Super late but FFVIII event done. Used a refresh in the boss rush (overall lost I think 9 medals, might have been 8) after Elvoret (RW used here and on the past I've suggested saving them for BGH251F2 but blinding that makes that fight long though easy...even rushing X-ATM I still lost 2 medals for damage

). Could have possibly done better by being smarter with who had what abilities (Quistis got a level up right before Seifer but Vivi was left doing nothing for much of Seifer). I'd egged Selphie to level 50 so I could use WM RM2 (I've had this for a short time but it is becoming a real crutch and easy to see why). Seifer was a pretty close call though. Abilities exhausted, no healing left.
The sorceress on the other hand...nasty piece of work. I was using the superboost/advance wars/advance+boost+retaliate (whatever you call it) strategy. She has so much HP some attempts ended with both uses of advance running out and she was still standing. Despite the constant risk of dispell (my understanding is there are two versions one that takes up her turn and a counter one which does not) I think I might have been better off going with Yuna instead of Tidus so I could use Carbuncle and Kirin (as Quistis could support). Others were killed by bad timing. Well I got there in the end somehow.
So, what am I doing now? Fisherman's horizon to fight a much weaker BGH251F2 than the one I just beat.
I also sorter my following list a bit. Down to 30, five of which are Advance. Whenever I see Advance on the list I feel compelled to use and with numbers like those it is likely.