Today I noticed that the treasure boxes are different colors based on rarity (one star and two star items are AWFULLY close, but still different).
They will be better than one star items combined, that's about it, I guess.Are the Mythril gear drops really something to write home about when you combine them?
That was more immediately noticeable to me (yellow and red).Orbs are the same way actually. I also just noticed this yesterday.
Fully upgraded armor have 43 def and 18 res, can't check the helmet as I'm ruined.Are the Mythril gear drops really something to write home about when you combine them?
Hello all
I'm currently using Cloud, Tidus, Kain, Rydia and Tyro. I recently unlocked Sephiroth and Cecil dark knight. I've almost got Cecil paladin. What should I adjust my party too?? Thanks for any help!
White Mage is better than Tyro if you can keep her alive. Other than that, I would say definitely keep Cloud and Rydia. And Tidus/Kain you can swap with Sephiroth/Cecil/Cecil depending on the dungeon.
I really wouldn't call it useful, but it's a nice touch.Slight color differences to tell rarity? That would be really useful if I wasn't color blind ;-;
I'm getting a weird frame rate variance on my Galaxy Note 3, is there an option to toggle a lock or something?
You see that too? Sometimes in battle it's like 45 fps, then sometimes it's 60?
Yuuup. It's kind of jarring really.
You see that too? Sometimes in battle it's like 45 fps, then sometimes it's 60?
Thanks! I'm about to take on Baigan myself with a bunch of Kunai++ and Mythril Armor++. I'm planning on simply defeating his body and taking the self destruct hits, using a mythril to restore myself then beat Cagnazzo. Hope it goes well for both of you!
Does difficulty effect the drop rate in the daily? Want to try to get another mythril armor
Is FFVI classic difficulty supposed to be a treasure trove of lesser orbs because I get 2-3 every single battle :X
FF6 is where you go to farm, it's often better than the dailies even.
But is that intentional or just some wonky % based drops? Considering my mid teens "gonna just grind them up" party is just auto battling to victory I'm having a hard time wrapping my brain around it lol.
FF6 were the last of the classic dungeons released so far, so most likely intentional. Big leap from FF6 regs to any of the elites which all pretty much require you to have decent spells.
I feel like Baigan Elite is one of those fights that gets absolutely trivialized with some poopsocking and spreadsheet nerdery.
Like literally just take note of how much HP he has on one playthrough, maybe two, narrowed down to within 1k window or so, then blow up one arm, bring him low, blow up the other arm, then nuke him.
Takes a bit of effort, but yeah.
(disclaimer: Haven't done it yet, waiting to trick out my IV crew this weekend with gil/xp dailies first)
edit: so if you do get ballpark ranges of his HP plz post here
You can do it all in one play through. Blow up his arm, take note of the hp. Blow up body, take note of hp. Close app and restart fresh
Record Synergy gives extra levels; +10 levels for characters (so a 25 Cloud becomes 35 in Shinra), and an increasing scale for weapons (Levels 1-4 gain 15 levels, 5-9 gain 20, 10-14 gain 30, etc.). So a level 10/10 3* Leather Gloves++ (VII) is effectively level 40, but that's still based on the 1* scale. A level 10/10 3* Sonic Knuckles+ (III) wouldn't gain enough from being an original 2* to make up the difference from losing Synergy (even assuming double scaling that's effectively level 20), nor is a level 15/15 4* Sonic Knuckles++ likely to, but a level 15/15 4* Something+ (IV) might. It's even easier to surpass synergy if you aren't leveling the weapons that benefit from it.
Tried this strategy... got REKT!
Put everyone but Dark Cecil in the backrow to soak up damage and hopefully have Rydia out live his reflects so I could keep casting Blizzara.... Got further... but damn he just won't die but I sure will...
Going to farm up some mats for more physical moves (my drain and charge are hitting for 1k+ but both are only level 1) as well as gain some more levels on Dark and Pally Cecil
Wow, five free pieces. Thanks SE!moar mythrilz
moar mythrilz
Don't really like cecil, the dark knight is limited in skill and the knight is too slow.
Holy shit, how in the hell am I supposed to beat Baigan elite? All my characters are 40+ with fully upgraded 3 and 4* resonance gear and the damage is out of control. Do I have to have every ability at 4/5 to even stand a chance going into Cagnazzo?
Edit: Wow fuck this. I can't even beat him pooling all my resources into Baigan. What a joke.
Tried this strategy... got REKT!
I compiled all available equipment with and without synergy bonus for comparison:
You can create a filter view if you want to search for FF1 equipment for instance.
Static html for mobile data saving:
Let me know if there's any mistake.
-> Not enough gil
I've spent almost 140,000 today upgrading stuff
Have you guys checked ?