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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT2| I HAVE NO MYTHRIL AND I MUST SHOUT

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I kinda did that. Around the point of 85-100 difficulty. I had been doing both simultaneously based on difficulty level, but the Elites seemed to start draining my Mythril.

For me, I have finished all Classics, and everytime they release more, I can keep up. My elites however .. just about anything 105 diffulcty or higher.... I'm either going to barely win, or spend 1-5 mythril on the boss, which I don't want to do.

Yeah I was also doing Elites up to a point but then figured it would be best to push through to unlock all of the levels, then I could go back with one set of characters/gear to go through all of the elites for a realm at once as opposed to having to switch stuff around etc. I think I broke off from doing Elites once they were getting up in the 90s. Generally speaking I can do anything up to around 100 fine, past that gets dicey. So far I've been able to get the MC2 from every special event since I got high enough level wise about ~2 months ago, but the MC2 battle will sometimes cost me a mythril or 2 (never more than that though). I figure it's worth spending the mythril if I need to for the MC2, but so far I haven't spent any Mythril on core dungeons with one exception, and in the near future don't know that I would, I'd probably just let myself fail out of it. Unless it's one of the last ones or something doesn't seem like it would be worth it really.
I can see the finish line for Elite Dungeons (151 Stamina), but I see no reason to rush to it.

My current plan is to get to 4/5 Stamina Shards before Sunday each week, and clear a 61 Stamina Dungeon for a free ~4.5 runs through EXP Dungeon.

Now that I beat Beatrix with what I have, I feel pretty good about not spending anything on banners until the anniversary madness starts (which I should have 500+ Mythril ready for).


I just checked and even at 132 Stamina I still have 29 Classic difficulty dungeons left, and god knows how many Elites. Jesus Christ, I really want to get the game on farm status but the dungeons keep coming lol. Still fairly happy I've gotten up to the Stamina I have now though, wish I'd had this much for the orbfests :(
Did a few tweaks and easily got mastery, replaced vivi with aerith who has healing wind, kirin, and shellga, gave protectega to Beatrix and used emerald light as my rw. Only took 2 attempts with that build first time only went bad since ult beatrix randomly did a 3rd reflect which boned me.
I just checked and even at 132 Stamina I still have 29 Classic difficulty dungeons left, and god knows how many Elites. Jesus Christ, I really want to get the game on farm status but the dungeons keep coming lol. Still fairly happy I've gotten up to the Stamina I have now though, wish I'd had this much for the orbfests :(
I was in the same area a few weeks ago, you can catch up very quickly.

I went from eighty dungeons to twenty in about two or three weeks, and that included spending all day Tuesday and Sunday in their Daily Dungeons and completing events.


I was in the same area a few weeks ago, you can catch up very quickly.

I went from eighty dungeons to twenty in about two or three weeks, and that included spending all day Tuesday and Sunday in their Daily Dungeons and completing events.

Yeah I'm doing Sunday Dailies but no other days right now. If I keep relatively on top of Stamina management I figure I can knock out the remaining classic dungeons in maybe like 1-2 weeks hopefully unless they get way harder or something. The Elites are gonna be a struggle though, even ignoring the sheer volume of them (I'm sure I have way way over 100 undone) the difficulty on them starts to become an issue since my RS is still really poor in most realms, especially for weapons. I feel like I might hit a point where because my gear RS is so bad I'll need to level/egg up characters from that realm to help compensate. We'll see, by the time I hit that point we might be at the BSSB (or whatever it is, I forget) banners and maybe I'll have some luck there with pulls.

Either way I finally feel like I'm making some progress and even if the end is still a good ways off I can see myself making it now so I'm pretty happy about that.
Barring any changes to the timeline, we are getting another round of Super Soul Break banners in about two months

After that, Burst Soul Breaks will come (along with Abyss Events, woo), so Burst Soul Break Celebration would be a few months after that.


edit3: It also appears to be 1-shotting the Tuesday daily dragons without any buffs or breaks at 7.8k a pop


That's even more than my Decil with Launch hitting at 7.3k a pop. What gear do you have on Pecil? I still have a 2*++ Mythril Helm on mine lol.
Down to 41 elites, at 148 and 1/5 stamina. Not sure if I'm looking forward to joining the grinds dailies daily group but it'll be a huge stress off my shoulders to finally be caught up.


You see that's why I started a Japanese game in the first place...I was bored with just grinding dailies, some of my global stamina goes to waste when there's nothing new. Don't be in too much of rush to catch up eh? I'm at the exact point ye are at in global in Japan now...132 stamina. Dropped the elites at the FFIV fiend boss rush and belted ahead with the classics, only doing the odd elite without stamina shards to min/max stamina usage if I'd lose out by doing a classic. Just finished off 13s Bahamut in classics. Going through one or two updates a day depending in events running etc. Slowed down for a bit with the abyss active again the last while.
Xii is basically just like v for me, best weapon is a 4++ axe that is around 190atk and a couple other 160 atk rs 4s and then a heavy armor with rs. My level 68 Steiner has 361 defense with rs, haven't checked pcecil. Honed armor strike to r4 and will abuse the hell out of it.

I have Penelos staff in Jp, one of my first relics over there. Very nice for a mid boss heal and atk boost. I won't pull but if you get it, it is not something to be disappointed in having.


I have Penelos staff in Jp, one of my first relics over there. Very nice for a mid boss heal and atk boost. I won't pull but if you get it, it is not something to be disappointed in having.

Have it myself there too. I started with the Basch event and she hasn't left my team. Would love to have it in global as it would stack with my Leons HOTE and have a heal along for the ride. It's a class relic.


You see that's why I started a Japanese game in the first place...I was bored with just grinding dailies, some of my global stamina goes to waste when there's nothing new. Don't be in too much of rush to catch up eh? I'm at the exact point ye are at in global in Japan now...132 stamina. Dropped the elites at the FFIV fiend boss rush and belted ahead with the classics, only doing the odd elite without stamina shards to min/max stamina usage if I'd lose out by doing a classic. Just finished off 13s Bahamut in classics. Going through one or two updates a day depending in events running etc. Slowed down for a bit with the abyss active again the last while.

I actually like grinding in games, I have zero problem getting on and spending my stamina on dailies, I actually want to get to that endgame where all I'm worried about is keeping up with events and dungeon updates while doing dailies in the interim. Especially in my case since I still don't have a lot of the endgame abilities crafted (I was just barely able to make Full Break a week or two ago).


I actually like grinding in games, I have zero problem getting on and spending my stamina on dailies, I actually want to get to that endgame where all I'm worried about is keeping up with events and dungeon updates while doing dailies in the interim. Especially in my case since I still don't have a lot of the endgame abilities crafted (I was just barely able to make Full Break a week or two ago).

Me too. I am a fan of games that require a bit of a grind...but I'm a day one player and I've been caught up with content since launch for the most part. Global just is a little less exciting for that reason and logging in just to grind dailies had become an in game and real life chore. Black and Power days like today still draw me in, and sometimes exp day (but new content seems to always drop around then and new always draws me more than grinding these days)

EDIT: I think orbfest (especially the recent Japanese one) soured me on dailies a lot. The return for effort is minuscule in comparison.


Yea, but not an enjoyable ten minutes. Could be doing something else and I concern myself more with stamina wastage in Japan as I'm on the catch-up. The 30 stamina dungeons would be a welcome change for me and make me more likely to bother. Just at the burnout stage. If I hadn't have started Japan to keep my interest and have other things going on in ffrk during down times I probably would have dropped it, and I'd have been annoyed if I had done. If I could easily auto dailies it wouldn't be an issue as I'd let them off while I do other things. Having to pay attention to wave upon wave of trash just isn't for me right now. When Golbez's ruin materia comes out here I can throw in a mages to level who can auto battle too and the chore will be less

Ps: That RM is damn good. Auto battling through trash in Japan and Vivi is hitting for about 5k, aka, harder than Cloud with a 5* realm synergy weapon.
I really need to start paying more attention when I'm doing daily farming.

I don't have a team that can safely auto through dailies, but I can easily beat them by spaming Ruinaga / Meteor from my lvl 78 Rinoa w/ Haste RM. However, today I died 4 or 5 times by starting a battle while doing something else, only to look back at my phone and see my team dead. >_>


that puzzling face
That's even more than my Decil with Launch hitting at 7.3k a pop. What gear do you have on Pecil? I still have a 2*++ Mythril Helm on mine lol.

Dark Helm, meaning synergy on both character and amor. It's gonna be weaker in other realms if you don't have a Heavy Armor/Shield/Helm/Light Armor (in that order - HOLY CRAP SHIELDS HAVE A USE LOL) but it's still going to hit for 9999 anyway with buffs/debuffs.

Since there's a thread on Reddit about shattering Armor Strike, I'm gonna crosspost from a different forum

p.s. in case it slips anyone's mind, half the reason Paladin Cecil works is he has 48 more DEF than Sephiroth at lv80.
https://ffrkstrategy.gamematome.jp/...wiki/Character_Rankings_Lv 80 Defense Ranking

Granted, other Knight characters will come close, but that's his schtick, and he's going to simply outclass every other lv65 Knight with or without record synergy. Similar to ATK-heavy characters, the scale from 65 to 80 isn't insignificant. (And remember, the heaviest hitters are all in the 170-180 range at 80)

Other things I mentioned, like there being huge-ass DEF buffs, and Armor Strike itself having a whopping 2.8 multiplier for a 4* ability, means when it's not hitting for 9999, it's basically PEBKAC.

Of course, now that I think about it a little more, this isn't so much it being overpowered, as it is natural power creep and most other 4*s (physical) being underpowered. As more 5* abilities with good hones like Barrage all the way up to Saint's Cross come into play, doing 9999 a turn is going to be a snooze, even for Knight characters (and Beatrix is already sitting at a whopping 163 ATK at lv65, breaking the mold of shitty ATK knights) while not forgetting Meteor or Summons have been doing 9999 AOE forever. Only real practical advantage are Knight characters never die unless you're doing something wrong, and the strat typically includes Draw Fire as the other ability, nullifying a certain subsection of enemy abilities.

In fact we're already on the cusp of Lifesiphon spam becoming the new meta.

edit: I rarely did dailies until Orb Combination. Now I'm doing the dailies that give Black/Power/Earth, last of which is due to my Orbfest 1.0 farming priorities. (Still not much use for Holy/White, heh)

++ wouldn't change that much. The daily refurbish (the one on JP that introduces points where you can buy everything incl summon orbs) would probably get me to go nuts on dailies again.


Back to the usual 3* luck on 100-gem pulls (I am still salty as fuck about back to back Pinwheels, you guys don't even know). Even if either/both of these FFXII banners are good I refuse to pull on FFXII banners on principle due to the unrelenting barrage of FFXII 3* garbage the game has thrown at me constantly since day one.


Did the gem pull and a single relic pull. Got a 3* Falchion (VI) and a Gaia Rod (XII), both of which I already had at 3*++.

Good draws.


Oh wow I didn't have Ashe? Crazy, dunno how that was the case. Is this the first time she's been available in a while? I've been playing for....3-4 months I think?

Edit: Just looked, I've only been playing this since October 24th? God I feel so old, it feels like I've been playing it way longer.

Edit 2: Wait, I didn't have Vaan either? That...that can't be right? At first I thought maybe at the end of the battle it was just showing the character obtained + stats screen and maybe I missed the character being converted into a growth egg part, but didn't happen here either. Am I crazy or what, has it really been that long since these characters have been available? I've got 10/12 FFXII dungeons available to me and it looks like Fran is the only FFXII character you actually get through FFXII's core dungeons? That seems bizarre.


Yeah, if you didn't get them during the XII event in early October or pick them during the Vale of Memories event (which I did), Fran should be the only XII character you have.


that puzzling face
Edit: Just looked, I've only been playing this since October 24th? God I feel so old, it feels like I've been playing it way longer.

You played it right after I started on my jigsaw :V

edit: put in $3 for 100gems on XII and later on BSSB banner


Metal Knuckles VIII

Oh FFRK, if it wasn't going to be a XII item you could have given me a unique SB item at least.

jk that will never happen



Hey guys, remember when I said I've only been getting relics with shared white magic SBs from my pulls?


Now it's getting kind of ridiculous.


So I've got three shared aoe heals, a single ally heal SB, protectga & shellga shared SBs, a shared non elemental magic SB.
All with decent stats but still. I'd trade them all for an SSB relic.
I only have four unique SB relics. If something doesn't change soon I might quit playing the game ;)
Man FFXII truly feels like it gets the short end of the stick from DeNA

Its banners are generally mediocre

All other banners have a flood of 3/4* weapons from 12 that nobody wants

The XII characters are horribly lopsided where even if you have someone's SB weapon they don't seem to be very useful

The weapons you need for each character to excel at what they specialize in are rarely good outside of their sb weapons (guns for balthier, bows for bunny girl, magic swords for ashe) and are generally better used by other characters :X


Vaan has a really nice skillset in my opinion, and once we get Machinist abilities Balthier is gonna be even more useful. In JP he's one of the best characters in the game


So once again I was an idiot. Cheesed Beatrix with retaliate team, forgot to bring Armor Strike and Holy.

Now when I try to redo it, I keep losing two party members.


Oh cool, a XII event, I've been sitting on three crappy 5* XII daggers since day one, now finally they get some use lol

And having an excuse to use Balthier is good.


I have a Ras Alghethi with max augments, but didn't have Balthier until this event. All his attacks/abilities are doing great damage, I just wish the SB wasn't a crummy one hit AoE. :(

No regrets on pumping it full of Rosetta stones though. Its sitting at a nice 116 ATK in non-RS realms/ 205 ATK with RS, meaning I can reliably use him, Tyro or any of the other Gun support users regardless of the realm they're in.
So once again I was an idiot. Cheesed Beatrix with retaliate team, forgot to bring Armor Strike and Holy.

Now when I try to redo it, I keep losing two party members.
Did the same. Kinda funny how you can blow away an Ultimate even with a lv.26 characters in party by using some cheese strategy.

Just got WOL RM2 clearing out first part of XII event so i'll go back and give Beatrix Potter another go before event ends.


Did the same. Kinda funny how you can blow away an Ultimate even with a lv.26 characters in party by using some cheese strategy.

Just got WOL RM2 clearing out first part of XII event so i'll go back and give Beatrix Potter another go before event ends.

Took ages, but I was able to master it now. Finally full break R2!
Ya know, since I have both Sentinel's Grimoire and Stoneskin II, I'm thinking it might be good to start hoarding Mighty Guard friends?

But then again, attack up, area haste or heavy regen are probably still more useful.


that puzzling face
Yeah, unless you have all of the holy trinity on you (and even then sometimes it's hard to fit the three into a 5-man party) I'd horde parts of the trinity you don't have.


Thanks to DeNA skipping 2 event (RoM and Accessory of Light), we should get the permanent Hall of Rites in about 17 days. (it was 5 days after Exdeath event in JP)
I'll finally be able to get Mako Might and Dr Mog Teaching.
In before they'll skip it and put it back just before the Global Anniversary :(


Skipping Accessory of Light entirely would be some bull. FF1 gets dumped on enough as it is without also denying WoL access to his MC2 + missing out on the orb rewards from it.
Dark Helm, meaning synergy on both character and amor. It's gonna be weaker in other realms if you don't have a Heavy Armor/Shield/Helm/Light Armor (in that order - HOLY CRAP SHIELDS HAVE A USE LOL) but it's still going to hit for 9999 anyway with buffs/debuffs.

Since there's a thread on Reddit about shattering Armor Strike, I'm gonna crosspost from a different forum.

I don't get why you would shatter armor strike, at least if you've pulled since the beginning and have a variety of heavy armors for realms. My worst max defense for Cecil (not using a defensive weapon) is 175 base + 129 diamond armor + 20 for the gauntlets accessory for a total of 324 defense worst case, which is only applicable for vii, x, Xiv, and core realms for me. Every other realm other than II, my total def is going to be at least 350 and in some cases I hit 400+ (I, V, VI). I hit 399 with rs in xii. Seems a useful attack skill to keep around to use in lieu of pound or launch.

Then again I'm not concerned with power orbs having spent tons of mythril each orb festival to get to the point where I've been able to r4 any four star ability I thought I'd use.

Edit: I would bet that accessory of light is being held to a coincide with the anniversary orb festival/ssb banners.
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