Is money ever going to become relevant in this game? I have like 7 million and I don't know what to do with that.
Only if you go crazy with orb conversion
Only if you go crazy with orb conversion
It's time to dump all 350 Mythril into Orbfest then $$$ the banners as a replacement.
don't do it
I got around 210 mythril saved. I wanna save it for the Tactics Banners. But I really want that Locke Valiant Knife Since Locke is one of my Favorites... Hmmmm... Choices, choices.
We'll be getting Cid's Missions in the future which require you to beat ultimates with a full synergy team, so you'll want at least a few from each realm already leveled up.Im not going nuts leveling, most characters are not worth it.
Rosa: Equip Rods
Rinoa: 5* Summon, MAG+
Squall: 5* Spellblade
I hear Wazzy squeeing
It's so hard for me to care about this FF2 event. FF2 is just so lame.
Do we ever get wind black magic? or an Aeroga/Waterga spell blade?
You've gotten three 5* from the daily draw. What the hell. Day 1 player here, zero 5* from the daily draw
Im not going nuts leveling, most characters are not worth it.
This is what's killing me. I don't know who to prioritize since I spent so long away from the game. For all I know, I'm leveling near worthless characters that are rarely ever useful, but I can't find that out since tier lists seem to not exist. The only 2 lists I ran across were from 6+ months ago.
This is what's killing me. I don't know who to prioritize since I spent so long away from the game. For all I know, I'm leveling near worthless characters that are rarely ever useful, but I can't find that out since tier lists seem to not exist. The only 2 lists I ran across were from 6+ months ago.
Thats a popularity contest. I find hard to believe Vivi is a good characer. Is a great FF9 character but a subpar FFRK character. Only BLM5 is a terrible skillset, even if he has a great MAG stat, most mages can cap damage anyway and have better skillsets and equipment options.
That's a pretty great ranking, modified by what SBs/SSBs you have access to.
e.g. Zidane holds my only decent offensive multi-hit damage SB (no, really, go ahead and laugh) so for any burn fights I'm sucking it up and putting him in there with Lifesiphon, Steal Power and w/e RS sword I have for that realm.
I long for the day when Summons become multi-hit
KotR Materia?
Are there any other EXP RM's coming down the line that's better than Cid's?
Bahamut is going to become multi-hit eventually, dunno about any other summons.
100 stamina later, finally.
If anyone else is missing this RM (which I needed to get the Doublecast summon one), I suggest going for it now while we have a 6 stamina dungeon in the IX event, cause otherwise the lowest stamina per dungeon available to farm it is 43 and/or waiting for the next IX event.
What's the best way to unlock Garnet's RM Healer?
Does the location matter or can I just Cliff Road in the event for 6 Stamina over and over again until forever?
What's the best way to unlock Garnet's RM Healer?
Does the location matter or can I just Cliff Road in the event for 6 Stamina over and over again until forever?
100 stamina later, finally.
If anyone else is missing this RM (which I needed to get the Doublecast summon one), I suggest going for it now while we have a 6 stamina dungeon in the IX event, cause otherwise the lowest stamina per dungeon available to farm it is 43 and/or waiting for the next IX event.
Ultros that is given for free is an 8 hit summon.
Definitely make the most out of the current Spring Festival (aka Orbfest). The Exp. is excellent and the orbs should give you a solid stockpile for crafting and honing the essential 4* skills. In terms of specific characters, people have suggested some strong ones already but just try and cover all bases in the long term for both realms and roles. There are very few characters who are outright awful, so provided you balance correctly you can have a team of your favourites and still clear all the contentThanks for all the advice and the links to these resources. I still struggle to understand half of the things you all talk about, so this should help at least a little bit.
I'm still a bit too weak to get MC2s reliably. I've gotten 1 or 2 I think, but I couldn't even beat Tiamat to get the Warrior of Light MC2 during the last event. Could get it down to about 25% but I'd always run out of power and get wiped.
When's the lucky draw, before or after the banners?
After a terrible Orbfest day, the last stage I did gave me 1 GLO and 2 MLO before kicking me out of the dungeon. I am happy because it ends this phase well. However, it also means that there is no staying in a phase after it's over.
My Orbfest Phase One totals (27 Mythril refreshes this phase on top of only wasting ~40 Stamina overall)
3* Black - 32 -> 652
4* Black - 18 -> 91
5* Black - 25 -> 35
3* Dark - 55 -> 657
4* Dark - 35 -> 105
5* Dark - 16 -> 26
3* Lightning - 90 -> 670
4* Lightning - 24 -> 103
5* Lightning - 10 -> 27
Yeah I meant to mention that, they learned from last time. Guess this means people can't just farm Phase 2 until the end of the event now lol.
There's a way normally to stay in a phase after it's ended?!
My Orbfest Phase One totals (27 Mythril refreshes this phase on top of only wasting ~40 Stamina overall)
5* Black - 25 -> 35
5* Dark - 16 -> 26
5* Lightning - 10 -> 27