Took 180 stamina, but I finally brought Bahamut down with this team.
Had to do some serious honage though. Tifa's SSB finally gave me a good reason to hone the freebie Lifesiphon to R4, and I had to hone both Mirror of Equity and Flame Blossom to R3. That single dinky Haste spell continues to be my great enabler: Rinoa is purely there to cast Haste on everyone and pelt Waterjas to break the -flare charges. I tried using Zack, but the damage output on Air Strike is simply way too low. Dolphin Blow took out 3/4 of the charge orb's HP in one go and also buffed Kick to do like 7k damage to everything.
I was too hasty and killed it before the 4th round of Shadow Creepers showed up though, so I only got Expert. Wonder if I really want those majors...

Had to do some serious honage though. Tifa's SSB finally gave me a good reason to hone the freebie Lifesiphon to R4, and I had to hone both Mirror of Equity and Flame Blossom to R3. That single dinky Haste spell continues to be my great enabler: Rinoa is purely there to cast Haste on everyone and pelt Waterjas to break the -flare charges. I tried using Zack, but the damage output on Air Strike is simply way too low. Dolphin Blow took out 3/4 of the charge orb's HP in one go and also buffed Kick to do like 7k damage to everything.
I was too hasty and killed it before the 4th round of Shadow Creepers showed up though, so I only got Expert. Wonder if I really want those majors...