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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT2| I HAVE NO MYTHRIL AND I MUST SHOUT

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Did 100 pull - Zack's Glove.

Did 2 50 pulls - Got another Glove and 2 Pole Axes.

I hate you Cloud
no, please, give me your weapon :'(


I just started playing like a week ago and have no idea what I'm really doing.

I did an 11 pull and got Tifa's gloves.

idk man

If you only started playing, you could keep creating a new account until you get Cloud's BSSB. I mean, you will lose a week's progress, but you'll have a pretty bad ass item.
So I just noticed this FFVII event has bonus battles on the 3rd. Apparently that is a relic from the Japanese version though part of me is wondering if Nightmare dungeons will open as Bahamut Sin did have a 6* Black orb as a mastery reward in Japan. Then again Japan had blank hero souls instead of 5 greater growth eggs (if you're caught up you're 4 greater growth eggs ahead per replaced blank soul but if not you're stuck with less characters) and also the nightmare dungeon opening means even more blank souls being absent.


Dena really wants me to use Zack. Drew his glove in a three pull and I already have his Buster Sword. In Japan I have two of his gloves and his haste SSB. The glove is a great relic. It was my first relic in Japan. Admittedly it was Greg who got the most use of it.

Only did an expert on Seymore. Lost two medals for actions and damage. Being extra cautious maybe not always a good thing. Tried defending through the total annialations apart from everything else. Accidently hit mortibody in stage three bringig it below Seymore also which slowed me down re Auron and tauntaliate. I know I should be able to do it with that set up at least. Tempted to swap Zack in for Tidus now too and store up glove uses for the end.


Said I wasn't gonna pull on this banner besides the 100 gem pull but I did a yolo Cult of Three 900 gem pull and got Zack's Gloves.


Failed to get Cloud's MC, because I couldn't master the boss.

But mastered the Seph MC dungeon thanks to a BSSB RW

Wtf, that thing is absurdly OP

Now I'm sad because I could't get the fusion sword..


Since I'm currently at 2 mythril I'll just be doing single pulls for the rest of the event in hopes of pulling the sword.

And if I don't get it, on the final day, DeNa will probably get a certain amount of my money :(


I feel bad for the dude that spent 9000 gems and didn't get any 5* on Reddit.
Smart move from DeNA to give us BSB before celebration banners.


So when is the BSB fest going to most likely occur? 6 months from now? Idk if I should blow my mythril wod to chase this sword if it's the greatest item in the game. Or wait until then to try for this baby again. If it's far out enough I'll just save up again after depletion I guess.


So when is the BSB fest going to most likely occur? 6 months from now? Idk if I should blow my mythril wod to chase this sword if it's the greatest item in the game. Or wait until then to try for this baby again. If it's far out enough I'll just save up again after depletion I guess.
Should be in 4 or 4.5 months, it was early January in JP so you add 5/6 months to that for the global date.
Edit : correction, started late December, so with some luck we'll get it late May/early June at the earliest.


that puzzling face
Cloud's BSB isn't really all that great as far as BSBs go. It's vanilla damage initial, vanilla focus attack and vanilla AOE. It's an OK workhorse but lacks in utility.

All that is fine though, it's at least more useful 6 months down the line vs Braver was 6 months down the line (lol).

What really kills my desire to go for it is the absurdly long animation. I have way better things to do with my time.


Should be in 4 or 4.5 months, it was early January in JP so you add 5/6 months to that for the global date.
Edit : correction, started late December, so with some luck we'll get it late May/early June at the earliest.

What's BSB fest and will I be tempted to spend real money on it?


100-gem pull got me a 3* so typical there, but debating if I want to do a full pull on this first AC banner or not for obvious reasons (Cloud Keeper etc). Sitting at about 255 Mythril right now but I really want to stock up as much as possible for SSBfest and FFT. Torn between just doing a 3-pull or a full 11-pull.


What's BSB fest and will I be tempted to spend real money on it?

It's 1 BSB and 3 SSB for each banner with the 4th getting 2/2 :

1st : PCecil's BSB
2nd : Yuna
3rd : Cloud
4th : Bartz and Tyro
5th : Terra

PCecil and Bartz BSB are pretty good, Tyro's one is mostly used as a RW.
Right after this event there is Lightning's BSB wich is also very strong.


It's 1 BSB and 3 SSB for each banner with the 4th getting 2/2 :

1st : PCecil's BSB
2nd : Yuna
3rd : Cloud
4th : Bartz and Tyro
5th : Terra

PCecil and Bartz BSB are pretty good, Tyro's one is mostly used as a RW.
Right after this event there is Lightning's BSB wich is also very strong.

Do we know for sure that our banners are going to be the same? I saw some talk about banners/items potentially changing up for our version, hasn't been datamined yet on global as far as I've seen.


Do we know for sure that our banners are going to be the same? I saw some talk about banners/items potentially changing up for our version, hasn't been datamined yet on global as far as I've seen.
Apparently the more important ones are always the same, we'll see that in a few weeks with SSSSB fest I guess.
At least it wouldn't make any sense for DeNA to change the BSBs since most of them is the first time they appear.


that puzzling face
Do we know for sure that our banners are going to be the same? I saw some talk about banners/items potentially changing up for our version, hasn't been datamined yet on global as far as I've seen.

I'd say see how the SSBFest pans out. that'd be a decent barometer.


that puzzling face
We have no idea at this point. The fact that the banners themselves haven't popped up, along with the fact that we're off by a month and change in terms of absolute timeline vs content could mean anything.


We have no idea at this point. The fact that the banners themselves haven't popped up, along with the fact that we're off by a month and change in terms of absolute timeline vs content could mean anything.

Yeah, being behind on Global is both a blessing and a curse. Even if it was less efficient/productive it would probably be way less stressful to not know what was coming up months in advance.


that puzzling face

I'm not sure I understand this.

Example 2:
Leviathan (FF3) has a RES of 548 and I apply Full Break (stats 0.3), Mental Breakdown (RES 0.5) and Status Reels (DEF/RES 0.5). So the total debuff values for RES are 0.075, which is less than 0.3 and therefore below the threshold and must use the attenutation curve. So the final resistance of the boss would be as follows:

That example aside, why is Full Break multiplying a RES stat by 0.3?

If there were an Example 2a which just applied Full Break, if I understand his calculations correctly that'd be right up to the threshold instantly. That's not right. Full Break doesn't debuff by 70%, it debuffs by 30%.

I'm also not sure that additive stacking in his ATK example is the right way to look at this, even post-change. I'm confused because TFMurphy replied, too.
Definite error on his part. Full break is a 30% reduction of DEF/RES which is 0.7X.
Full break + Mental BD + SR should be (0.7 * 0.5 * 0.5) X = 0.175X
Full break + Armor BD + SR should be (0.7 * 0.6* 0.5) X = 0.21X

Even after attenuation with these values, Status Reels provides a pretty signification reduction in DEF/RES. On top of that, the only content that you need to be worried about something like this are the Ultimate bosses, but they're likely always going to be break resistant, which means after all of the debuff stacking you'd be at 0.35X RES or 0.42X DEF which are both above the soft cap anyways.

The additive ATK buff example also looks wrong. Pretty sure everything is multiplicative.


that puzzling face
I don't see how ATK buffs can be additive the way he's using them in the example either.

Example 1:
Cloud has an ATK of 103 and I use Advance (2.5x ATK) and Planet Protector (1.5x ATK) on him. To figure out the total increase in ATK I first check if the sum of the stat modifiers (2.5 and 1.5) add up to more than the ATK threshold (2.5). Since 4.0 is greater than 2.5, I now have to apply the correct attenutation curve to get the actual stat modifier. In this case, the attenutation curve is B_LN(T,ATK). So the formula would be as follows:
T = 2.5 + 1.5 = 4.0
B(ATK) = 1
A(ATK) = 2.5
B_LN(4.0,ATK) = 2.5 + 0.3 * LN( 1 + 4.0 - 2.5 ) = 2.77
Thus Cloud's new ATK is 103 * 2.77 or 286.

Planet Protector + Advance gets written as 2.5 + 1.5 = 4

By that logic, you should be able to use Hand of the Emperor (1.3) and Boost (1.25) for a T = 1.3 + 1.25 = 2.55

Bam, 2.55 (not counting the attenuation for being slightly over 2.5) for two small buffs. Surely I can't be the only one who sees the problem with this?

edit: Okay, re-reading, I'm misunderstanding his use of T, which is for calculating if it's above the threshold, and not the actual modifier. I'm still not sure if the actual calculations beyond that are right.


You know what's fun?
Finally getting your first SSB and then reading everywhere about how much it sucks and that it's for a crappy character =)


It could be worse. Your very first Unique SB could have been Giant's Glove.

*tosses it in the trash*


Also if you use Unyielding Fist on your Josef via an RW Noble Sacrifice distant KO him and your allies still get the boost :p


If that option had been available back when it first came out (when I got it), I wouldn't be as bitter. Still doesn't change its piddly 102 Atk. :'(


If that option had been available back when it first came out (when I got it), I wouldn't be as bitter. Still doesn't change its piddly 102 Atk. :'(
Oh I know that feeling. I got two of those useless fists from lucky draws
Spent 50 mythril on this and am sitting on another 100+. It's taking all my strength to not draw again, but as much as I want this type of Soul Break (I have a lot of regular ones, but no super or burst ones yet) I can't justify it really as I have pretty good FF7 physical synergy - I got both Seph's early-game katanas, a natural 5* glove without SB, and a ++ gold sword. So, resisting...


Not having fun at all with Ultimate Seymour. The lag during his fight is bad enough, but the hideously low chance of Poison/sap AND slow proccing is just evil. Combined with that ultimate dispel move completely ripping apart your defences, and then usually following it up immediately with a cross cleave. Just a really irritating boss design wise.


Not even going to spend 5 mythril on this event, it's all getting saved for Tactics. I played with the relic draw simulator and got 2 Platinum Swords on the first 11 pull, so I'm feeling REALLY confident!


The bonus battles in these events are getting later and later. Went from 3 days after release every time to 4 days for the last few and now Cloud's event is 5.

Hopefully we get something interesting on Tuesday.


So, we should be expecting more translated banners soon as hey've only translated up to the Freya event which is two events away. Do you guys think we'll get the celebration banners revealed at the same time? We should theoretically be getting them within a month or so

Not even going to spend 5 mythril on this event, it's all getting saved for Tactics. I played with the relic draw simulator and got 2 Platinum Swords on the first 11 pull, so I'm feeling REALLY confident!
A mindset like this will only lead to disappointment :p


Was gonna save my mythril, but decided to do an 11 pull because I actually would be happy with 4 out of the 5 relics.

BSB for obvious reasons.

Red's because SSB damage with Shellga (the only Shellga shared SB i have is Minotaur Plate, which has shit RES so it's bad for fights where you need Shellga...).

Zack's because he's one of my favorite characters of all time, and also I already have Edge's auto-stun SB, so with Zack's i can chain them together and stun-lock a boss.

Cid's because while i have plenty of katanas/swords and fists for VII, i don't have any daggers or spears he can use.

The only one i don't want is Tifa's, because I already have a monk with a party atk buff (Galuf's hammer).

Ended up getting Zack's Glove x2, which combined has a monstrous 239 atk with RS, even more than Seph's OWA that's almost fully augmented! Plus now I can possibly stun-lock bosses with Zack and Edge chaining their SB's, so i'm quite happy.


Yeah, the items on this banner have really high ATK. Cloud's Fusion Sword only has 1 less attack than my 6* Blazefire Sabre which is kind of insane. Same goes for Tifa's Platinum Fist vs my 6* Crystal Glove (also Tifa's)


Ended up doing a single 11 pull and got my best result yet. Got the only 3 relics I wanted too. It's even more satisfying considering I have had some of the worst relic pull luck ever and I had to quit the game for a few months after not getting a single 5 star in something like 300 relics pulled or something crazy like that. I remember posting here about it a while back but yeah this feels so good



that puzzling face
No 5* relic in 300 pulls is such a low chance it needs scientific notation to accurately state its value.


No 5* relic in 300 pulls is such a low chance it needs scientific notation to accurately state its value.

I looked up my post history and you were actually the one who did the math for me lol

Heh. .9^40 is 0.01478088294143459233160832102064 or a ~1.5% chance of happening, too.

I'm not that far behind, only 1 5*, playing since week 2


But that was over the first 5 or so months of the game so maybe the rates were a lot lower back then? I dunno but I've been getting a lot more recently

Edit: And I don't mean 300 relic pulls, just 30 pulls x11 relics for example
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