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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT2| I HAVE NO MYTHRIL AND I MUST SHOUT

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No One Remembers
What's up with the Optimize lately?

Doing a FF7 dungeon, I individually go to Tifa and hit optimize and it equipped Zack's fist weapon instead of Tifa's?

Another example: When I do a group optimize with Garnet in the party, she doesn't get Save The Queen.
What's up with the Optimize lately?

Doing a FF7 dungeon, I individually go to Tifa and hit optimize and it equipped Zack's fist weapon instead of Tifa's?

Another example: When I do a group optimize with Garnet in the party, she doesn't get Save The Queen.
Optimize no longer favors Soul Break equipment; going from top to bottom, it will equip the best item for a chosen stat (ie: a physical character in the top most slot will get the best physical weapon).


Once again I am having difficulties with the ultimate.

I thought Advance/retaliate would be ok, but it didn't seen to work that well. Any ideas? AoE attacks with Planet protector?


To add to this, take a Wall as Advance isn't needed. Boost + Full Break gave me ~4.5k per hit and Auron was constantly pelting the boss, due to Draw Fire.

I can get Seymour's health to 50% but then he uses second ultimate dispel. And before I can get SG back up he uses Total Annihilation
I can get Seymour's health to 50% but then he uses second ultimate dispel. And before I can get SG back up he uses Total Annihilation
It may take a few tries to get the timing, but you should be able to queue up your mitigation so that you take him under 50%, he dispels and you get your mit back again right away.
Thanks to both of you. I was barely able to beat him. No master as I didn't bring sap/poison or slow.
Congrats. If you want to give it another try, I used this setup to easily master it.

I did use Aerith's AoE Cura once, but I think that Celebration Grimiore / a shared Medica should be good enough. I had Keeper land sap first, then I had him slow Morti. I also didn't use my FS Wall until after the first dispel.


Wall + shellga is possible before annihilation if morty is slowed. Another cool thing since the attack is easy to predict is use defend command after wall. You can mitigate a lot of damage. That was my strategy to do it.


I'm wayyyy behind so I'm gonna spend some time today and tomorrow beating the current events and then dungeon catch up.

I have to be ready for when new VIII dungeons appear.
The Balamb Garden Uniform is how we know it was really you.
All I needed to do was pull another Valkyrie and it would be my signature VIII pull.

I think I own 8 or 9 Valkyries? I think it's the avatar.


Okay, this is my general use party (non-RS specific setup etc), help me get good:


Per the suggestions on the last page or two I swapped Gilgamesh out for Red XIII since I got his comb and have his MC2. I don't have good summons with any real hones so I took the advice of giving Tyro Life Siphon (which I haven't even used before) + Breakdown and gave Red my Full Break and another Breakdown. I'm not sure in some scenarios if I'm going to Reta or not if it might be worth dropping the Breakdowns for Double Slash on those two? Anyway Cloud has Reta + Tempo Flurry as I'm not quite sure what else I'd give him for the 2nd skill really in general use situations (ignoring Spellblades for boss weaknesses etc). I need to get the two Spring II's for Yuna/Terra which I keep forgetting to do, but I'm not real sure what RM's I should be going after for the other 3; Mako's Might/Dr. Mog's Teaching has been a lifesaver to have on Tyro since I have SG and it can really help with some dungeons. I threw the other one on Red XIII kinda because why not. Cloud I have zero idea what I should be looking for on him though, I know the one I have on him now sucks.

Any specific suggestions in general, in particular on the RM's? With this group I only have I only have unique SB's for Red XIII (Stardust Ray), Tyro (SG) & Yuna (Hymn of the Fayth), I don't have any uniques for Cloud or Terra.
If you just want to add damage, the simple route is Ricard RM2 for physical and Vivi RM2 for magic.

I'm not sure where in the dungeons you're at right now, but a R1 Breakdown/Full Break won't last too long when the bosses start getting tankier. Maybe better off switching to regular breaks for those.

It's a little weird because I don't run a general party, but on the other hand I do have all characters and most RMs


If you just want to add damage, the simple route is Ricard RM2 for physical and Vivi RM2 for magic.

I'm not sure where in the dungeons you're at right now, but a R1 Breakdown/Full Break won't last too long when the bosses start getting tankier. Maybe better off switching to regular breaks for those.

It's a little weird because I don't run a general party, but on the other hand I do have all characters and most RMs

Yeah I'm in a weird spot right now where I've been playing for a few months and I've cleared all of the dungeons on Classic (currently at 141 Stamina), but I don't quite have enough characters leveled up or meaningful relics for most folks to run decent groups in every realm. For most realms I have 2, possibly 3 people at 50 (with a few scattered ones higher) so when the event dungeons have been rolling around my current party of 65+ is gonna be better than any realm-synergy characters I have because they're mostly at 50 with no unique (or meaningful) SBs. So most event dungeons I've been able to clear the MC2 battle but past that hasn't happened for the most part since I need stronger RS both gear and higher level character-wise, but I think I'll get there in the next couple of months just through character levels even if I continue to fail at getting gear >_>. I'm approaching the point though where that will change and I'm finally getting some of the endgame skills made and honed and I need to start really paying attention to and seeking out RMs which I haven't really bothered with at all up to this point. Also I just honed my Breakdowns higher than I had in that picture, I'm still at r1 for Full Break right now though but I think that will generally get the job done at least short-term.

Devotion seems like it might be a good pick, looking that up it seems like it raises MAG by 20% and reduces DEF/RES by 10%, not an awful tradeoff. I actually already have it as well which is random as all hell but I'll take it. Mana Spring II seems like it'd only be more useful maybe for running daily dungeons for Ruinaga uses or really long dungeons or something? I just remember when I was first starting people made a big deal about getting the Spring RMs but that's just maybe more useful early on when you have really low hones or something.

Not sure if I get the Ricard recommendation though, does Jump do way more damage than regular attack, or? Looking through the RM list it seems like Josef's Double Hit might be better? If so, would Double Hit cause Retaliate to go off twice?


You should give Cloud Drain Strike. The extra healing really helps in a pinch where Yuna is busy healing up others


You should give Cloud Drain Strike. The extra healing really helps in a pinch where Yuna is busy healing up others

Hmm, that's a thought. I'd been running Tempo Flurry just because the slow proc is nice and I was told early on it does more damage than Double Slash so I'd just been kinda running with that outside of sometimes switching to elemental spellblades as needed for bosses. What kind of damage/healing does it do?
Devotion seems like it might be a good pick, looking that up it seems like it raises MAG by 20% and reduces DEF/RES by 10%, not an awful tradeoff. I actually already have it as well which is random as all hell but I'll take it. Mana Spring II seems like it'd only be more useful maybe for running daily dungeons for Ruinaga uses or really long dungeons or something? I just remember when I was first starting people made a big deal about getting the Spring RMs but that's just maybe more useful early on when you have really low hones or something.

Not sure if I get the Ricard recommendation though, does Jump do way more damage than regular attack, or? Looking through the RM list it seems like Josef's Double Hit might be better? If so, would Double Hit cause Retaliate to go off twice?

Oops, I meant RM1 I think. Whichever Dragoon's Determination is. It gives you a good ATK boost (more than Self-Sacrifice IIRC) in exchange for a Sap condition at the start of the round

If you're Ruinga hones are high enough you don't really need to use Mana Spring II for trash rounds unless you need it for the boss or the dungeon is pretty long


Hmm, that's a thought. I'd been running Tempo Flurry just because the slow proc is nice and I was told early on it does more damage than Double Slash so I'd just been kinda running with that outside of sometimes switching to elemental spellblades as needed for bosses. What kind of damage/healing does it do?
I don't know the numbers, but I always use it. Especially for hard fights where your healer is busy. A couple of Drain Strikes can easily heal up that character yo full HP


Thanks for the suggestions, I'm running the dungeon right now to get Ricard's first MC that gives Dragoon's Determination, and I already put Drain Strike on Cloud and Devotion on Terra. Drain Strike seems alright, it seems to do close to double damage versus a regular attack and gives me ~1200 back; not amazing but solid overall. I only honed it up to r3, I'll go higher on it once I'm convinced on it.


Finally got Bard and Ranger's RM2's after 4 weeks of farming dailies. Fuck these cores. I've also noticed I get shit luck when it comes to Power dailies. Major Fire and Major Earth in one battle? Sure! Here you go WarAdept?

What's that? You need Major Power? LOL HAVE A MAJOR BLACK ORB.

Come on Lucky Banners.


Dragoon's Determination gives +20% atk at the cost of starting with Sap status (easily removed with Renewing Cure or any Regen spell).

Note that if you're using Advance with a 5* RS weapon you will easily hit the atk soft cap, making DD not that useful. In those cases a dmg-boosting RM such as Decil's Pride of the Red Wings (+20% dmg with Sword equipped) serve better. Seph's Heroic Stance RM gives the same boost for Katanas.

Other non-physical dmg boosting RMs like Attunement II (+20% dmg when hitting elemental weakness) can also be useful. For BLM Terra's Blood of Espers is amazing (chance for doublecast, second cast does not consume ability use!), and Rinoa's Witch of Succession (+20% dmg with BLK magic).

Other useful RM are the auto-haste ones, Zeal (Luneth i think?), Sky Pirate's Pride (Balthier), and Thief's Code (Zidane). I usually put one of these on my WHM if i'm not using Concentration II. I also put these on my non-Tyro Supports, but since you have Red's SSB with Shellga i think Mako Might is a better choice there.

Edit: another RM that can be useful on your Yuna is Squall's RM3 (Lionheart or something like that). It increases how much SB gauge the character gets when they are hit by an attack. This will allow her to get HOTF up quicker.
I really need those memory crystals to come, otherwise I'll be spending the next orb rush weekend levelling cores-down to 4 named characters to level and a few others to learn soul breaks.


Dragoon's Determination gives +20% atk at the cost of starting with Sap status (easily removed with Renewing Cure or any Regen spell).

Note that if you're using Advance with a 5* RS weapon you will easily hit the atk soft cap, making DD not that useful. In those cases a dmg-boosting RM such as Decil's Pride of the Red Wings (+20% dmg with Sword equipped) serve better. Seph's Heroic Stance RM gives the same boost for Katanas.

Other non-physical dmg boosting RMs like Attunement II (+20% dmg when hitting elemental weakness) can also be useful. For BLM Terra's Blood of Espers is amazing (chance for doublecast, second cast does not consume ability use!), and Rinoa's Witch of Succession (+20% dmg with BLK magic).

Other useful RM are the auto-haste ones, Zeal (Luneth i think?), Sky Pirate's Pride (Balthier), and Thief's Code (Zidane). I usually put one of these on my WHM if i'm not using Concentration II. I also put these on my non-Tyro Supports, but since you have Red's SSB with Shellga i think Mako Might is a better choice there.

Edit: another RM that can be useful on your Yuna is Squall's RM3 (Lionheart or something like that). It increases how much SB gauge the character gets when they are hit by an attack. This will allow her to get HOTF up quicker.

Thanks for all the suggestions! I got Dragoon's Determination and have it on Cloud now. I've got 5* RS weapons in some realms for Cloud but not all so I'll keep that in mind.

Blood of the Espers seems potentially really good, but looking online people seem to be saying it's a 13% chance which if true would probably only be worth it if you're already doing 9999 damage or close to it. I also saw some people recommend Witch of the Succession over Devotion but I can't seem to find anything regarding what the percentage increase is?

I did put Thief's Code on Yuna for the time being, Concentration has largely been pointless since I rarely actually run out of healing or Diaga, and even if I did it would be on the boss anyway since it's not like I'm burning heals or Diaga very often or ever on trash rounds/battles. Lionheart may wind up being more useful but I don't have that yet but will keep it in mind.


I really need those memory crystals to come, otherwise I'll be spending the next orb rush weekend levelling cores-down to 4 named characters to level and a few others to learn soul breaks.

Yeah, I have a medica but no Mako Might/Dr Mog Teaching, I really need the Hall of Rites.
And having Cloud's BSB but his level stuck at 65 is not ideal.


Thanks for all the suggestions! I got Dragoon's Determination and have it on Cloud now. I've got 5* RS weapons in some realms for Cloud but not all so I'll keep that in mind.

Blood of the Espers seems potentially really good, but looking online people seem to be saying it's a 13% chance which if true would probably only be worth it if you're already doing 9999 damage or close to it. I also saw some people recommend Witch of the Succession over Devotion but I can't seem to find anything regarding what the percentage increase is?

I did put Thief's Code on Yuna for the time being, Concentration has largely been pointless since I rarely actually run out of healing or Diaga, and even if I did it would be on the boss anyway since it's not like I'm burning heals or Diaga very often or ever on trash rounds/battles. Lionheart may wind up being more useful but I don't have that yet but will keep it in mind.

No problem, happy to help! I never bothered to look up the proc chance on Blood of Espers, i've just been using it and it's worked well (got back-to-back doublecasts of Meteor in the latest Ultimate). I am usually able to get close to max damage with my spells though, since i have well-honed -ja spells and several 5* mage weapons.

As i stated in my other post, Witch of Succession is +20% dmg with BLK magic. Devotion is +20% MAG, which actually results in a little more dmg increase than Witch, but that's only if you're not hitting the cap already with Witch. Also Devotion's defensive penalties can really hurt you in Ultimate fights.
Really going all out with the Anniversary.

They literally just ripped this music poll from a completely unrelated event in the Japanese version. All so they don't have to give us any free digital stuff

P.S. Why is anyone voting for the FFVI airship song. Haven't they heard it enough?


I'm both pleasantly surprised that FFXIV's Torn from the Heavens is ranking in the Top 5 and incredibly disappointed that Four Hearts is the track picked to represent FFV compared to IV getting Battle with the Four Fiends and VIII getting Man with the Machine Gun.

I mean really? No Big Bridge? Fierce Battle (which most FFRK players know by now)? Evil Lord Exdeath? You're killing me here, DeNa. It's like picking Blue Fields and saying that single song is VIII's standout track to be remixed.


I'm both pleasantly surprised that FFXIV's Torn from the Heavens is ranking in the Top 5 and incredibly disappointed that Four Hearts is the track picked to represent FFV compared to IV getting Battle with the Four Fiends and VIII getting Man with the Machine Gun.

I mean really? No Big Bridge? Fierce Battle (which most FFRK players know by now)? Evil Lord Exdeath? You're killing me here, DeNa. It's like picking Blue Fields and saying that single song is VIII's standout track to be remixed.

Well, we're gonna get two remixes of big bridge in a couple of months anyway. They were featured in the event at christmas in Japan.



Music Poll? Thanks DeNA.

EDIT: What the shit? Battle of the Four Fiends? How is this fair?

Double Edit: LOL Setzer's Blackjack theme. NOOOOOOOOOOOOPE.


No problem, happy to help! I never bothered to look up the proc chance on Blood of Espers, i've just been using it and it's worked well (got back-to-back doublecasts of Meteor in the latest Ultimate). I am usually able to get close to max damage with my spells though, since i have well-honed -ja spells and several 5* mage weapons.

As i stated in my other post, Witch of Succession is +20% dmg with BLK magic. Devotion is +20% MAG, which actually results in a little more dmg increase than Witch, but that's only if you're not hitting the cap already with Witch. Also Devotion's defensive penalties can really hurt you in Ultimate fights.

Whoops I totally missed you explaining Witch of Succession, my bad. I'll probably give that a go over Devotion and see how it pans out. Thanks!
I was an idiot and spent money on gems because yolo.

1 100-gem and 2 3-pulls. Got a Shared AoE Cure SB FF7 bangle, and Zack's Gloves.


I was an idiot and spent money on gems because yolo.

1 100-gem and 2 3-pulls. Got a Shared AoE Cure SB FF7 bangle, and Zack's Gloves.

I believe most of us here on GAF spend money specifically for 100 gem pulls. A few spend money on 11-pulls. It's nothing to be ashamed about.
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