It's funny, because I wasn't feeling Terra Battle at all. I actually beat the game, but like after you beat it, there's nothing else to do. I played for about 3 months and there was nothing. They would have an event like once a month and it would last for a weekend, and then nothing for another month. And even when they did have something, it was just another character. Never any new dungeons or new content. I think after 3 months of waiting for them to release the event for Bahamut's 3rd job I just got tired of waiting. With this game it seems like there's *always* at least one event running, sometimes multiple simultaneously. See
this post, for example, which details where we are in relation to JP as well as the original games that FFRK is based off of. I think that gives you a good sense of where the game is going.
It's certainly possible that Terra Battle has stepped up its game and jumped on board with the new content updates, but at least during the 2-3 months I played, the devs were totally silent except for the event announcement every 3-4 weeks. But they never revealed any kind of direction or endgame style extra hard dungeons like you see here (at least what we can see from the JP version anyway)