Thank you for tips. I didn't know about attunement 2 and other good RM. And sadly my Vivi doesn't have memory crystal so I'll use Rydia instead. Also Sazh can't equip breaks. It would be nice if he can.
I'll try Brynhildr later today with new party setup.
The "Invite a friend" campaign is up.
FYI, the in-game info page for it says they'll be banning players who exploit it, so making temporary accounts to invite is probably not worth the risk. It's unclear if inviting your iOS self from Android, or vice-versa, will result in a ban.
Congratz Azusa!
Note: you had the Binding (Thunder?) rod... Why didn't you give it to Rydia? With it each of her spells can hit for 9999 (well, my level 65 Vivi could, without using Focus, with each Blizzaga). Any 4* Staff would have been enough for Yuna, who is on healing duty.
Oh, I didn't think about this. I've used auto for equipment.
My terrible luck with this game is totally pulling me away from it.
Bzzzzt wrong. Celes is fixed now, it prefers ATKUh-oh. Well, rule of thumb: don't use auto. Frankly, that option is not reliable, as it doesn't take into account your abilities. For some characters, like Summoners (Garnet, Yuna) or Celes, the game will give them the highest MAG weapon it can, whereas you may want to equip them with staves (if your summoners are acting as white mages), or with swords (in Celes' case, the game will always give her the sword with the highest MAG score - doesn't matter if said sword is a 3* item with +3 MAG).
Long story short: never use auto-equip. It's really, really bad.
Bzzzzt wrong. Celes is fixed now, it prefers ATK![]()
I feel very lucky with my pulls so far. Played since day 1, but very casually/on-and-off until around the second Sephiroth event when I started to really put some time and effort into it. I've got like 15 native 5-star items, including the signature weapons for Rydia, Balthier, Selphie, Red XIII, and Lightning. I was particularly over the moon about pulling Blazefire Saber since Light is one of my very favorite FF characters. Not a penny spent so far! I don't know if that's actually good or bad compared to how others have fared but it's hard for me not to feel satisfied, especially as a totally free player.
Thank you for tips. I didn't know about attunement 2 and other good RM. And sadly my Vivi doesn't have memory crystal so I'll use Rydia instead. Also Sazh can't equip breaks. It would be nice if he can.
I'll try Brynhildr later today with new party setup.
That's way above average luck considering you didn't really went into it until "late" and your post will surely help Razmos feel better!![]()
I think my last 15 relic pulls have all been 3* items. All of them either FFVI, FFIII or FFXII.
Some of them were paid.
My terrible luck with this game is totally pulling me away from it.
I saved for the Balthier banner for ages, did over 50 pulls, got nothing. I saved for the Selphie banner, got nothing, saved for the Lightning banner, got nothing.
I don't even want to know how many of those were paid pulls.
I'd be understandably frustrated if I was pulling a lot on EVERY banner and getting nothing, but I'm picking and choosing my battles here, only doing pulls for items that I really want and I've yet to get a single one of them.
That coupled with the difficulty increasing is completely killing my enjoyment of the game right now.
Stop paying, like now. It will only make you feel worse. There is nothing more empty than the feeling of "I could have just bought a new tv" while you stare at your rng failure.
Just play it normally.
I think my last 15 relic pulls have all been 3* items. All of them either FFVI, FFIII or FFXII.
Some of them were paid.
My terrible luck with this game is totally pulling me away from it. (snip)
But in the end, it's still a lottery, not a straight-out transaction. Every time one of the 'must have' banners come up you see a handful of people quitting. Happened with OWA, happened with Blazefire/Vega. I can guarantee you it'll happen again with this upcoming Soul Break Celebration and Golbez/Tellah's banner.
Yeah, the Aerith event is a flop. Back to farming gil today.
It really is.
Has anyone here honed valefor to r3? Have to say it is a bit tempting. Rydia with comet r5 and valefor r3 would be pretty potent against foes with no elemental vulnerabilities.
I think the total Mythril to date is maybe 700?
But yes, hilariously enough, I have a grand total of 2 5* armor, and a grand total of 2 signature weapons
I actually managed to beat it with no healing capabilities, but it took quite a few tries. It lets you focus primarily on magical damage mitigation in your skills/gear (I had Magic Breakdown and Shell, but only Protect for physical). That being said, you definitely need a few Gunshots to get drawn in to burn her down before both charges of Sentinel wear off (unless you've got Lightning's Saber for your retaliator, in which case you're a very lucky person).
Problem is this kind of games expect the player to play "normally" by spending money to get some advantages. They are rigged that way.
This made me curious to check my own collection. I've received 15 5*s as well. I currently have 81 Mythril saved and I started playing during the initial Tifa event. The big difference is that I've been luckier with character relics:I'm gonna just list out all my 5s:
That makes 15 5* items, including the free Zantetsuken.
The rod also comes in the Zack event as well (I don't have a five star rod and didn't like the stamina costs for farming this rod...). Thankfully the Zack event also comes with more Mythril Sabers and Shinra Betas (so go well with what came from the Shinra event).It really is. The accessories are junk. The equips are junk, though the rod is ok if you don't have a five star rod, otherwise, eh. The battles are all retreads.
As others said Pyro is why you bring shell and magic breakdown (hopefully). You also want power breakdown in case it goes mad with slash but if you don't have synergy weapon all might be lost unless gunshot is constantly spammed anyway.So is the Brynhildr Tauntaliate strategy just a matter of S/Ling until you're lucky enough for Bryn to spam Gunshot after you've got Sentinel+Ret up? And then, if that actually works out, hoping she doesn't use Pyroblast two or three times in a row at any point in the fight?
Because holy crap Bryn sure loves using Gunshot 3x while I'm setting up and then nothing but Pyroblast/shot afterward
On the version I'm on (v4.5.1.5) it does that sometimes as well. I just quit out of fiddler and tried again.FYI, if there are any other FFRK Inspector users out there, the latest update to Fiddler breaks FFRKI. Doesn't stay connected to the db and displays item IDs instead of their associated names.
Haven't had it happen before and relaunching Fiddler isn't fixing it unfortunately. There's also an issue about it posted on GitHub.On the version I'm on (v4.5.1.5) it does that sometimes as well. I just quit out of fiddler and tried again.
After my post, I switched back to FFRK and proceeded to have exactly the type of lucky Gunshot-spamming fight I described. Finally took her down, though Lightning died to a Pyroshot near the end, so no mastery.
Wow, no healing? What kind of damage were you putting out? That's really impressive. Makes sense though--between every break + Shellga, I think I'm still packing way too much mitigation for this fight. My lack of FXIII RS weapons/armor has me spooked.
I seriously lucked out in beating her, though. Cloud's Retaliate damage was only like 1.3k and took a ton of damage when Sentinel wore off in the last two hits and Gunshot went wild.
As others said Pyro is why you bring shell and magic breakdown (hopefully). You also want power breakdown in case it goes mad with slash but if you don't have synergy weapon all might be lost unless gunshot is constantly spammed anyway.
Everyone's list is so close to 15 items.
edit: Just occurred to me that we've had 1 FFV banner total more or less?
At least there's a lot of Judgement Staves though, from the time it was like 1 of 6 possible generic items.