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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT2| I HAVE NO MYTHRIL AND I MUST SHOUT

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Orb conversion is going to be awesome for my level 2 skills and summon 4s.

Valifor or Maduin?

I got Valefor to R4 and Maduin (and Alexander) to R3. Don't think it makes a big difference however Valefor didn't consume so many of the coveted Non-Elemental Orbs.
Yeah Lifesiphon does me no good currently as almost all of my melee sb's are single hits. My only multihit is Celes's but with it being wind element its not super amazing.
Disassemble my r4 pound? Blasphemy, that has served me quite well for months now.

Skipping maduin altogether, I've had valefor r5 for some time now and see no reason to burn summon orbs on a duplicative ability. I am 2 majors or 15 greater summon orbs away from being able to craft and take Bahamut to r3. 1 major will get from the bonus battles with yuffie. I have all three of the 3star summons maxed, so while I would like to hone Alex, leviathan etc to shore up those elements, I think I'll see how far I can take Bahamut first.

Have hit 25 ability breakdowns considering the following to add to the pile:
Flurry of petals
Minus strike

Any one here use those to great effect? Also very tempted to dump the two star spellswords, I don't see those coming in handy going forward when. Have the three star versions all maxed and other more useful abilities to pass around.

Ive used about ten million gold on orb conversion and honing but have a cushy 46m in the bank still. Have not crafted the remaining quest skills quite yet.


wow.. that is a surprise seeing the orb conversion/ability breaker.

it is really nice though, i still can't see me crafting anything since i like hoarding orbs...

i think the bigger news is...

3* orbs are not longer considered "rare" and don't get the popup anymore /no1


Hello FFRK Gaf! Today is the day I’ve been waiting for. On the last festival, I ran orb events 24x7. I haven’t spent anything on abilities in awhile, and now it’s time. I hope some of you don’t mind recommending how I can best spend what I’ve accrued. Preferably, I would enjoy recommendations towards whatever the upcoming meta will be; I’m patient and don’t mind being weaker now if it’ll make me stronger later. As an overall blanket statement:

I have ~23 million gil saved up; festival was lucrative there at least. Additionally, I’m pretty sure I have every character along with every memory crystal (R2 included), along with enough eggs to get anyone to whatever desired level.

Character-Specific SSB’s: Buster Sword (Cloud), Cutting Trigger (Squall), Kaiser Knuckles V (Galuf), Kaiser Knuckles VI (Sabin), Binding Rod (Vanille), Sleipnir’s Tail (Quistis), Official Ball x2 (Wakka), Dark Armor (Dark Cecil)

Orbs (Major/Greater/Power/Lesser/Minor)
Power: 2/130/212/246/318
White: 16/117/325/178/189
Black: 17/157/403/262/292
Summon: 7/62/406/322/307
Non-Elemental: 9/61/419/252/183
Fire: 8/101/343/344/209
Ice: 6/78/281/312/171
Lightning: 4/146/438/324/238
Earth: 4/41/513/400/212
Wind: 4/76/503/300/237
Holy: 8/58/363/232/238
Dark: 9/86/441/401/251

Skills (Sorted by Rarity, not *all* inclusive, but contains most of the 3*-5* I use):
Full Break: R1
Quake: R3
Curaja: R3
Protectga: R1
Shellga: R1
Slowga: R2
Syldra/Cactuar/Fat Chocobo: R1
Firaga/Blizzaga/Thundaga Strike: R1
Pound: R3
Magic Breakdown: R3
Lifesiphon: R2
2x Drain Strike: R4
Firaga/Blizzaga/Thundaga/Waterga/Biora: R4
Fira/Blizzara/Thundara/Watera/Aerora/Bio Strike: R4
Magic/Power/Armor Break: R5
Tempo Flurry: R3
Retaliate: R4


You seem lacking in AoE so I'd work on honing Ruinga and Valefor. The 3* elemental summons may be a good idea as well. Those will always be helpful.

I'd get full break to rank 2 if you can; I can't remember the orb requirement.

The long term meta is going to revolve around either lots of 4* magic or honing a bunch of lifesiphons to abuse strong soul breaks. You already have cutting trigger so you may want to consider investing further in lifesiphon now.

EDIT: In other news, it seems they've added the machinist skill to characters' ability sheets. Does anyone recall when those abilities started showing up in JP?
I'm gonna hold off on any orb conversion/deconstruction until I need something for an ultimate
That's basically my thought, but I just realized that I had Black-Hair Cloud's Soul Break, so I need (of course) some Greater Wind Orbs for Lifesiphon (or should I not bother since it's not a Super?). I'm also thinking of Flare x6 which will never not be useful.


That's basically my thought, but I just realized that I had Black-Hair Cloud's Soul Break, so I need (of course) some Greater Wind Orbs for Lifesiphon (or should I not bother since it's not a Super?). I'm also thinking of Flare x6 which will never not be useful.
If you can find a way to boost Zack's attack he will do a ton of damage with that SB


EDIT: In other news, it seems they've added the machinist skill to characters' ability sheets. Does anyone recall when those abilities started showing up in JP?

Laguna event is when we start seeing the -Shot skills. They're basically improved status busters, just like breakdowns are to the normal breaks.


Wake up and to my surprise, both Orb Conversion and what I was complaining about a few pages back with the favourites and Record Materia have launched!

Too bad I'm such an Orb Hoarder and not touching it at all unless I have a dire need to hone an ability.

Quistis: Increased Attack

What the shit. Where's my Blue Magic/Support 5*.


You seem lacking in AoE so I'd work on honing Ruinga and Valefor. The 3* elemental summons may be a good idea as well. Those will always be helpful.

I'd get full break to rank 2 if you can; I can't remember the orb requirement.

The long term meta is going to revolve around either lots of 4* magic or honing a bunch of lifesiphons to abuse strong soul breaks. You already have cutting trigger so you may want to consider investing further in lifesiphon now.

Thank you much for the recommendation. Based on this in part, I found that I can craft:
Ruinga R4
Valefor R3 (and still have ~41 greater wind after all is said and done)
Carbuncle R2 (should I do 2, or keep him at 1? A Few sites say carbuncle is important)
Life Siphon from R2 to R4 (should I hone a 2nd lifesiphon too? I have the wind to get another R3 Life Siphon if you think it'd be good to gear up cutting edge with 14 total hits on it)
Protectga from R1 to R2 (I think I need the mitigation on longer fights)
Shellga from R1 to R2
Waterja/Thundaja/Firaja to R3

Do you recommend I not do any of the above? I know I'm probably overthinking it, but I've been hoarding so long I'd like the results to be worthwhile.
I'd say go for it. Your plan sounds similar to my current hones (although, I also have Full Break R2, Meteor R2, Barrage R2, Valefor R4, Maduin R4, Waterja R4 and Bioga R4).
Rejoice Canadians... $41.39 for 11 3*, you know you want it!


Edit: Both Apple and Android updated their prices. All pouches cheaper on IOS except the Leviathan Pouch. That's fucked up.


that puzzling face
Holy hell you stuck around; I thought you'd go for Brave Exvius hahahah.

Pretty good lineup, although I'd try to get Cloud in there. He's indispensable throughout mid-game if you're trying to boost as fast as possible through content to catch up. I'm assuming you're using Tyro for heals?
A new bug has popped up with this update sometimes when I change ability the game will kinda wonk out and act like it changed the ability but not actually change it, then when you try and leave the ability menu is asks you to confirm the change and does nothing.


A new bug has popped up with this update sometimes when I change ability the game will kinda wonk out and act like it changed the ability but not actually change it, then when you try and leave the ability menu is asks you to confirm the change and does nothing.
I think it's done that since the new UI. I've had it happen multiple times before at least and it's really annoying but


I'm looking at the upcoming Beatrix event relics and my god, I want them all. IX is my favourite cast and to me, all those weapons are just fantastic. Also helps that I have no synergy for IX apart from a Golem Flute (which is the best ever).

...But upcoming SSB Fest and Tactics. Is this where DeNA finally reels in my wallet?


That counter dispel mechanic in that Ultimate Bart fight is so annoying. Why is that only certain abilities trigger it, while others don't? Is it just RNG?


I'm gonna spend so much money on this game once Cloud's BSSB (BSB?) shows up :(

But I'm having a lot of fun with the game so it's all good. Just beat Leviathan in the last classic FFIII dungeon and it was such a great fight, kept me at the edge of my seat the whole time, plus I'm at work lol


Yeah, I permanently limited actually spending money to only the 100 gem pulls. Getting 10 relics across ten banners for $10 is something I'm actually willing to spend / sounds reasonable, versus plopping down 30 pesos on a single 10+1 that can give you zilch.

I got a Dragon Whisker from my only pull in Burning Blade banner one, so I'm no longer underestimating those single pulls.

It's gonna take a lot of mental fortitude to not splurge my Mythril on the Exdeath event. I really want the tree wizard relic.
The only banner I'm considering throwing down the $28 for is the tactics banner just because I love the tactics characters/world and am willing to take an extra chance for some good stuff there.


Just don't overdo it, and remember it's a lottery, not a purchase.
Yeah, I know :(

Yeah, I permanently limited actually spending money to only the 100 gem pulls. Getting 10 relics across ten banners for $10 is something I'm actually willing to spend / sounds reasonable, versus plopping down 30 pesos on a single 10+1 that can give you zilch.

Yeah, my plan is to spend $9 a month for the 100 gem pulls, but I'll probably throw in a few more bucks on the Cloud banner.
Not a lot since SFV comes out in a month and Dark Souls 3 not long after it.


There's an amazing banner in JP currently. Only features relics from characters with support 5, if you get a 5* it's guaranteed to be one of those and it's 25 mythril. You can only do one 11-pull like the Lucky Draws. I got Barret's first armgun and Ramza's 40% AoE heal armor


There's an amazing banner in JP currently. Only features relics from characters with support 5, if you get a 5* it's guaranteed to be one of those and it's 25 mythril. You can only do one 11-pull like the Lucky Draws. I got Barret's first armgun and Ramza's 40% AoE heal armor

I got Wakkas ball, Setzers cards and Tyro cyclone book. They have one of those banners for every abyss release depending on the abyss dungeon type. This month is support. Last month was summoning and I got one 5 star for a character who can use 5* summons...sentinel grimore. Very unexpected but very welcome. I can actually beat abyss dungeons in Japan now.


Out of curiosity, I downloaded the Japanese version the other day and did a pull on their beginner banner. I pulled the sentinel grimoire and could pick Medica II as my free relic, meaning I had both wall and an AoE heal from the word go.

Made my current global day one account, which has no wall, hastega and only low potency aoe heals feel pretty impotent.


Out of curiosity, I downloaded the Japanese version the other day and did a pull on their beginner banner. I pulled the sentinel grimoire and could pick Medica II as my free relic, meaning I had both wall and an AoE heal from the word go.

Made my current global day one account, which has no wall, hastega and only low potency aoe heals feel pretty impotent.

I've at least 3 or 4 times the unique items in Japan as I do in global. Rolling gathca has a big part to play. I only do single pulls repeatedly til I get something and then move on. Hones are the only thing my global account has on my japanese one and I've been playing global since launch and Japan about two months.


Made my first attempt at Barthandelus, literally my first hit on him after destroying the pauldrons triggered a party wide dispel, immediately followed by a baptism in ruin hitting Fang for 4000 damage, twice.

What the hell.

Edit: managed to barely scrape by on my second attempt, not going to attempt mastery though, madness.
First attempt at ult bart, switching advance on retaliate gilgamesh with steal power retaliate tyro so I can bring a better rw. Was gonna use emerald light for the hastega but gonna try lenna's heal with greater regen. Have a native wall from ysholta plan to pop it in phase 2. Also giving ysholta magic breakdown and switching out Rinoa who has an ssb for Vanille who while I have her deprotectega but more importantly she can use shellga.
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