Do the best rounds:stamina ratio when doing those types of ones (as the drop is determined per round) so that isn't fabul castle as you only get one round for one stamina, there are other dungeons while three rounds for two stamina. Also I tend to use the daily dungeon, events and sometimes even have mutiple characters going (bit hard now that Fran is the only one I have left...and I really don't want to fight Demon Wall for her MC, it is another RNG bullshit boss) as that way I'm not really wasting stamina on a single grind.After countless Fabul castle battles finally got Summoner RM II. Why this randomness? Its the most boring thing.
Who greenlights shit like Sanctuary Keeper? Two powerful AoE attacks which can also inflict status effects like slow, sleep, silence, sleep or confuse (sap too but meh) all completely at random because everyone loves RNG bullshit. Then again that is probably true to the source material. Damn you FFX!
Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT2| The RNG is our Absolute Virtue
FFXI players will get that one.
I honestly think the nutjob moves should ALWAYS be choreographed and not RNG. Like, you want us to bring anti-petrify or anti-confuse or a counter to slow? Fine. Make the boss either use it on Turn X, or after going past a certain HP threshold. That way you're guaranteed to need to bring the counter, and the boss can be tuned more lax in other ways, rather than different attempts having wildly different outcomes based on your luck, and the 'optimum' loadout essentially assuming you'll have as few of the shit moves as possible, and then the fight essentially becomes a test of willpower as to whether you can savescum enough times for the stars to line up.
Dark Bahamut was an excellent example of good design. So was Schizo, since you were in control of when the heads die and use their on-death AOE attack. I believe the Core Ultima fight also locks out some absurd abilities till later in the fight, and then are almost guaranteed to use them.
I mean you could also take a page out of MMO design. Boss can use nutty abilities completely randomly, but there's an internal cooldown as to when it can be used again.
edit: That being said, I don't think Sanctuary Keeper was anywhere near as frustrating as Seifer trio. Higher numbers? Sure. As prone to RNG? Not by a long shot, despite how bad it can get.
Do the best rounds:stamina ratio when doing those types of ones (as the drop is determined per round) so that isn't fabul castle as you only get one round for one stamina, there are other dungeons while three rounds for two stamina. Also I tend to use the daily dungeon, events and sometimes even have mutiple characters going (bit hard now that Fran is the only one I have left...and I really don't want to fight Demon Wall for her MC, it is another RNG bullshit boss) as that way I'm not really wasting stamina on a single grind.
When is a good time to roll relics.
I just started this game a few days ago and already accumulated 50+ mythrils.
I've only rolled twice so far (first roll and quest roll). My equipment is pretty weak right now but not have any problems since I rolled a 5 star weapon for one of my 2 rolls and just use helpers to kill bosses.
Final Fantasy XI dungeons scheduled for January in Japan.
It is the third Soul Break Celebration event. This time, each banner has 6 SB relics - at least 1 of which is a SSB relic. The SSBs included in the different banners are: Cloud's +10 Atk Organics, Rinoa's +10 Mag Cardinal, Tidus's +10 Atk Force Saber, P. Cecil's +300 HP Sword of Light, Squall's +10 Atk Cutting Trigger and Tyro's +10 Atk True Judgment Grimoire.What is the super soul break event?
Does anyone actually enjoy the game any more? I feel like it has become a massive chore after all this time. :\ If the rewards from using mythril were slightly more reliably not shit, then the game wouldn't have lost so much luster over time.
Glad to see they are eventually adding XI.
Please give us the online Cids. (aka The best Cids.)
Glad to see they are eventually adding XI.
Please give us the online Cids. (aka The best Cids.)
Is drain (the 3* Black magic) considered dark element?
Definitely. Cid first though.And his son Mid!
I don't even play the online FFs, but my friends do and there's so many awesome characters in the games.The day they add a Galka character (or Roegadyn from 14) is the day I break my vow and whip out the credit card. Their relic WILL be mine.
Besides that the game is fine, still among the (if no the best) mobile f2p games out there, especially for a gatcha.
I decided to confront my demon wall fears head on. Took advantage of rounds before it to haste up my party and get advance and retaliate running, threw slow on it and it only got to take 3 actions and its status attacks did not ruin me (having one party member stopped did make things last a little longer though). Having three hasted party members who could double hit made a lot of difference this time.You're really going to love the Vaan event.
Japan also just got FFXIV dungeons which interestingly enough are quite early content as they're difficulty 14 in classic (80 in elite) and appear to be unlocked Mako Reactor 5. Makes me wonder if the eventual FFXI dungeons will be handled in a similar way.Final Fantasy XI dungeons scheduled for January in Japan. I'd imagine there would probably be an event before that point though.
I decided to confront my demon wall fears head on. Took advantage of rounds before it to haste up my party and get advance and retaliate running, threw slow on it and it only got to take 3 actions and its status attacks did not ruin me (having one party member stopped did make things last a little longer though). Having three hasted party members who could double hit made a lot of difference this time.
So yeah soon to look forward to round 2 in the FFXII event (especially as I imagine it will be a boss rush where I can't specalise myself so much, at the same time it should be weaker?). But anyway that isn't so much why I posted but rather the translation inconsistency. So Raithwall is a big plot point of FFXII which DeNA translated as Wraithwall except in the post dungeon text box it said Raithwall so maybe they're trying to fix that embarrassing little issue.
which comes in a couple of days. Too many good abilities uses those!
The event, yes, but we get Steal Armor from the bonus battles. Unless you want to craft it right away of courseIsn't it in 9 hours? Or am I off by a day?
Only if they can find a way to add another version of Cloud to the game because of it.Are they ever gonna add FFT stuff to this game?
Are they ever gonna add FFT stuff to this game?