Just realized I never got around to getting Terra's memory crystal from the last event :C
Poor old Dragoons! Does Ricard actually have a unique SB even? He was one of the more memorable characters in FF2,Man Ricard is completely garbage. He's above Kimahri tier (well, outside of identical ATK stat at 65. Having same ATK as Kimahri is suffering onto its own) but he literally doesn't do anything Kain can do better. Except maybe cast poison? Heh.
Sick RM though.
Man Ricard is completely garbage. He's above Kimahri tier (well, outside of identical ATK stat at 65. Having same ATK as Kimahri is suffering onto its own) but he literally doesn't do anything Kain can do better. Except maybe cast poison? Heh.
Sick RM though.
Oi, don't get me wrong, he's my bladeblitz bot right now through Orbfest dungeon. Like I said though, everything he does, Kain does better.
Can't disagree with you there. Speaking of Ricard, does anyone else think it's weird how almost every FFII character (except Josef) we have has access to Black Magic of some level? What's the deal with that?
You actually pay attention? I'm just letting my party auto battle to victory while the game is in my pocket at work or while I watch/play something else
In FFII anyone could learn or equip anything and with enough grinding they could become proficient with it, it's why I'm kind of surprised the FF3 characters despite having their default outfits seem specialized into classes despite no outfits. At least the FF5 characters...well character currently available is in a class to explain why she's white mage focused.
In FFII anyone could learn or equip anything and with enough grinding they could become proficient with it, it's why I'm kind of surprised the FF3 characters despite having their default outfits seem specialized into classes despite no outfits. At least the FF5 characters...well character currently available is in a class to explain why she's white mage focused.
I don't think the FFIII characters have their default outfits...Luneth has armor like a Knight, Arc is clearly in a WM robe, and Refia is in a gi.
Luneth is a warrior actually, Ingus is a knight.
Warrior Job:
White Mage Job:
Monk Job:
Knight Job:
In FFII anyone could learn or equip anything and with enough grinding they could become proficient with it, it's why I'm kind of surprised the FF3 characters despite having their default outfits seem specialized into classes despite no outfits. At least the FF5 characters...well character currently available is in a class to explain why she's white mage focused.
Now that I've been able to level break 4 FFVI characters all this FFVI gear I have can finally go to clearing out some higher level event dungeons. Yeah I know I should be doing the elite event but I'm on a high doing 90+ level dungeons feels good man
Edit: How do you get Cloud's MC2? Is it a bonus battle for this new event :X
EX++ (Jenova LIFE).
edit: At 50 he's still so-so. For what it's worth, at 65, he zooms to tied for 2nd place on ATK (after Sephiroth), decent HP, but middling DEF. In other words a far better retaliate bot than e.g. Cyan (or Tyro or Samurai, heh) especially in FFX realms.
edit2: The official strat site took Cloud off the 65 rankings because he's got MC2. Oh my god that's not how you do the rankings put Cloud back.
Just a freelancer that wants to be a scholar.Tyro
i'll show myself out goodbye rkgaf
Just a freelancer that wants to be a scholar.
A scholar class could be pretty cool though. One of my favourite classes.
but, like, he has garbage ability options and having a good choice for the ability slot matters exponentially more than the marginal damage
In FFII anyone could learn or equip anything and with enough grinding they could become proficient with it, it's why I'm kind of surprised the FF3 characters despite having their default outfits seem specialized into classes despite no outfits. At least the FF5 characters...well character currently available is in a class to explain why she's white mage focused.
Additionally, by completing the dungeons now, that leaves you with 1173 stamina after the orb dungeon to spend how you wish - equivalent to 78 daily dungeon battles, or 26 full runs.
For Comparison:
Breakdowns still have stronger effects and you'll want them to be active for the entire duration of a battle, which is not something you'll be able to accomplish with only two charges.So are Breakdowns worth crafting now that there's Full Break?
Pulled Valkyrie and a Keepsake Ribbon with my half price 11 pull. I'll take it![]()
So are Breakdowns worth crafting now that there's Full Break?
So are Breakdowns worth crafting now that there's Full Break?
Why is this FF7 event so much shorter than normal? Are all future events this short?
In FFII anyone could learn or equip anything and with enough grinding they could become proficient with it, it's why I'm kind of surprised the FF3 characters despite having their default outfits seem specialized into classes despite no outfits. At least the FF5 characters...well character currently available is in a class to explain why she's white mage focused.