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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT2| I HAVE NO MYTHRIL AND I MUST SHOUT

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Took 180 stamina, but I finally brought Bahamut down with this team.


Had to do some serious honage though. Tifa's SSB finally gave me a good reason to hone the freebie Lifesiphon to R4, and I had to hone both Mirror of Equity and Flame Blossom to R3. That single dinky Haste spell continues to be my great enabler: Rinoa is purely there to cast Haste on everyone and pelt Waterjas to break the -flare charges. I tried using Zack, but the damage output on Air Strike is simply way too low. Dolphin Blow took out 3/4 of the charge orb's HP in one go and also buffed Kick to do like 7k damage to everything.

I was too hasty and killed it before the 4th round of Shadow Creepers showed up though, so I only got Expert. Wonder if I really want those majors...
Yeah I'm happy 1 stamina ultimates are going to be a thing, because it is fun to try different set ups and not have to wait a couple hours to simply do something else.

Maybe I should just save up mythril for half a year and see what types of relics there are at that point in time...... Yeah right how can I resist the slot machine :p
- Rinoa's event Parade Float. 5*s were 10%, you had a far easier time if you got Valkyrie or Betrayal Sword. (For the record, I didn't, and didn't actually bother)

- Brynhildr. 5*s were 10%, you had a far easier time if you pulled Blitz Sword or Boon. (For the record, I didn't)

- Bahamut SIN, 5*s are 13%, you can pull a BSSB, an SSB at 1% each, you had a far easier time if you pulled Fusion Sword. (For the record, I didn't)

It's interesting you use these as the examples, because out of the three, that Rinoa parade float event is the only time I couldn't complete the content in this entire game. And guess what? Never pulled a 5* for it which could've been a big reason. I did however get Boon and now the Fusion Sword so lucks been on my side. I just wonder for how long.


At last the bonus battles!

The fight with the three crying babies is destroying my FFVII team, I'm thinking of either bringing my strongest players (Squall and Edgar with Bio awesome Blaster) or add another healer because poor Lenna can't keep up. It's shit because there are no random battles so I can't previously charge the SB gauge.

Well, the fight itself is going well until Kadaj goes in front, then all three of them start spamming aoe attacks and poor Cloud (he is only level 52) dies. Even Gilgamesh tauntaliting can't absorb all the damage, though he is a champ and his life doesn't go down 50%. The mesh is the best.

I will definetely bring two healers for the Ultimate when I reach it, I've seen the damage is huge.
^^ There are a couple record materia that let you instantly start with a SB gauge, but given your Cloud is only lv.52 figure you don't have it. Are you taking a wall RW?


I was taking Planet Protector (and they were going down fast with this), but I'm thiking of trying a Mighty guard or Boon. Or one of those Cloud's with their Shiny new Fenrir Overdrive thingy.
I wouldn't take Boon as I think most of their attacks are Physical. Hand of the Emperor would be a happy medium with an Attack boost and Defense increase.


I know that boostgas like Burning Arrow don't stack with larger attack boosts like Planet Protector or Scream, but when both are applied, does the larger value take priority or the newer one?

I got a good overtime check today so I said YOLO and made a 3000 gem pull on the Fusion Sword banner and netted every relic on it but the Fusion Sword itself lol.


oh.. i guess i am a liar..

i mastered it without any aoe except blade beam (used it twice). The funny thing is.. i wasn't actually trying to master it until the very end until i defended to wait for 2 more creepers to appear.

If it matters..

Cloud - lifesiphon r3 | ret r5 - heroic stance
Red Xii - dbl cut r5 | boost r5 - haste rm
barett - dbl cut r5 | mag brkd r2 - haste rm
Y'shtola - curaja r4 | shellga r2 mako might
tyro - dbl cut r5 | protectga r2 - dr mogs teaching.

RW was advance..

BTW, i guess tifa's MC2 is next to firion and edward's mc now?


Tried Bahamut SIN, got my ass kicked.

Creepers I can handle with fire attacks, but Bahamut has so damn high defense and HP
Three attempts:

1st failed, was an aoe Mage team, not enough juice even with the occasional double meteor strike. Probably need a second rs Mage relic, or even third to get the non fire damage up, or use the witches hat.

2nd attempt full atk, didn't count the dogs and wiped out Bahamut too quickly, so expert
3rd attempt same setup and stopped hitting Bahamut at around 12k hp to re spawn the last pair of dogs. Just enough time to only lose one character to flares at the end.

tifa 429 atk life siphon r4 armor break r4 burning arrow sb(very very useful good consolation prize from the banners)
Cloud 443 atk golden sword+ drain strike power break
Sephiroth 470 atk masamune life siphon r4 flame blossom r4
Sazh full break magic breakdown boon
Yshtola curaja r5 protecga r2 Ss2
No native armor relics

Rw princess favor- the real mvp here.

Wasn't messing around so I created and honed up he second life siphon and honed up the flame blossom.

Once you have this down, and go overwhelming offense with even second tier relics like I have, completion isn't hard, it is waiting for the dogs to spawn that is the annoyance. Easy enough to farm but not sure if the rate of return is worth it.


In the end I beat it with Cloud dead, fuck the bonus.

Sephiroth was a walk in the park and now I'm preparing mentally for the Ultimate xD


I was trying to brute force it with PP + Fenrir + Crushing Blow + Sword Art Stock Break. Killing him quick but still didn't get full medals for action taken and somehow lost 2 on damage. Guess I'll try again later and give lightning ace striker.

I really thought I had it when I skipped the second Gigaflare orb by putting him in the first Petaflare phase with Fenrir.
I had a couple rough goes at Bahamut so did an 11 pull - got Magic Comb and Pole Axe which i'm happy about.

Gonna ditch Sazh for Red XIII as I can get Hastega from Eiko who can be my summoner/off healer.


After trying for mastery on Bahamut a few more times, the real problem I'm having isn't so much the lack of heavy burst damage as that plus the lack of native wall. Lower damage means the fight takes forever and the creepers are up longer so I'm both taking more hits and can't have full mitigation up as long, so half of my runs are ending with someone dying at 60%. I would be completely screwed without LH, so at least that helps a bit.

I'm thinking I can probably still master it with a fair bit of luck, but I'm not going to be able to tell whether I've lost the extra action medal along the way.

Just another reason AC sucks, I guess.

EDIT: I beat him (again) and got the mastery this time, but it went pretty much the same way as the first kill. I must have been just over on actions. Glad that's over with.
I know that boostgas like Burning Arrow don't stack with larger attack boosts like Planet Protector or Scream, but when both are applied, does the larger value take priority or the newer one?
Newest one overwrites the existing one. Same goes for debuffs with the same ID, e.g. armor break and armor breakdown.
Bahamut Sin, pretty tough boss! Up there with Vossler i think for difficulty. Got it down, ran out of abilities towards end though so I missed Mastery from that. May go back in a few days (Monday) with a couple extra hones and levels on Red XIII/Cid.


I have to say, this game is gud.

I mean, I finished early today the two fights before the Ultimate with a lot of trouble, getting completion but no mastery. I decided later to give it another try after leveling up a little Cloud and Zack and changing RWs and the general strategy... it worked. And that's what jrpgs teach us, right? I know it's not a jrpg per se, and that this game can be seen as a cashgrab toying with the player's nostalgia (it is and it does), but what the hell... it works.

Take my case: I'm a purely F2P (though I might spend 10-20 bucks when the BSSB or SSB banners, I don't know yet), I only have 5-6 chars at 65, not a single one at 80, I have no SSBs and only 3 or 4 unique SBs, all my equipment is shit and my synergy is usually non existant... but since a month to now I have been able to consistently finish all the events except for the Ultimate, it's a matter of time before I finish my first Ultimate. And today I realized: it's not about your 5* or your SSB, it's about what you can do with what you have! Thinking a little, getting good RWs, reading about the bosses and getting at it, eventually you'll down the guy, and you'll have fun! If the lifebar is not going down just retreat and do other stuff, there is a lot of content, there's no need to finish everything...

Sure, this game takes a LOT of time till it gets to this point, but man, I'm having fun. Maybe I'll drop the game again in a few months, but well, right now, I'm having a great time xD


that puzzling face
DEF+RES buff. It stacks with Protectga/Shellga

To be exact, it's +200% DEF+RES.

There now is a diminishing return for stat buffs, which explicitly count Protect and Shell status separately when stacking and give them their full bonus (probably since they're core Final Fantasy mechanics).

edit: Apparently may be mistaken here? There was some discussion when the changes happened in Japan. Will go sniffing in the files.

I know that boostgas like Burning Arrow don't stack with larger attack boosts like Planet Protector or Scream, but when both are applied, does the larger value take priority or the newer one?

Can't say for certain since the stealth change to the diminishing return scale, but it definitely used to be the newest buff overwrites. I'm not sure that's changed. (Would be easy to test lugging PP and Boost to a daily which I'll do in a bit)


Newest one overwrites the existing one. Same goes for debuffs with the same ID, e.g. armor break and armor breakdown.

Can't say for certain since the stealth change to the diminishing return scale, but it definitely used to be the newest buff overwrites. I'm not sure that's changed. (Would be easy to test lugging PP and Boost to a daily which I'll do in a bit)

That's what I thought/was afraid of. Well, thankfully I had Waterkick already.
72 actions is when you lose the second action medal?

Edit: looks like the boss count for 12 and it's 7.3 actions per enemy. That would put it at 86 actions maximum.
A lot of people have been coming through the chat asking if this level of difficulty will persist from now on. Luckily, no.
There are some standout fights that are very difficult soon. Here's a quick list and explanation why.
Previous incarnations of Cagnazzo could have their tsunamis cancelled by hitting him with lightning when "Water is gathering at Cagnazzo's feet!" This time, you have ONE turn to hit him with lightning damage three times. And no, multi hit skills/SBs only count as one hit. Don't forget that you might be slowed or stopped too.
Wonder if he has like 1800 res too so you wouldn't want to bring mage meta (it does go on to say it can be poisoned).
Thought long and hard about my party to champion Bahamut Sin. My strongest weapons are Gold Sword + and two 4*+ weapon. For a Mage party guy, I went totally out of my comfort zone. I brought out Leon for HotE, put the Christmas Mitts on Sephiroth and used Lifesiphon on Tyro for SG. I am very very happy about championing this:



AArgh somebody stop me. I know better but I still was annoyed at literally pulling everything but the Fusion Sword so I threw 50 mythril at the banner.

Now I got a Platinum Fist+, Zack's Gloves+ and a Pole Axe+ lol

Clinging desperately to this remaining 108 mythril for the FFT banner.


I'm going to try and limit my pulls on Laguna event so I can have mythril for Edea event as well.

I want Squalls BSSB :(

Why the sad face? You know you are going to get it. We all know it. You have one hell of a FF8 mojo. You're da (wo)man.


Subete no aware
And again, I'm not saying there isn't any difference. My main points are - the power creep is balanced out by the average gear level coming up alongside it, and that content honestly can be cleared with a much lower average than what you see in videos. (This, of course, does take a lot more patience and/or a heightened sensitivity to RNG, etc)

I'm willing to play ball and start messing with low-gear runs with 1-stamina Ultimate+s. That's really why I'm playing FFRK anyway - it's as much a puzzle game as it is a nostalgia trip for me.
My problem is that you aren't guaranteed to be able to catch up with the draws anyway. Someone could spend 500 dollars and just get a bunch of 3* drops over and over, which doesn't help in any meaningful way.

I mean, the game would be better if you could just do an exchange of 1 mythril for 1 major orb. At least then you're spending money on something you can be guaranteed to use.


I think it would be nice if you could spend a large amount of gold to increase your chance of getting a 5* relic in a draw. Right now there aren't any meaningful gold sinks. If you could spend something like 1 million per pull, up to a maximum of 10 million for an 11 pull, for an extra 1% chance to draw a 5*, that would be cool. It's not much, but at least it's something. It would definitely give a meaning to the gold dailies.


Don't think I can do it.

Both SGs run out after around the 3rd Gigaflare, and I run out of abilities at the 4th Gigaflare charge.

Wasted 240 stam on this, it's not worth it. Ive honed so many things now and still can't do it.


Subete no aware
You're complaining about a gacha game being a gacha game.
I don't feel burned when I gacha in Love Live or Idolmaster though. lol
Even if you don't get a UR/SSR, you are guaranteed a SR which at least helps your progression in some way. I suppose the other thing is that they are rhythm games so it still comes down to your skills as opposed to your drops, but still!

I think it would be nice if you could spend a large amount of gold to increase your chance of getting a 5* relic in a draw. Right now there aren't any meaningful gold sinks. If you could spend something like 1 million per pull, up to a maximum of 10 million for an 11 pull, for an extra 1% chance to draw a 5*, that would be cool. It's not much, but at least it's something. It would definitely give a meaning to the gold dailies.
I feel like at this point, they should guarantee a drop of one of the old SBs that are obsolete now with the introduction of BSSBs and whatnot.

Hell, you could drop SG/SS2/Boon/Lunatic High and it's not even game breaking given that every boss now dispels you during the fight.

And it has the effect of creating the illusion that you are getting something awesome every time you spend 50 mythril/30 bucks.


I feel like at this point, they should guarantee a drop of one of the old SBs that are obsolete now with the introduction of BSSBs and whatnot.

Hell, you could drop SG/SS2/Boon/Lunatic High and it's not even game breaking given that every boss now dispels you during the fight.

And it has the effect of creating the illusion that you are getting something awesome every time you spend 50 mythril/30 bucks.

No way they will do that. Maybe I could see them introducing a system where if you pull a certain amount of relics from one banner, let's say 50, that you can choose 1 of 3 older relics not a part of the banner as some sort of consolation prize(this would remain true if you even if you rolled every 5* relic you wanted off the banner). This would still encourage spending money since Mythril is finite and 50 is a big number, and the guarantee of a certain item might be worth spending money for some people.

Example: You do 5 11 pulls on the AC banner and get to choose between Hardedge, Masamune and Guard Stick, and only once.

There's no way they will give away good items like SG or LH, they are trying to make a profit. I'm no company apologist, but they have to appeal to whales or we get no game at all. If they were going to just give something like SG away, there would have to be a large investment from the player first. Items like I listed are all right, but nothing spectacular, the real value would be the synergy which is also really important for the player to progress with, of course coming with the cost of at least 300 Mythril and/or whatever money also.


I don't know what to make of Bahamut SIN. Its tankiness is ridiculous to the point of being frustrating but its gimmicks are pretty straightforward which makes it an easy fight to get a feel for. I just need to bring Armor Breakdown, I think.


No way they will do that. Maybe I could see them introducing a system where if you pull a certain amount of relics from one banner, let's say 50, that you can choose 1 of 3 older relics not a part of the banner as some sort of consolation prize(this would remain true if you even if you rolled every 5* relic you wanted off the banner). This would still encourage spending money since Mythril is finite and 50 is a big number, and the guarantee of a certain item might be worth spending money for some people.

Example: You do 5 11 pulls on the AC banner and get to choose between Hardedge, Masamune and Guard Stick, and only once.

There's no way they will give away good items like SG or LH, they are trying to make a profit. I'm no company apologist, but they have to appeal to whales or we get no game at all. If they were going to just give something like SG away, there would have to be a large investment from the player first. Items like I listed are all right, but nothing spectacular, the real value would be the synergy which is also really important for the player to progress with, of course coming with the cost of at least 300 Mythril and/or whatever money also.

There really should be some way of getting really old outdated relics outside of sitting around hoping they show up on a banner again. That's the biggest stress when it comes to pulling, the fact that if you don't get what you're looking for now, you usually don't have a chance of getting it again. MAYBE months later.

And for some realms that don't come up with synergy gear all that often it's really bad.

I guess Lucky Draws are close but it's not really what I'm looking for.


Neo Member
I was lucky enough to grab fusion sword and 2 x Zack's gloves from the draw, feels good to finally have a relic for Cloud. Put a whole bunch of the rosetta stones on both of the items as their attack is so high. They are better than some of my synergy weapons for other realms, especially the gloves.

I have Lifesiphon at R2, is there much reason to hone it further than that? Only users I would probably use it with so far is Cloud BSB and Lightning SSB


I would get Lifesiphon up to R3 at least, that's about what you need it at to build up 3 bars across most dungeons which is really handy. I took it to R4 personally but I usually have 1-2 uses left.

Edit: These numbers are with Ace Striker. If you want to use it without that, maybe get it to R4.
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