Rubicante quick preview:
- Another AOE fight, meaning natural Walls and AOE heals are a huge advantage since the AOE fills up SB, like Ex Death. Wall/Hastega/AOE Heal remains holy trinity because this fight outright has no dispel mechanic
- Magic Breakdown a must. Full Break not so much relative to other ultimates, as you don't really need DEF/RES break to hit for big numbers with his weakness.
- Thief makes this fight way, way easier as Rubicante exits his defensive stance when hit by Thief abilities. Toss up between Steal Power and Steal HP for this one, although the latter can trigger counter.
- Prev 2 points make characters like Faris or Vaan amazing - thwack him with RS sword Magic Breakdown when he's out, steal his clothes when he defends.
- Spellblades likely will dominate here, with weakness Strike and Drain Strike making them self-sufficient
- Similarly, Drainga is going to be amazing to take heat off healers. Can't Drainga while he's in defensive though, as it's Dark and he NULLs it.
Actually a far more straightforward Ultimate than the previous two. His AOE HURTS, don't get me wrong, but there's no gimmicks like Osmose, sap, dispels, and less quadruple-cast instagibs. He has HP% attacks and a relatively strong single target nuke which in sequence is the only real way people can gib with all mitigation up, but with Hastega there should be enough opportunity to sneak heals in between. Also between weakness and a slightly lower HP pool, he's not as much of a slugging match.