, many to refine spells I already have at l4 or l5 from early. I've got a bunch of 4* and 5* gear, most of it milquetoast, so I feel like I can't quite do the super-elite content where I'd benefit from great gear, but my inventory is full and it's all at the level cap so I don't have any real upgrading to do.
Mostly my strategy at this point is to just play once or twice a day. If I fall a little bit more behind that's OK. I've finally got a couple of -aja spells now so I guess I'm making some progress.
not feeling this event. final fantasy x? more like final fantasy zzz am i right?
you wot
FFX wasn't a particularly good story, though. Particularly because of the image you posted.
Oh come on. FFX's story was fine, and I loved Yuna's character.