Whoever said that the new dungeon drop was tonight was wrong. Glad we have more time to clear everything.
Yooooo, we have FF14 characters!
The picture is for ants, but YOOO
I hope they have XIV synergy and aren't just Core characters, that would suck.
Death has a higher success rate. (70% vs. 25%)
If you can hone it once, it makes the fight a lot less tedious via S/L.
Saw it on reddit, can't confirm personally other than anecdotal experience. (Death did seem to hit much more frequently.)Hum? I thought we didn't have the exact % success of each spell.
Yeah... I just got Yuna and her memory crystal and pieced the hell out of this event. After struggling to get Master on the Isaaru stage (finally got it), I knew I had no business even trying to do the EX stuff.
Yeah... I just got Yuna and her memory crystal and pieced the hell out of this event. After struggling to get Master on the Isaaru stage (finally got it), I knew I had no business even trying to do the EX stuff.
My big problem with this game is either you gotta spend a lot on Gatcha or you gotta completely optimize your grinding so that you have the right set ups. I've been playing every day since it came out in the US and I was pretty unoptimized early on and struggled with some of the events. I've gotten better at how I use my stamina but yeah sometimes this game pisses me off.
I think the things that hurt are that mages are useless outside of boss fights because there's no way to refresh abilities (except paying money) but it feels at times like you need more than damage and healing abilities and the game just isn't set up in a way to make taking along buffs/debuffs viable.
Other than using a Google Play gift card I received as a gift to do the 100 gem rolls, I have never spent any money on this game; never felt hamstrung by not doing so either and I've completed every event except Rinoa and Locke's (which I didn't even attempt).
I've also never once used vit0 and don't have a ton of amazing gear. You can make do just fine as a free player, IMO.
That Isaaru fight is bullshit. I cannot use Yuna (LVL1) so I tried it twice with my top party. Had Red 13 RW, killed the bastard before he casts Megaflare, did not have even one KO but lost 2 medals for Damage and 1 medal (!) for Acton (+3 medals for lack of Yuna).
Expert only. Cannot Master the Elite w/o Yuna I think.
Luckily the rewards for this whole Event are kind of weak so no worries here.
Probably not worth it for the 2 fire and 1 summon orb...still can't master the single 3-stage fight. Lost 4 fucking medals. Went into the fight with no native cures...just carbuncle and kirin with Healing Grimoire in stage 2. Need to build my limit breaks up on the first part to take the guy out before Oblivion with Buster and Revolver...that didn't quite do it though as I'm 1 star short wasting turns.
I think the only way I can master it is if I get lucky on 2nd stage attacks(not hitting the wounded from the first fight) while bringing curaja and dumping kirin. Probably have to bring sentinel's grimoire...but how do I beat it down before it goes off with Oblivion? It's a no-master situation. I'm screwed either way unless I get the exact right amount of damage taken(I don't get hit on the 3rd stage because of Carbuncle). Need to pop sentinels at the start of phase 1 and just before phase 2...maybe then I'll make it with 2 stars in damage. I'm pretty sure I can't get actions up to 2 stars...it's just not possible.
Way too fucking frustrating.
Oh, good, they're adding even more bullshit to the events now, that's nice.
I like actual RPGs because you can carry enough tools with you to make a versatile team without having to spend 10 minutes in a laggy menu to equip the exact right equipment and even more exact abilities you absolutely need to know in advance to have any chance of succeeding.
Not to mention the stamina system and the horrible gatcha. That's why Record Keeper is not a good F2P game. I said it once before, and I say it again now: without the nostalgia appeal, pretty much no one would have paid attention to that game.
I can't imagine how much Stamina was wasted in Japan trying to figure out things. Kudos to people who are playing this game blindly...
Wow, because I've spent probably $150 on the game over these past few months and I still bump into difficulty issues at times. I wasn't planning my grinding and such until the last few weeks though... And it's not cool what maximizing your playtime and stamina usage (as is absolutely necessary to fully succeed in this game) does to your life, really.
Josef up to level 61. Other the boss rush and ex and two mats runs, I've done nothing but run II solo with Josef to get the rm2 for three days. I now have 156 lpo, enough to cover maxing three double cuts (need a lot of lwos though), 714 lesser earths, and 327 lesser darks. The earths would net me 357k if I liquidated them. I'm beginning to believe that I have angered rngesus and I'll never get this drop. I suppose after Josef hits 64 I'll throw ricard in the mix to slow the exp growth on Josef and mitigate the eventual wasted exp a bit.
I wonder how the system to level up/ exchange orbs will look like. Will it be 10 lesser orbs for 1 better orb? Always a 10:1 exchange rate? 10 Greater for 1 Major?
Wow, because I've spent probably $150 on the game over these past few months and I still bump into difficulty issues at times. I wasn't planning my grinding and such until the last few weeks though... And it's not cool what maximizing your playtime and stamina usage (as is absolutely necessary to fully succeed in this game) does to your life, really.
Wow, because I've spent probably $150 on the game over these past few months and I still bump into difficulty issues at times. I wasn't planning my grinding and such until the last few weeks though... And it's not cool what maximizing your playtime and stamina usage (as is absolutely necessary to fully succeed in this game) does to your life, really.
I will be on a 2 week vacation in August.
I dread about all the content that I will miss and how far will I fall back behind![]()
So back after about a week and this is my party now:
I just tried a run at the Yuna crystal again and I can't get past the second boss. It feels like I'm both not doing enough damage and also taking too much damage, because I'm wasting time on healing with my two mages and only have so much time to attack.
At this point, do I just need to start honing abilities and just go full DPS and not worry about healing at all? Or do I need to start getting things like shell and protect in order to survive the attacks? I'm not even sure what abilities I would be able to give up in order to take those in the first place...
Did you mean the 2nd boss rush boss, or 2nd boss for Yuna's Memory Crystal?
In either case, at this point for event elites you'll probably want to have your main party rocking Record Materia, because the added boost (e.g. Cloud hitting 10% harder, recharging BM/WHM abilities, etc) plus 5-15 levels begin to add up.
Can't see what your hones are at though, Unfortunately you -just- missed XP daily so it'd be hard to power your dudes past 50, but if you really can't dent that boss (could offer insight if you specified exactly which one) it might be best to call it quits and start getting Break Level Cap for your dudes.
So back after about a week and this is my party now:
I just tried a run at the Yuna crystal again and I can't get past the second boss. It feels like I'm both not doing enough damage and also taking too much damage, because I'm wasting time on healing with my two mages and only have so much time to attack.
At this point, do I just need to start honing abilities and just go full DPS and not worry about healing at all? Or do I need to start getting things like shell and protect in order to survive the attacks? I'm not even sure what abilities I would be able to give up in order to take those in the first place...
Not sure If I'm going to do boss rush. I probably will but I think I'm a little burnt out on RK so I'm trying to take things a bit slower and just do classics until I'm done them all.
Next VIII event will get me back more. xD
Also OT for a second but I went to the New World concert yesterday and it was amazing. They started with Fragment of Memories from VIII which obviously had me and my friends loudly cheering for and then they did quite a few gorgeous X pieces like Zanarkand(obviously) and Final Battle. Then they asked what everyone thought would be the last piece and of course many said VII but my group and a couple others screamed VIII and it was Force Your Way.They did One Winged Angel as an encore but because everyone was still cheering so they came back and did Force Your Way again after we were screaming they better do it. So happy they ended the concert with an VIII song <3
Some other songs they did were:
Battle Theme FF VII
Moogle Theme
Chocobo Theme
Redwings Theme
My fire hones seem were leveled less than I remembered. lolI wouldn't say you're out of luck. The halfway bosses (memory crystal stuff) should be doable at 50. There's two things really - the Elites scale all the way up to insanity, but if you remember the Rinoa event, T-Rex, while tough, was doable and nowhere near the hilarity that was the Edea stage. Second thing being there's a tangible power jump when you break your guys.
What are your hones at? Take a picture at the stage select screen and it should show the numbers.
Also, do you have Tidus? I'm -pretty- sure the 2*++ armor from his event outranks the XII shield. (This event, for whatever bizarre reason, only gave 2 copies of it for 2*+)
Best way to jumpstart characters are Growth Eggs, really. I have a stash that I use to get event characters up to 50, and then the Growth Eggs from the event sorta semi-replenish my stash, with the rest coming from XP daily.
So should I not worry about offense at all on my mages and just give them cure and shell/protect?For bosses, yes you'll need Protect/shell/ breaks to survive. For trash mob, you need 1 generic 5 star armour or a 3++/2++ Realm synergy armour to take reasonable damage. Your weapon is fine (generic 5*) but since it doesn't have RS, you might want to buff yourself with boost and it should KO trash within 1-2 hit
You should put Tyro in the back row since he's a mage and his atk suck ass to be in the front row. The game, at this point, is more about abilities than gear - I saw some one beat FFVI's falcon elite with no mythril pull gear whatsoever, only honed abilities. The also give you a 3++ FFX sword for this event which should be better than the 5* one your using when taking in account RS.
Edit: Also abuse Friend Summon. Tyro's Sentiel Grimore is godlike for mitigation.
Anyhow know when we should be expecting the next four-weapon banners?
Not before a month or two I would say. Four-weapon banners should show up after 10 more events (however, that is assuming that we will get the SaGa (I think?) event and that no other event will be skipped), so roughly 2 months+ I think?
Ah, that concert sounds amazing. Glad you enjoyed it so much Wazzy.Not sure If I'm going to do boss rush. I probably will but I think I'm a little burnt out on RK so I'm trying to take things a bit slower and just do classics until I'm done them all.
Next VIII event will get me back more. xD
Also OT for a second but I went to the New World concert yesterday and it was amazing. They started with Fragment of Memories from VIII which obviously had me and my friends loudly cheering for and then they did quite a few gorgeous X pieces like Zanarkand(obviously) and Final Battle. Then they asked what everyone thought would be the last piece and of course many said VII but my group and a couple others screamed VIII and it was Force Your Way.They did One Winged Angel as an encore but because everyone was still cheering so they came back and did Force Your Way again after we were screaming they better do it. So happy they ended the concert with an VIII song <3
Some other songs they did were:
Battle Theme FF VII
Moogle Theme
Chocobo Theme
Redwings Theme
My body is so ready for Quistis and Selphie.
It's a shame the event is so boring though.
I'm gonna absolutely wreck it with my Blitz Sword, Valkyrie and Mesmerize Dagger.
So should I not worry about offense at all on my mages and just give them cure and shell/protect?
And with realm synergy in play, using the common 3*++ armor from FFX is better than 4* armor from another game? Same with weapons?
I was using friend summon to try to get ones with fire abilities, but maybe trying for the Sentinel Grimoire might be a decent alternative.
Thanks guys!
My fire hones seem were leveled less than I remembered. lol
Not to question your play style too much but why not use the growth eggs that came with the event? I assumed that was what they were there for. Although the pickings seem a bit poorer than previous events but what I'm getting at is there is no reason she is level 1.That Isaaru fight is bullshit. I cannot use Yuna (LVL1) so I tried it twice with my top party.
It is yeah. It's just the bosses from the classic dungeons we have already: Ifrit, Biggs and Wedge, Elvoret, X-ATM092 (spider bot) and BGH251F2 (tank thing)is it? aw man. i found the yuna one really dull. ah well, two new characters is great.