Yes, literally in the next event.Will shellga become a reward?
Support 4 user for Magic Breakdown is a requirement. The damage is insane without it. I used Quistis so I could nuke with Thundaja too.So a healer, Sabin, Edgar is madatory for boss rush, Probably Cloud for retaliate and then just a single slot left.
Quistis is pretty good in this regard. She can wield the Breakdowns and black magic. Especially if you bring Quake to do a lot of damage to 3 of the tentaclesSupport 4 user for Magic Breakdown is a requirement. The damage is insane without it. I used Quistis so I could nuke with Thundaja too.
Why the hell has it taken this long for us to get Shellga? it's a joke.
unless you keep Magic Break on it constantly.
Just tried to beat the last dungeon of the Edgar path, Storm Dragon.
What a pile of bullshit that boss is. Ridiculous levels of HP, ability to wipe out your party in one hit using one of its MANY AoE attacks unless you keep Magic Break on it constantly.
And it just rubs salt in the wound that the fucking tip says to use Shellga when they haven't seen fit to let us craft it despite the metric fuck ton of magic nuking bosses they are throwing at us.
Why the hell has it taken this long for us to get Shellga? it's a joke.
I was. Until it used 2 AoE attacks in a row and killed my party faster than I could heal them.I hate to be that guy, but the obvious question here is, so why aren't you?
Between that, the atrociously slow user interface (how can a game like that run so badly? It doesn't make any sense)
I was. Until it used 2 AoE attacks in a row and killed my party faster than I could heal them.
How much health does the Phantom Train have in the Sabin event? Because I went though one fight with him where I had to reset because after using both friend summons and a bunch of attacks he was still kicking... but on my second attempted I did friend sumon (blitz ball) -> boost locke -> locke charge strike and he diedis there some kind of glitch that causes damage to be carried over during a reset?
Next event seems lame. Break the level cap for a character I'll never use? Yawn. The only thing redeeming it is that we finally get Shellga.
Phantom Train is not immune to death.
Zantetsuken procced.
(You can further cheese it with Raise lol)
edit: Holy shit the greatest part about farming Blue Dragon for summon orbs is he drops 30k gil a pop hahahaha
But, but, 4 bonus battles.
Including a ranged only boss rush. Kill me.
Including a ranged only boss rush. Kill me.
So, for my Long Range party, I use Sephiroth with retaliate for trash, Wakka with bow + breaks, Healer with Protectga + haste, a summoner with Kirin + Ramuh, and a black magic user with Thundara and Thundaga. Any suggestions for improving my setup?
So, for my Long Range party, I use Sephiroth with retaliate for trash, Wakka with bow + breaks, Healer with Protectga + haste, a summoner with Kirin + Ramuh, and a black magic user with Thundara and Thundaga. Any suggestions for improving my setup?
Girlfriend got so hype for the Figabro event she did some fan art:
I'm sorry, but if it isn't too much trouble, could someone post a screenshot of the team you used to beat the Figaro Bros. boss rush?
Was advance a reward in one of the past events? I don't see it under anything I can create.