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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT2| I HAVE NO MYTHRIL AND I MUST SHOUT

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I only have one honed tempo fury right now and it's on my non-retaliator so he can double hit. I'll see if I can make another to put on my retaliator. Or hone the Pound that's on him now. Right now I'm not sure I have enough raw DPS to even get through Phase 1 legitimately - I don't have much 5* stuff.

If you can't make Tempo Flurry just make the regular Double Cut for this purpose


Subete no aware
Yeah double cut works fine. I just put Tempo Fury on Cloud since my other guys are using double cut to hit him. You basically just want to get to phase 2 ASAP, particularly if you aren't using a RM that starts you off with sap.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Welp I just had a total brain fart and put all the rest of my Eggs into Ricard (9 4* and 66 3* - all the rest of the eggs I had) to get him to 50 and get his Sap RM.

...and then I remembered I don't have Ricard's crystal, ha.

I'm not to upset about it though - I don't really need the eggs for anything soon and I'll get a lot more as I work through story dungeons. Still a prety dumb "oops" moment.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
I can't remember, was Ricard's crystal one that's available in the normal dungeons now?

Ohh, good call - it is. It's 119 difficulty though and more importantly it's good bit later in the progression. I won't be able to get there in time. Will have to risk it without starting with Sap.
Ran out of stamina after defeating Defender Z (lol), will probably take on Ultimate Yunalesca tomorrow. Just gonna advance taliate starting with a sap rm and then just dropping retaliate right before she enters phase 3 to reapply it.


Rikku is probably one of my favourite characters, and it sucks that I don't have a good weapon for her. my FFX synergy is already quite strong so I can't justify doing any pulls on the Rikku banners :(

Eagerly awaiting her X-2 Dress Record as well (though I'm looking forward to Yuna's more, since I have 2 of her soul break weapons already and I use her a LOT)

Also jeez, that Caius Ballad fight in the Serah event looks ridiculous. the fucker casts reraise, meaning you have to kill him twice. and he does about 4000 damage per hit, buffs himself, heals himself and casts regen too. Sounds like an utter slog of a fight.


that puzzling face
The OCD in me is balking that I have so many characters that aren't max level now.

65-80 really is brutal, and Orbfest really, really sucked for XP.


I'd really like an Orbfest which didn't give such sucky XP gains. I have no idea how, but Cloud is my only level 80 (and I'm sure I didn't egg him). The rest of my potential 80's are still wallowing in the 50's range with the exception of Tyro (because his RM3 rocks). I'd love to use P.Cecil at his prime.

Most of my eggs go towards level breaking new characters immediately anyways.


That Grenade (trash mob) in elite FF IX dungeon is crazy

Enter battle
Flame Thrower!
Flame Thrower!

My party lost 4000 HP just by that.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Welp I'm a big 'ol dummy and just realized Wakka's MC2 (the thing I was really after) doesn't even drop from Ultimate Yuna - it drops 2 battles earlier. So all that worrying was for nothing - I don't even think I'm going to bother trying Ultimate. My only real goal right now is to

1) Not miss any more MC2s
2) Catch up on Story dungeons (101 Stam and counting).

I had to spend one Mythril on the Boss Rush before Wakka's MC2 even, since its three fights and I could only Advantiliate through two of them. I just don't have the hones or gear to even Easy Mode (retameta) 140 difficulty stuff, I don't think.

On the bright side, my stumbling around has given me a good idea how Reta actually works... so I'm pretty confident I'll be able to use it and tweak as necessary in future fights.


a little bit random..

has anyone noticed their data usage for the game has spiked? I randomly looked at the game's data usage and it says 2.67gb from dec 16th till now... or more specifically, dec 16 till jan 1st used 2.44gb.

anyone else notice this?

the usage in the new year is a lot more manageable. about 50mb a day now.


It's thumb twiddling time again. Everything complete and mastered and not really bothered with the dailies. Tried farming Zorn and Thorn for a bit on auto battle but 1 in 3 times something went wrong. Stamina will be going to waste until Rosa/Edge event hits.


that puzzling face
It's thumb twiddling time again. Everything complete and mastered and not really bothered with the dailies. Tried farming Zorn and Thorn for a bit on auto battle but 1 in 3 times something went wrong. Stamina will be going to waste until Rosa/Edge event hits.

I can't

Not when so many people aren't capped

I have a problem
Meanwhile in Japan...

Question is when he comes to the west will they make him have twice as much HP as well (which is how the dungeon version currently is...)

I can't

Not when so many people aren't capped
I have a problem
Vector streets is going to burn into your screen.
I'd love to know how many hours I've dumped into this game. I'm a week 1 player of the global version and even though I'm completely bored I still use up all my stamina I can for whatever daily is going on. I rarely let that stamina bar go to waste.


Wait a sec. I've bonus quests to do...might as well. Samurai and Mr Magus have to get some record materia too, all is not pointless.

I think my Japanese account is making me a bit Jaded towards global. I've at least double the relics and currently their orbfest continues, with proper exp and those crazy cactuar trees that drop between 1 and 10 greater orbs guaranteed. Not to mention that greaters and majors are guaranteed from cactuars and gigantaurs respectively (at least I haven't noticed otherwise) and the have groups of five smaller cactuars which drop 3*s but sometimes drop 4*s. Id one run where I got 16 orbs in one run. 1 Major, 11 Greaters and 4 normal orbs. Give it to global Dena.


that puzzling face
Honestly the main reason I enjoyed JP more than Global (played casually from day 1, ramped up to hardcore in February, decided to jump ship to Global to be at the leading edge) was that the entire game wasn't scoped out prior. Bosses are a wild wild west where people try to figure out how to beat them for a while (often with the whales going nuts with Mythril revives, heh)

Sure, in a few days BBS usually has the gist of things covered, so it's not TOO unlike global for encounter-to-encounter strategies, but you're pretty much going in blind without having e.g. banners, items, orb rewards and upcoming abilities mapped out for the next half a year.

Restarting on JP now would probably lead me to even more frustration as I played catch-up to the Ultimate+ and missed Abyss encounters, so I'll just be content sitting at the top of the heap of global instead.

also it takes way less time investment. Not young anymore


FF IV is tonight already, I can't even catch up on normal dungeons (83 stamina atm).
I really hope DeNA won't skip the Rise/Secret of Mana event in global though.


More V, VI and IX dungeons in the next dungeon update? Seems like we keep getting the same realms over and over again


Neo Member
I was finally able to beat my first 120-difficulty boss battle against the Defender! Ended up using the Berserk + Carbuncle strategy, but I'm still very pleased with how it turned out.

Cloud died when he was under 5% health so I missed out on Mastery because of the KO requirement. Oh well.

Considering I don't have Armor Breakdown, and my highest honed 4* abilities are Thundaja and Quake at R3, I'm pretty proud that my team was able to pull it off. Having Organics and Magistral Rod really helped with the damage output, though.

Steal Power is amazing!
More V, VI and IX dungeons in the next dungeon update? Seems like we keep getting the same realms over and over again

Thats the problem with RK's poor planning of content it's lead to us tapping out on certain series dungeons very early while other games are barely half way though and they seem to be slow in adding main realms for non 1-10/12/13. They also had their earlier updates give us far too many dungeons and skipped weird parts of the plot that are hard to go back and reinsert latter outside of events.
Yeah it could be paced better but i think most realms are at least in final third of the story now? Except FF5 maybe, haven't played it in a long time but wasn't there a fair bit in between Castle ExDeath and the Interdimensional Rift?
I guess they should pad out the earlier realms with the bonus dungeons like Souls of Rebirth and the superbosses to stop them being obsolete...but given the game is still making money that's likely i think!

They did skip stuff also - Rufus and i think Diamond Weapon were forgotten in the FF7 story?
Yeah it could be paced better but i think most realms are at least in final third of the story now? Except FF5 maybe, haven't played it in a long time but wasn't there a fair bit in between Castle ExDeath and the Interdimensional Rift?
I guess they should pad out the earlier realms with the bonus dungeons like Souls of Rebirth and the superbosses to stop them being obsolete...but given the game is still making money that's likely i think!

They did skip stuff also - Rufus and i think Diamond Weapon were forgotten in the FF7 story?

World 3 is as long or as short as you want like the world of ruin


Focusing on clearing core dungeons right now (about to hit 118 Stamina), why on earth is Kain's MC a reward from a FF3 dungeon? lol

Also regarding content I have a feeling to start padding stuff they're going to add a third difficulty to core dungeons.


that puzzling face
The Ultimate gimmick is hitting him with Thief abilities brings him out of his cloak (for... whatever reason)

And +++ requires Sap (Ninja gets Shadowsteel)

Hence you're expected to level Edge.



Ultimate Yunalesca was a JOKE! I love it. I didn't even need Draw Fire, regular Advantaliate with Cloud and the Shimmering Blade shredded her like a wet paper bag. I only had to reup Retaliate twice I believe.

Granted I still had to S/L because on my first attempt she hit Y'shtola twice with Holy the very turn I was to kill her. The second time she instead went ham with Osmose.


Meanwhile in Japan...

Question is when he comes to the west will they make him have twice as much HP as well (which is how the dungeon version currently is...)

Yeah, I knew something was up with this fight (Elite), since the bears were hitting me for 9999 HP lol. Still managed to master it but I had to s/l a few times.

Honestly the main reason I enjoyed JP more than Global (played casually from day 1, ramped up to hardcore in February, decided to jump ship to Global to be at the leading edge) was that the entire game wasn't scoped out prior. Bosses are a wild wild west where people try to figure out how to beat them for a while (often with the whales going nuts with Mythril revives, heh)

Sure, in a few days BBS usually has the gist of things covered, so it's not TOO unlike global for encounter-to-encounter strategies, but you're pretty much going in blind without having e.g. banners, items, orb rewards and upcoming abilities mapped out for the next half a year.

Restarting on JP now would probably lead me to even more frustration as I played catch-up to the Ultimate+ and missed Abyss encounters, so I'll just be content sitting at the top of the heap of global instead.

also it takes way less time investment. Not young anymore

While I'm enjoying the game a lot so far (bought a PS4 a month ago and haven't touched it since I started playing this game) the fact that I know what's coming combined with the gacha system is the only thing ruining my enjoyment.
Knowing that I probably won't be able to obtain a bunch of upcoming weapons with those amazing Soul Breaks hurts my soul lol. Yeah, I watched the attack animations from the JP version and good lord, some of that stuff looks amazing. I know Lightning's BSSB is not coming for another 6 months (plus FFXIII is the only mainline FF game I haven't finished) but knowing I probably won't get it really bums me out. I wish the game implemented a way in which money guarantees you'll get a relic. And I don't even want them to help me with the bosses, I'm just a completionist. I would probably put money into the game if it guaranteed better items (I burned somewhere around $200 on a similar game during the 1.5 year I played it and didn't feel bad at all since I was having fun) but paying 30 bucks for a 50 mythril pull that doesn't guarantee a thing? Yeah, no way.
Is there hope for the rolling gacha system to be implemented in the global version?


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Honestly the main reason I enjoyed JP more than Global (played casually from day 1, ramped up to hardcore in February, decided to jump ship to Global to be at the leading edge) was that the entire game wasn't scoped out prior. Bosses are a wild wild west where people try to figure out how to beat them for a while (often with the whales going nuts with Mythril revives, heh)

Sure, in a few days BBS usually has the gist of things covered, so it's not TOO unlike global for encounter-to-encounter strategies, but you're pretty much going in blind without having e.g. banners, items, orb rewards and upcoming abilities mapped out for the next half a year.

Restarting on JP now would probably lead me to even more frustration as I played catch-up to the Ultimate+ and missed Abyss encounters, so I'll just be content sitting at the top of the heap of global instead.

I wish FFRK was doing what some other games have done, and try to slowly and steadily catch Global up to Japan, until they're eventually 1:1 or close to it. Even if it takes a year and you do it by rolling out new stuff every 12 days instead of every 14 or whatever, you would eventually get there.

Thats the problem with RK's poor planning of content it's lead to us tapping out on certain series dungeons very early while other games are barely half way though and they seem to be slow in adding main realms for non 1-10/12/13. They also had their earlier updates give us far too many dungeons and skipped weird parts of the plot that are hard to go back and reinsert latter outside of events.

I've heard that this is because the FF IV - VI sprites needed very little to no touching up. So when the game was new-ish and growing rapidly, the team could pump out new FF IV and FF V content for people to chew through, while they worked on spriting content from VII - XIII, which is obviously considerably more work.


that puzzling face
I wish FFRK was doing what some other games have done, and try to slowly and steadily catch Global up to Japan, until they're eventually 1:1 or close to it. Even if it takes a year and you do it by rolling out new stuff every 12 days instead of every 14 or whatever, you would eventually get there.

This appeared to be what they were doing for the first two or three months, but then it eased off.

Feature set is still creeping closer and closer to parity though. I'm assuming at some point they'll be happy to maintain one single codebase for features with separate event deployments for the different services.

(Whether new features continue to break old events, we'll see ehehehehe)


Well, my only present for my birthday was a tablet for myself. One of the big advantages of this would be that I could play Record Keeper whenever I want without having to borrow my family members tablet.

And of course the fucking game isn't compatible with it. It's a high-end android tablet that can do a whole bunch of stuff but for whatever reason can't play Record Keeper.

I'm so pissed off, it makes absolutely no sense as to why it shouldn't work.

Its still a good tablet and everything but FUCK that is so disappointing. It's put a bit of a damper on the whole thing. You'd think a good, expensive tablet would be able to run it :(


Yeah it could be paced better but i think most realms are at least in final third of the story now? Except FF5 maybe, haven't played it in a long time but wasn't there a fair bit in between Castle ExDeath and the Interdimensional Rift?
I guess they should pad out the earlier realms with the bonus dungeons like Souls of Rebirth and the superbosses to stop them being obsolete...but given the game is still making money that's likely i think!

They did skip stuff also - Rufus and i think Diamond Weapon were forgotten in the FF7 story?

FF12 and FF13 are at about the halfway point.

Conversely, FF1 and FF2 are basically right before Garland and the Emperor.


urhhhh. Complaining on GAF works. somehow. The game started downloading when I tried to download it through the FF Portal App
This appeared to be what they were doing for the first two or three months, but then it eased off.

Feature set is still creeping closer and closer to parity though. I'm assuming at some point they'll be happy to maintain one single codebase for features with separate event deployments for the different services.

(Whether new features continue to break old events, we'll see ehehehehe)

We've still skipped like 3-4 events at this point right?


I've been pretty lucky vetting my RM3 drops. I got both Lenna and Wakka's literally right after breaking their level cap against the +++ bosses in each respective event. On the other hand, I've brought Tyro, Leon (especially Leon!), Spellblade and Zell to every damn daily since their crystals/RM2 were released and they refuse to drop


Restarting on JP now would probably lead me to even more frustration as I played catch-up to the Ultimate+ and missed Abyss encounters, so I'll just be content sitting at the top of the heap of global instead.

Luckily the abyss encounters return every time. There's no rush. When the Abyss opens all the released abyss dungeons are there. It's opened twice since I started and I've done the easier ones of each kind.

For me starting a JP game was because I was starting to consider dropping the game entirely. Global is for the completionist in me (and understanding what to press in JP) and JP is entirely for the fun of it. Trying out new things and actually getting to see what it's like having a pick of decent relics. If I'd to pick one I'd still play global, just for the ease of language and as you said 'top of the heap' while completing everything as it comes. (Bar parade float...have I mentioned that before? Ps: It bothers me. Pss :Did you do it Falk? I imagine Wazzy managed it seeing as its FFVIII)

On the other hand, I've brought Tyro, Leon (especially Leon!), Spellblade and Zell to every damn daily since their crystals/RM2 were released and they refuse to drop

Edit: Ricard for me. Eventually got it to drop and removed him from my party during orbfest. When the new RMs were released with ome of the events I went to check them out in the menu and Ricard was sitting there on top of the still to be unlocked list. The prick. No idea what happened. Because I didn't really pay attention to when I got it (all that mattered was that I did and got rid of him from my party) Dena couldn't pinpoint when I did. Couldn't find the data after two weeks of correspondence so...he's back in my party again. Ricard...I hate you.
I didn't realize fat chocobo summon already had it's post summon buff in global just used it first time, it ended up doing more damage then my valefor thanks to the 2x hits. Wonder if that'll break anything coming up for us.


Rubicante U is going to be interesting for someone who relies on Advance to get through the hardest of content. I know you can break his turtle using Steal skills, but still...
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