4 x 11 draw, no relic worth a jack
nope I quit, thanks Dena
see you guys around, have fun.
Well, at this point you are just setting yourself up for failure by hoarding mythril or paying for one giant series of pulls. Good luck to you, but you should have foreseen this eventuality back in the buster sword days, the poor relic draws and doom to those seeking specific items.
Well, at this point you are just setting yourself up for failure by hoarding mythril or paying for one giant series of pulls. Good luck to you, but you should have foreseen this eventuality back in the buster sword days, the poor relic draws and doom to those seeking specific items.
I'd email DeNA support, and failing that, refund from Apple Store/goggles. Hey at least you informed them, right? Riiiiight?I clicked for 100 gems and its sold me 9500
what the fuck do i do? Will they refund me? I definetly did not press that.
It was your subconscious wasn't it?
Seriously, you should be able to work something out with Google Play in last resort.
I'd email DeNA support, and failing that, refund from Apple Store/goggles. Hey at least you informed them, right? Riiiiight?
I'm half convinced that DeNA account management is so trash (sending out promotional email via google doc while asking for game ID lol) that they wouldn't know who to penalize anyway. Obv. don't go testing this theory out without reason- I'm not responsible for shit that happens.
Also fuck Deathgaze. This is EX+ level shit.
I got a refund which was quick, but the gems are still there. It sucks, I want to do the 100 gem draw but can't because they others are there.
Anyone have an idea how long it will take them to remove the gems?
I sent DeNA support an email and they replied in a flash saying they don't deal with this inquiry type. Which was a bit off putting...
Google refunded me.
I don't think that they will disappear...
It's yours to keep and use if you still have access to the Leviathan Gem Pouch.You can also purchase the smaller pack if you decide that is a choice you want to make.
This is what I recived from google on the subject
My past 3 11 rolls have been 2 4 star 9 3 stars, the same, then today it was 11 3 stars.
I don't even. 150 mythril for 4 4 stars and 29 3 stars.
This is what I recived from google on the subject
I was with you until today. I pulled a Fujin's Chakram with my 100 Gems.So who's with me on pulling on every available 100 gems banner so far (11) with no 5 stars? I know that I am currently just a little bit under the statistic but I begin to feel I will never pull one from those! Oh well, this time I didn't get a 3* I don't need, created a Red Jacket+. I have sooo many real and fake 5* from VI it's scary.
Not that anyone knows or cares, but I quit this game a long time ago, and it feels so good not to be a slave to the grind and to the shitty gatcha and to the RNG. I knew the game was bad while I was playing it, but it's only now that I can see from the outside just how derivative and manipulative it actually is.
Do yourselves a favour and just quit. Find a different game to play. You'll be glad you did.
Not that anyone knows or cares, but I quit this game a long time ago, and it feels so good not to be a slave to the grind and to the shitty gatcha and to the RNG. I knew the game was bad while I was playing it, but it's only now that I can see from the outside just how derivative and manipulative it actually is.
Do yourselves a favour and just quit. Find a different game to play. You'll be glad you did.
I have no problems with someone criticizing this game because like any F2P, it has it's up's and down's but shit posting like this is just pathetic.Not that anyone knows or cares, but I quit this game a long time ago, and it feels so good not to be a slave to the grind and to the shitty gatcha and to the RNG. I knew the game was bad while I was playing it, but it's only now that I can see from the outside just how derivative and manipulative it actually is.
Do yourselves a favour and just quit. Find a different game to play. You'll be glad you did.
Not that anyone knows or cares, but I quit this game a long time ago, and it feels so good not to be a slave to the grind and to the shitty gatcha and to the RNG. I knew the game was bad while I was playing it, but it's only now that I can see from the outside just how derivative and manipulative it actually is.
Do yourselves a favour and just quit. Find a different game to play. You'll be glad you did.
Not yetI'm tempted to do a 11-pull but I think I'll save my mythril for Lightning.
My free relic pull was a 3* Bastard Sword which surprised me and then my 100 gem pull was......a 3* Bastard Sword. >_>
Wazzy, did you do an 11 on this?
I thought the event notes said something about them changing the music on the realm selection screen? My music is the same as always?
Well Zell will join, just not in time for SeeD exam.Running through the event with only Squall and Rinoa, and I'll add Quistis and Selphie along the way. It just feels right. I wish Zell was in FFRK--Squall/Quistis/Zell was my favorite FF8 party dangit!
This is a weird post. Not sure what kinds of reactions you were hoping for.
My past 3 11 rolls have been 2 4 star 9 3 stars, the same, then today it was 11 3 stars.
I don't even. 150 mythril for 4 4 stars and 29 3 stars.
What we really need:
- HP bars
- config for AUTO Battle always on/ off
When did the japan version of the game modified the gatcha so the percetage rate of getting a 5* goes higher for each pull which isn't a 5*? Because we really need that. Now.
Also the "Unequip all" button.
Not yetI'm only planning to do one 11 pull which will be paid but I'm deciding to wait until Friday when I get payed. I want to try and save all my mythril for Squalls third Gunblade which by the time it comes around I might have 300 or 400+ mythril.
Quick question - how much data does the game use when playing?
I've been thinking about trying it out on the train home (~40 min commute), but I don't want to go over my 3 day 1 (2?) GB limit.
Apparently around the time they raised the drop rate for 5* from 10% to 12.5%
Japan got it about 9 months in, so about 5 months away for us if they stick to the same schedule.
What are the next banners? I have 50 mythril now, but not sure if I want to 11 pull this one or not
I did 13 Classic dungeons yesterdayused only 1 Mythril for Stamina Refresh. Need to do 17 more and I will be done with all Classics... Elites I guess I have around 50 to finish.
But yesterday was black orbs day!
I want to try and save all my mythril for Squalls third Gunblade which by the time it comes around I might have 300 or 400+ mythril.