Haven't you tried to use shell and magic breakdown?
I didnt have Shell - I'll use that next time I fight him.
As for Magic breakdown, I have Magic break but not breakdown - dont have the mats for it XD.
Haven't you tried to use shell and magic breakdown?
I had protega. Didn't lose any medal to damage, but maybe I got lucky on the bosses attack RNG. This was my team:
I went in with this and lost 1 medal to actions using advance + retaliate. Doublehit RM on Fran, haste RM on Wakka, Preemptive Strike and Flash of Light on Mages, SOLDIER Strike on Cloud. Cast Proectga, Shellga, and Breakdowns immediately. I casted haste on Cloud and Fran. Refresh breakdowns and armor break on each eidolon and you'll probably want to refresh Advance and hastes during the last battle to make sure you don't run out. I used Kirin but there's not really a point since if you needed it to survive, you probably lost the medals for mastery, so maybe another haste or something would be a better substitute.
Jesus, it's times like these that you can't 'fall back' on 3++ synergy equipment for defense.
Only 2 5* armor is really hurting lol. I might have to go with Sentinel Grimoire and try to blow the 3rd Aeon up with every -ja spell known to mankind.
I'm not sure you'll be able to take Bahamut down before he uses megaflare. I tried using ja spells my first attempt and I wasn't even close. Maybe if you have boon/lunatic it's possible. I forget what RW I had...
This strat worked like a charm. The only thing I changed was I swapped Kirin for Diaga. (My White Mage has really high MND, so it would hit even more than a retaliate strike.) I also used two Haste RMs, Double Hit, Self Sacrifice, and Prayer of the Cetra.I went in with this and lost 1 medal to actions using advance + retaliate. Doublehit RM on Fran, haste RM on Wakka, Preemptive Strike and Flash of Light on Mages, SOLDIER Strike on Cloud. Cast Proectga, Shellga, and Breakdowns immediately. I casted haste on Cloud and Fran. Refresh breakdowns and armor break on each eidolon and you'll probably want to refresh Advance and hastes during the last battle to make sure you don't run out. I used Kirin but there's not really a point since if you needed it to survive, you probably lost the medals for mastery, so maybe another haste or something would be a better substitute.
edit2: Also for whatever bizarre reason, he started with a tiny sliver of HP gone. Like maybe 5%. No idea what was up with that.
Did you finish off the last boss with a retaliated Double Cut? I think it's carry over damage because they can't switch bosses between retaliated Double Cuts due to the way the fight is programmed. (Unlike trash mobs where you can have another strike "saved" if the first one finishes the enemy off.)Same here. I was wondering what that was.
MicH it was your sleeping gas that was used (but thanks to all the other people for also providing it, I didn't even have to actively shuffle my modest RW deck...
If you agree with the stamina costs to obtain equivalent outlined here going one each on the upgrade materials is the way to go as the highest tier of those is better than the heroic growth eggs or Gil (not to mention anything below that which is not listed).Honestly I'd use 1 each on the upgrade rewards.
Money comes easily. Can't say no to 20 5* upgrade materials (twice)
I noticed a few days ago when going through FFX elites that after Anima being slain I could hit Seymour before he appeared (as in I hit nothing for ~5k damage) could it be a similar thing happened? I can't remember if it was a double cut or not.edit2: Also for whatever bizarre reason, he started with a tiny sliver of HP gone. Like maybe 5%. No idea what was up with that.
Did you finish off the last boss with a retaliated Double Cut? I think it's carry over damage because they can't switch bosses between retaliated Double Cuts due to the way the fight is programmed. (Unlike trash mobs where you can have another strike "saved" if the first one finishes the enemy off.)
Bahamut takes extra "bleed through" damage that Valefor takes. I confirmed it with a double hit that went past 0 health on my champion run.Well, I did it, countdown 2.
And then out of curiosity, I rolled Fabul for an Advance and did it again with Advance/retaliate and Bahamut-clone died at countdown 4.
¯\_(ツ_/¯ God damn.
edit: FWIW, On that mage meta attempt, I had Valefor-clone at like 500hp, so I waited, then queued up a Comet, then Mental Breakdown, Firaja, Waterja, Valefor. Meaning Comet kills Valefor-clone, and then Bahamut-clone gets hit by Mental Breakdown and a shit ton of hurt before he even gets his first move. Next turn Thundaja, Power Breakdown (prly unnecessary), Firaja, Waterja, Valefor. He was at 1/3 HP after that and at Countdown 3. Next turn, mopped up.
He definitely countdowns at a faster rate than normal turns though. I suspect all interrupts like the Brynhildr ++
edit2: Also for whatever bizarre reason, he started with a tiny sliver of HP gone. Like maybe 5%. No idea what was up with that.
I'm gonna do an 11 pull on the Golbez/Tellah banner and the Y'shtola/Thancred banner, and after that, it's hardcore save mode again until Lulu.Probably that yeah.
Anyhow, I'm done pulling until we get the gacha improvements (if DeNa dares to not gives us the one which should be released with Tellah's event... *sigh* I'll stop ranting, that's becoming ridiculous). Next 11 pulls will be on these banners only, nothing else:
- FFXIV banner: 4 character SBs. Y'shtola has 2 amazing ones (Thyrsus grants the same effect as Sentinel Grimoire with Stoneskin II, and her Robe is an AoE Heal + Esuna), and Thancred's weapon is rather good (4 hits + DEF down, and this dagger has the same ATK as a sword). Also a chance at getting a 5* scepter and bow.
- Banner 48 (FFVII): Cloud's Organix. Also Barret's relic weapon (I still own 0 5* ranged) and Aerith's hat (+50% ATK for everyone is very nice, although her stats are rather low). Also a Katana and two gloves.
- Banner 51 (FFXIII): New occasion to get Vega.
- Banner 56 (FFVIII): Squall's SSB, and no less than 3 ranged weapons (including a whip).
- Banner 59 (FFIX): Eiko's Flute is an AoE Heal + Hastega. That's amazing. In total, that banner has 5 mage weapons.
- Banner 61 (FFX): Well, Lulu's Hairpin (AoE Mag+Res buff) and a few good items.
- Banner 65 to 69: New Soul Celebration, which includes Linoa's SSB.
Did you finish off the last boss with a retaliated Double Cut? I think it's carry over damage because they can't switch bosses between retaliated Double Cuts due to the way the fight is programmed. (Unlike trash mobs where you can have another strike "saved" if the first one finishes the enemy off.)
Bahamut takes extra "bleed through" damage that Valefor takes. I confirmed it with a double hit that went past 0 health on my champion run.
Finally. No second FFI character though? :/Japan is getting some sort of FFI event. WoL MC2 and an FFI accessory. Doesn't look like there is a banner though. That is still more love than I expected FFI to ever receive.Only in 6 months time
I wouldn't mind other FFI "jobs" like Black Belt, Thief, etc, but since they're going with the Dissidia version, it's unlikely.Should just give WoL 2, WoL 3 and WoL 4.
and WoL 5. All different colors. Rangers of Light
I wouldn't mind other FFI "jobs" like Black Belt, Thief, etc, but since they're going with the Dissidia version, it's unlikely.
I do think we'll get at least Garland eventually (though this would of been the perfect time to add him), and Princess Sarah has been playable in a few other games.
I see her being like the support character, to end all support characters. Support 5, Bard 5, White Mage 3, Celerity 3. That would be a nice build I think.
And Matoya for FFI black mage
The original FFI has 4 nameless heroes -_-
Why does it have to be only 1 in this game?
Yeah, that would be cool. We need an older female character.And Matoya for FFI black mage
Forbidden treasures only takes half a full stamina bar? I'll get the last elites done today so.
Ronka Ruins 1 is driving me mad. How did ye master it? Just that and RR2 left. Went in with all mages, summoners and haste RW. Everything doing at least 8500 most 9999 with mental breakdown. I needed another two casts to finish it off and it used wave cannon. I've cleared but failed to master it 3 or 4 times with different set ups. My DPS just doesnt seem up to scratch.
Boon/Lunatic High in the current setup?
Seems like there's a timer to get "2" tablets within 33 hours from now for me. So I'm guessing we can get more tablets than the initial 10 they give us?
(Also I'm a newbie....somewhat lol - but what is the advance/retaliate strategy)?