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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT2| I HAVE NO MYTHRIL AND I MUST SHOUT

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You will never top Roto13's legendary pull.

edit: lol
The best
4 11 pulls and I have Zell's weapon, Seifers coat, Rising Sun and Esthar arm. I'm pretty happy with my pulls!
Nice pull! But yeah I anticipate lots of crystals and maybe money wasted on Edea and Squall's SSBB. Everyone else is good to go from VIII except Zell and Seifer but that's OK.
Congrats Wazzy! :)

I spent more Mythril than I was planning to on the FFVII banner and didn't get much in return, (Bahamut SIN sucks) so I don't know if I'm going to pull on the Quistis Banner even though I really want to. :/

I really should wait until the Edea banner...
Waittttt. It'll be worth it.


Anyone has Lenna's Flames of War RW available? Only one on my friend list and it just won't show up.

Edit: Does mirror of equality stack with flames of wall / planet protector / boost?


Managed to beat it but lost 4 medals in action and damage, so no mastery. I don't think I will try again unless I get some AE SSB.

The shadow creeper hits very hard without wall and the stun just sucks. Two of my fenrir overdrive is wrongly timed so it actually hit the shadow creepers instead. Only success is I managed to keep all 4 G/P Flare in bay or else my party would be wrecked. Tyro hits like crap despite a 4*++ RS glove, but at least he get hits so many times he can always refresh SG.

Used up all my heal near the 30% mark and have to resort on medica. Flame of war ran out at the last orb. Both Aeris and Yuna just did plain attack to build up gauge to use medica.


Well got Selphie SSB. My first trinity piece. And probably best heal in the game so pretty excited. Maybe I can now clear bahamut.

Selphie will be with me for a loooong time. And any doubt about trying to pull for thyrus or SG is totally over. SG all day.


Well got Selphie SSB. My first trinity piece. And probably best heal in the game so pretty excited. Maybe I can now clear bahamut.

Selphie will be with me for a loooong time. And any doubt about trying to pull for thyrus or SG is totally over. SG all day.

Is she the best healer? One of my favs. I instantly egg'd her to 65 and put Curaga on her after I unlocked here.


Hahaha, saw this on the Facebook page:


Unrelated but making good progress on clearing the million Elite dungeons I have left (about to hit 145 Stamina woooo), Fenrir RW's have actually probably made the difference for me on clearing some of the 120+ dungeons since I don't have full leveled character parties for each realm and are a bit lacking on relics still. Managed to Master all of FFV except for the last one, how hard is Omniscent (sp) if you don't have super good mage meta? My only mages above 50 are Vivi and Terra, and I don't have much in the way of decent magic SB's or a ton of extra hones on stuff. Guides seem to say just bring Carbuncle which I haven't even crafted so I'm not sure how many hones I would even be able to get on it. I'll probably have to come back to that one later but curious how hard it is, I managed to Master all of the other FFV content but again Fenrir was a huge help and part of that. Would kill to get that natively but I know blowing mythril on that banner now will only lead to sadness.


Is she the best healer? One of my favs. I instantly egg'd her to 65 and put Curaga on her after I unlocked here.

Best healer is possibly Yshtola, because amazing stats support and wall relic. But for healing purposes this relic is a true monster, making Selphie probably the best dedicated healer of the game. At least she is on altema tier list, I didnt understand how they had Selphie that high, now I understand.
Anyone has Lenna's Flames of War RW available? Only one on my friend list and it just won't show up.

Edit: Does mirror of equality stack with flames of wall / planet protector / boost?

I have it dunno if you follow me or not but 9VZU is mine and I have flames of war as my friend summon


Best healer is possibly Yshtola, because amazing stats support and wall relic. But for healing purposes this relic is a true monster, making Selphie probably the best dedicated healer of the game. At least she is on altema tier list, I didnt understand how they had Selphie that high, now I understand.

I am wary to have wall on a healer - my healer is already so busy with heals that sometimes she can barely fit in shellga in mid fight. Add another slow casting soulbreak in the rotation and people are going to die.

Compared to Tyro, he always do something like breakdown which has a set rotation so SG is easy to fit in.


Just started this game yesterday and have 50 orbs saved up. What 10 pull relic entry should I pull from? Beginners or one of the event relics? If beginners what free relic should I choose that's good.



I am wary to have wall on a healer - my healer is already so busy with heals that sometimes she can barely fit in shellga in mid fight. Add another slow casting soulbreak in the rotation and people are going to die.

Compared to Tyro, he always do something like breakdown which has a set rotation so SG is easy to fit in.

Far better to have he wall on Tyro for many many reasons. Obviously I wouldn't complain if I ever got a Thyrus but Sentinel Grimore is definitely more of a target. Tyro gets synergy in EVERY Abyss/Nightmare dungeon for a start so bringing your wall user is far less dangerous. As a healer yes, Yshtola is better but Tyro can fill any other gap. If you have relics for another WHM they can slot in and Tyro can do something else, with Yshtola if you've another WHM with a large group heal (everybody stop calling everything that is this a medica by the way, Yshtola has Medica, it also cures statuses which makes it very different. Ye are driving me bananas) they cant really slot in or take Yshtolas place. Tyro can also carry all medal condition abilities to limit how much you need to amend your overall party.


that puzzling face
Y'shtola's stat growth may be good, but she's crippled short-medium term by being stuck at 65 vs 80 on many, many people by the time her MC2 actually rolls around.


Just realized that the Fusion Sword changes the weapon appearance no matter what kind of attack you use in game, it doesn't look like a regular sword. Now I want it even more.

Any other weapon that does this? I think Cutting Trigger is like this as well? Probably other BSB weapons?


Just realized that the Fusion Sword changes the weapon appearance no matter what kind of attack you use in game, it doesn't look like a regular sword. Now I want it even more.

Any other weapon that does this? I think Cutting Trigger is like this as well? Probably other BSB weapons?
All SSB and BSB weapons do it


Help me to make a Team for Bahamut Sin guys, I think I will try:

My relevant synergy relics are:

- Zack Gloves
- Fusion Sword BSSB
- Platinum Fist
- Buster Sword (lol)
-4*++ Masamune Blade
-Celebration dagger
- Magic Comb

Only 2 synergy armor:
-Turks Suit
-Adamant Bungle

Another relevant characters are:

Selphie (Dreamstage) SSB
Balthier (Element of Treachery)
Tyro (Celebration Grimoire)
Terra (Magitek's Missile) SSB
Seifer (Bloodfest)
Mog (Sunbath) no MC TT
Rinoa (Rising Sun) maybe using the weapon with yuffie??

My problem is my hones are not amazing...

My cast of possible characters are:

Lvl 65 Zack (Zack gloves) with Tempo Mcflurry R4 and ??? for AOE + stun that is pretty nice.
Lvl 65 Tifa (Platinum fists) with Lifesiphon R3 + Tempo McFlurry R4 for Boostga
Lvl 65 Cloud (Fusion Sword) with Lifesiphon R3 + Drain Strike for BSSB masterrace dmg.
Lvl 65 Yuffie(Rising Sun) with Fire Veil R4 + Heathen Frolic R4 for Magic break + AOE fire.
Lvl 65 Red XIII(Synergy fist if available or Magic comb) with Magic Breakdown R2 + Ruinga?? idk if comb would give him enough magic,
Lvl 65 Selphie (Crescent Wish) with shellga R2 and Curaja R3 because yeah, Crescent wish.

idk the exact composition, maybe I could try Sephirot with the masamune blade and the new samurai skill, or maybe retaliate with cloud. Whats your oppinion?.


Mastered Bahamut by what I can only presume is the skin of my teeth. I was only aiming for a clear, so I'm pretty happy about it.

Had to use two mythril to boost my SB (AOE heal and wall) but I have a feeling the orbs were worth it. The lack of physical damage relics and SB's are really starting to hamper me though. I hope I don't fucked by SSB banners.


I kinda feel bad for turning up my nose at Selphie's SSB on my dollar pull and only now using Selphie so begrudgingly as a result (I didn't even have Trabia's Light mastered on her and I got that from the last orb fest lol) when so many people want it. But I can't help it! Maybe if DeNA would like...release an alt outfit of Selphie with a helmet or combed hair or something.

Just realized that the Fusion Sword changes the weapon appearance no matter what kind of attack you use in game, it doesn't look like a regular sword. Now I want it even more.

Seeing Red XIII swing around Cloud's sword is pretty great yea. But I don't have it either, I can see the effect from a RW.
The recent buff soft cap has got me thinking about the beginner relics again and the value of using Thyrfing for barrage spam. I currently have Planet Protector, so I'd always intended on using that in addition to Advance so that my entire party would be buffed, but with soft caps in place for both buffs (2.5x ATK) and ATK (589 ATK,) the additional damage from stacking the two would be limited.

Furthermore, Warrior of Light, Refia, and Gordon's default SB provide 1.3x ATK buffs which stack with both Planet Protector (1.5x) and Hand of the Emperor (1.3x). With PP and their default SB alone it would give a 1.95x ATK multiplier, while stacking PP, HotE and their default SB would put them slightly over the cap at 2.535x which would be attenuated down a bit closer to the soft cap - putting them at Advance buff level while the rest of the party also gets a 1.95x buff.

I'm thinking that Advance would be better if you want to spam high potency abilities like barrage using a mixed team of physical and magic, but if you're primarily physical you're probably going to want party wide buffs and similar damage levels could be achieved without needing Advance. The only thing I'm not sure about is how long those default SB last. If they're short lived, then I guess this is all moot. I look forward to getting WoL's MC2 this week and trying it out.

Of course, a large part of this is me trying to convince myself to finally go grab the SLG, partly for it's exclusivity, and partly to make Tyro more useful. I've already used him in a couple of Ultimates and having more burst damage would have made things a little easier.
Bahamut Sin made me realize one thing, a lot of people are bad at this game. A lot post their party on Reddit and I can't understand how they can't beat it. I understand that the bad luck on pulls and lacks of hones are legit reasons for some players, but a lot totally have what is needed to master it or at least clear it easy.

A lot of players seem to lack the ability to examine what they can do with what they have and come up with good strategies.

I've tried 4 several ways, I've all FF7 equipments some are 7*. I've Lunatic High,SG,SS2,Boon, Hym of the faith and even Aerith's Boostga. I Still can't pass it. I give up now.

How? No hones whatsoever? A huge lack of game mechanics understanding?

A lot said that Bahamut Sin is a big gears/hones check. I think that it's also a big skills check. Again, I understand that some people have good reasons explaining why they can't clear it. I am not saying that you automatically suck if you can't beat the fight. It's truly difficult to master in comparison to other Ultimates.
Bahamut Sin made me realize one thing, a lot of people are bad at this game. A lot post their party on Reddit and I can't understand how they can't beat it. I understand that the bad luck on pulls and lacks of hones are legit reasons for some players, but a lot totally have what is needed to master it or at least clear it easy.

A lot of players seem to lack the ability to examine what they can do with what they have and come up with good strategies.

How? No hones whatsoever? A huge lack of game mechanics understanding?

A lot said that Bahamut Sin is a big gears/hones check. I think that it's also a big skills check. Again, I understand that some people have good reasons explaining why they can't clear it. I am not saying that you automatically suck if you can't beat the fight. It's truly difficult to master in comparison to other Ultimates.

I didn't find him difficult at all and I don't have an ssb or bsb, though I do have wall, boon, and now flaming arrow.what I also have are really well honed abilities. Not crazy like some of the redditors but I honed up flame blossom to r4 and a second life siphon to r4 for this event and stil have 35 major power orbs on hand.

I think what you're seeing are people who either pay to win and don't put in time at the orb fests or dailies or noobs who blast through the dungeons and get a couple hundred mythril to pull like mad on banners like these but lack the hones of folks playing for months or nearly a year. It certainly describes my Jp account, incredible relics, mediocre to fair hones.
I'd been dreading the Bahamut fight after seeing how much the difficulty had been hyped, but in the end I didn't have too much troubling mastering it. Good FFVII synergy and two solid AoE SSBs (Blade Beam and Crushing Blow) saved the day. Here was my setup:

Fire Blossom was very handy. I honed it to R3 before the fight but I probably could have gotten by with R2.


Been trying to get a party for B-Sin and I think I've almost got a decent party set up, but there are a few things I'm unsure of.


Soul Breaks
Cloud: Fenrir Overdrive
Red XIII: Lunatic High
Tyro: Stormlance Grimoire / Celebration Grimoire
Amarant: Aura
Y'shtola: SS2 / Holiday Healing Stick SB


[Edit: I plan on building up the SB gauges and using a Mythril to refresh]

As you can see Cloud is getting close to the Atk Soft Cap, so my usual strategy of using Advance would be wasted here. I could use boost but that would take up an ability slot (though Draw Fire is a bit of a placeholder on Tyro) I also have Lenna's Flames of War SB but unless I put the Double Hit RM on her, I feel like it would cut down on the DPS plus I feel like I have enough healing between Y'shtola, Amarant, and Tyro.

I know that a lot of the strategies use a lot of AoE but I just don't have the orbs to really hone any at the moment, plus I don't really have much in the way of Mage SB's.

Also, does anyone know if Pride of the Red Wings works with BSSB Abilities? Still trying to figure out what RM to put on Cloud.

After a failed attempt to build up the gauge, I've decided to change a few things

Cloud: RM is now Pride of the Red Wings
Red XIII: No Changes Yet
Tyro: Swapped out Draw Fire for Boost R4
Amarant: Honed Lifesiphon to rank 3 (Beginning to cut into my Major Power Orbs)
Y'shtola: Since She'll be pulling double duty (Wall + Medica), I've given her Ace Striker, Upgraded Curaga R3 to Curaja R4, and Replaced Magic Breakdown with Wrath R3

May Swap Red's Armor Breakdown for Magic Breakdown

Now just need to wait for more stamina



Well, last time I go along with internet hysteria. Battle was surprisingly easy. Only 1 refresh for limit gauge and Fenrir overdrive and dreamstage carried the battle. I was never near to dying and had to defend a lot just to give time to creepers to spawn.


You used a mythril refresh and have amazing gear, of course it doesn't seem hard. I mean, not trying to knock your hustle, good for you, but most people complaining don't have access to the stuff you have.

Still, I haven't tried fighting him yet so you could be right.


You used a mythril refresh and have amazing gear, of course it doesn't seem hard. I mean, not trying to knock your hustle, good for you, but most people complaining don't have access to the stuff you have.

Still, I haven't tried fighting him yet so you could be right.

Well if you follow the ffrk subreddit is full of people with trinity awesome gear and awesome hones complaining, so well, I feared about being able to do it. Because I have R2 breakdowns no full break, nothing more than R3 and my best AOE attack to use was kick and only have medica. And sure I used a mythril because I dont have dr mog teachings or mako might, If I have those I wouldnt need to get gauge.

Thats why I seemed actually easy to me. My expectation was that he was going to eat me alive.

Edit: This was my team. It has good offence but poop mitigation.



Going into the FF8 event now made me realize I have absolute jackshit for FF8 RS lol. Straight up across the board for my party the only FF8 gear I have that is better than my standard best gear is the Blitz Sword and Ten-Gallon Hat (which is kinda said as a 4*). Maaaaaaan.

Sitting at 242 Mythril right now, so while I wish I had more I think I'm doing okayish in terms of stocking up for banners. Depending on when the Lucky Draws hit (aka if it's after my next paycheck) I will probably just do real money on those if they're worth it and keep the free mythril assuming we get that as well as half-off on decent banners + being able to keep the free mythril is jussssssst enough to be worth it $-wise in my opinion. My hope is to be able to do at least one full pull on each SSB banner and at least one on the FFT banner if not two, but I'll have some leeway if I don't think some of the SSB banners are worth doing a full 11-pull on I suppose. In general looking through my gear my mitigation is okay but I'm just mostly lacking in native 5* offense; I actually have quite a few at this point, but they're almost all useless crap like multiple Pinwheels, Tiger Claws, Rune Axes etc. Looking through my stash now it's actually sort of depressing lol.

In any case as long as I get at least some usable/decent stuff I'll be happy. Already have clawed my way up to 145 Stamina which I didn't even know if I was gonna make it to at all, and I'm slowly making my way with hones on the endgame stuff so I'm pretty happy. 0/55 here we come!


No One Remembers
Going into the FF8 event now made me realize I have absolute jackshit for FF8 RS lol. Straight up across the board for my party the only FF8 gear I have that is better than my standard best gear is the Blitz Sword and Ten-Gallon Hat (which is kinda said as a 4*). Maaaaaaan.

Yeah, the only things I had was a 5* Ten Gallon Hat, and a 6* Mesmerize Blade. Rest of it was like 3/4 * garbage like Galbadian Armour.

Also, while trying to catch up on Classic Dungeons, I wasted three frickin Mithril trying to beat FF3 Leviathan yesterday because I was an idiot and didn't take a protective RW or abilities.


I'm at 151 Stamina right now. I can't be sure, but I think I was somewhere between 135-140 when the AC event started. I finished that and the Laguna event as well. Yeah, I"ve been playing like a mad man for the past week doing single pulls trying to get that Fusion Sword. Three more days and if I don't get it I'll pop in 30 bucks. Not gonna spend more than that though.
Well if you follow the ffrk subreddit is full of people with trinity awesome gear and awesome hones complaining, so well, I feared about being able to do it. Because I have R2 breakdowns no full break, nothing more than R3 and my best AOE attack to use was kick and only have medica. And sure I used a mythril because I dont have dr mog teachings or mako might, If I have those I wouldnt need to get gauge.

Thats why I seemed actually easy to me. My expectation was that he was going to eat me alive.

Edit: This was my team. It has good offence but poop mitigation.

I take it you started after the cloud mc2 was released, or you weren't strong enough to get it? Same goes for tyro and tidus I assume.

Reddit seems to have a lot of players who either are young and can't figure out the mechanics of these battles or they spend money and mythril but not time honing up their skills, so it is hard to get a gauge on what is or is not difficult for you, the game experience can be vastly different for individuals depending on rng, money spent, and time put in. That said, few folks are going to have the relics you have, at least for vii events and dungeons, power creep is not to the point where your inventory is required for mastery, particularly for Bahamut sin which to me was far more straightforward and less rng defendant than the previous ultimates.

is this where I mention I have both Squall and Rinoa's SSB

Better phrase your complaints about ultimate adel carefully sir!


I take it you started after the cloud mc2 was released, or you weren't strong enough to get it? Same goes for tyro and tidus I assume.

yeah I started on christmas day(Lenna MC2 event if I recall correctly). The first MC2 I was able to get was Terra. My first ultimate kill was Seimour and this one my first mastery.

Cloud BSSB carried me both times.


Of course Bahamut is going to be easy with a BSB, lol. Go ahead and tell me how this is going to be easy for me, I have an AoE heal as my piece of trinity and no SB's that hit multiple targets. Even the most minimalist guide I saw on Reddit had Blade Beam being used. My RS can't even reach soft attack cap on one character, there is no hope for me.

Meainwhile in JP, I have over 20 character relics, multiple SSB's and 2/3 trinity within 2 months.


I started the day after Christmas, first MC2 was Lightning, first Ultimate Beatrix, skipped Vossler and beat Maduin, Necrophobe and Seymour. My Relics suck but I can't complain, I'm doing alright. Still, I can't get over the fact that I wasn't able to get a single Relic I wanted.


Fenrir Overdrive is so good holy crap. I use it sometimes(RW) in dungeon catchup and it just destroys bosses.

Bless you guys who have it as your RW. It makes me even more excited for Squalls.
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