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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT2| I HAVE NO MYTHRIL AND I MUST SHOUT

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Is money ever going to become relevant in this game? I have like 7 million and I don't know what to do with that.


that puzzling face
Only if you go crazy with orb conversion

I've never had less than 70 million since Orbfest 1.0 and I go nuts with Orb Conversion. As in I converted everything to Majors, then realized I needed some 4*s and converted those Majors to Greaters to hone, etc. as in a lot of waste.

All a matter of relativity, though, of course. Going from 80 to 70M might as well have been going from 10M to 0.

Although the catch here is that I wouldn't have had nearly that many orbs if I wasn't spamming Orbfest 1.0, which is also where the bulk of that money came from :U


Only if you go crazy with orb conversion

I usually convert power to major and vice versa and I don't even look at the price lol

At this rate when this orbfest is done I calculate I'll end up with 25M or something. They should let you buy stamina or mythtril with money.


that puzzling face
Nah, problem with Gil->Mythril is there's going to come a breakpoint where 1 Mythril earns you more money than the money you used grab it. Only way to counter that would be to inflate that exchange periodically, which then leads to this metagame where people are doing this as early as possible to get Mythril when it's relatively cheaper, and the rabbit hole just goes deeper and deeper.

Stamina is in a similar boat but slightly less pronounced (since Mythril inflates both by Mythril:stam and stam:gil)

Rosetta stones and eggs are two good candidates.

Have it so that for Rosetta the second costs 1.5 of the first, third costs 1.5 of the second, and so on and so forth, resetting monthly, so it kinda scales for everyone, and even new people could be expected to get 1-2 stones per month.
I still haven't used a single Rosetta stone on anything. Holding out for an eventual Unicorn dropping from relic draw.

This Orbfest has been really good so far. Biggest difference from Orbfest 1.0 being the guarantee of Greater/Major Orbs from Cactuar/Gigantuar respectively. Currently sat on 30 MLO, 45 MDO and 25 MBO (considering honing Flare to R3 for Nightmare, though could get all the 4* Spellblades honed up to R4 instead...).


You guys have NO IDEA how much I am enjoying orbfest right now as a means to level up my characters lol. I've spent 20 mythril on refreshes and not only am I having pretty good luck with orb drops but I've gotten 25 characters already from level 1 to 50, already down to only 21 non-core characters at level 1. Have also gotten 3 BM's from 50 to 65 and working on my 4th. After Orbfest I'm going to have so many more options for events and the harder Elite dungeons I have left in terms of characters.

I'm still tentatively planning on just doing gem pulls on the 3 Lucky Draws and keeping the 25/75 free mythril so I figure any mythril refreshes I'm doing here are just pulling from that which will still leave me at around 350 mythril for SSB/FFT, but honestly even if I wind up not doing that and/or we don't get that second 50 free mythril I have no regrets at all, this is totally worth it for me personally. Satisfies my OCD which had been going nuts about having the vast majority of the cast at level one, and also is netting me an absolute ton of orbs. Also gives me a lot more options for later events since I'll be at the point where I'll be starting to get people up to 65 and beyond, so I'll no longer almost always be using the same 5 characters regardless of RS since those 5 are at 80 and no one else is at over 65.


that puzzling face
It's time to dump all 350 Mythril into Orbfest then $$$ the banners as a replacement.

don't do it


It's time to dump all 350 Mythril into Orbfest then $$$ the banners as a replacement.

don't do it

Hahaha no. Honestly the SSB banners are largely lackluster for me; banners 2/3/4 are going to be 100-gem only pulls for me, I'd normally do some pulls potentially on banner 3 because I really want Maduin's Horn, but the FFVI event coming up has that in the same banner along with Celes' SSB Excalibur and some other good stuff all on the same banner so I'm just holding out for that. Banner 1 has some good stuff but I don't use any of those characters, I'm going to do a single 11-pull on that at the most. Banner 5 I'm still torn on since it has a lot of good stuff, but I do already have SG and I don't use most of the other characters, but there is a lot of good stuff.

Right now my very tenative plan is going to be an 11 pull on banner 1, 100 gem pulls on 2-4, one or two 11 pulls on banner 5. Then even if I don't do gem pulls on Lucky Draws and spend the free mythril on those I'll still have enough for 2 or 3 pulls on FFT, and I'll wind up having enough for one or two 11-pulls by the time the FF6 banner comes along. I'm not spending any money for pulls (outside 100 gem) outside of Lucky Draws, and even then I'm kinda iffy on those. And all of that still gives me leeway for the mythril refreshes I'm doing.


Yeah, Orbfest is pretty sweet. Just been doing standard stamina runs and leveled Locke, Rikku, Tidus to Lv.50 already. Garnet is on her way to 55Lv and I just unlocked her MC2. So, she'll be joining WoL and Selphie as my Lv.80 team.

I should be able to get Locke, Rikku and Lightning's MC1 to get them to Level 65 before this orbfest ends. Not to mention I got like 20 5* ExpEggs in the bank to level Tyro and Cloud to Lv.80 once I get their MCL2 unlocked.

I got around 210 mythril saved. I wanna save it for the Tactics Banners. But I really want that Locke Valiant Knife Since Locke is one of my Favorites... Hmmmm... Choices, choices.


Im not going nuts leveling, most characters are not worth it. I already have supports,whm,blm and summoners leveled for abyss. I have leveled gilgamesh, tyro, lightning to 65 and garnet to 80. Since Im doin 5 or 6 pulls on banner 5 and is realistic that I will end with some of their relics.

I got around 210 mythril saved. I wanna save it for the Tactics Banners. But I really want that Locke Valiant Knife Since Locke is one of my Favorites... Hmmmm... Choices, choices.

Locke is great but his SSB has lost a bit of value for me since I learned that its effect is greatly diminished by the attack cap. Is still good, but no as good as I though since you are hitting attack cap with scream most of the time.


I nearly got a heart attack seeing all the characters who I can level break :lol I'm so used to there only being one or two characters there, so seeing nearly 15 was crazy :lol


Im not going nuts leveling, most characters are not worth it.

This is what's killing me. I don't know who to prioritize since I spent so long away from the game. For all I know, I'm leveling near worthless characters that are rarely ever useful, but I can't find that out since tier lists seem to not exist. The only 2 lists I ran across were from 6+ months ago.


This is what's killing me. I don't know who to prioritize since I spent so long away from the game. For all I know, I'm leveling near worthless characters that are rarely ever useful, but I can't find that out since tier lists seem to not exist. The only 2 lists I ran across were from 6+ months ago.


That's the most recent reddit poll.

Some broadly useful characters to target are:

Cecil (P)


that puzzling face
That's a pretty great ranking, modified by what SBs/SSBs you have access to.

e.g. Zidane holds my only decent offensive multi-hit damage SB (no, really, go ahead and laugh) so for any burn fights I'm sucking it up and putting him in there with Lifesiphon, Steal Power and w/e RS sword I have for that realm.



That's the most recent reddit poll.

Thats a popularity contest. I find hard to believe Vivi is a good characer. Is a great FF9 character but a subpar FFRK character. Only BLM5 is a terrible skillset, even if he has a great MAG stat, most mages can cap damage anyway and have better skillsets and equipment options.

I would check this one.


I find it more accurate, or, if you want one for the future check altema list(this one rate character if you have their relics thou).



This is what's killing me. I don't know who to prioritize since I spent so long away from the game. For all I know, I'm leveling near worthless characters that are rarely ever useful, but I can't find that out since tier lists seem to not exist. The only 2 lists I ran across were from 6+ months ago.

Stay away from FF Job and II Characters and you'll be fine.
Or use whoever you like.


Thats a popularity contest. I find hard to believe Vivi is a good characer. Is a great FF9 character but a subpar FFRK character. Only BLM5 is a terrible skillset, even if he has a great MAG stat, most mages can cap damage anyway and have better skillsets and equipment options.

It's not perfect but I think everyone in there is about where they should be.

Vivi isn't as good as he was (hence his tumbling down the list), but he's still a strong BLM with a good default SB. Terra and Rinoa really only beat him due to level cap.

The biggest overranking I see in it it is Yuna, who is awful if you don't have a relic SB for her.


that puzzling face
Vivi was first pick for the longest time during the mage meta period. He did the most damage, full-stop.

Even outside of that, Devotion is still hands-down the biggest consistent magic damage boost RM, losing out to doublecast RMs due to 9999 cap. Right now, with Ultimate's defensive stats climbing, it's going to be harder and harder to cap out, so stats start mattering again.

On the other hand, magic damage has fallen very, very sordidly out of favor in comparison to PP/HotE/Yell + Lifesiphon + physical SBs, and while it does balance out in future, magic is in an inferior spot right now through a month or two after FFT.


That's a pretty great ranking, modified by what SBs/SSBs you have access to.

e.g. Zidane holds my only decent offensive multi-hit damage SB (no, really, go ahead and laugh) so for any burn fights I'm sucking it up and putting him in there with Lifesiphon, Steal Power and w/e RS sword I have for that realm.

The only SBs I have are Tyro, Lenna, and Tifa, so I'm hurting for gear pretty badly. I'm not good enough to get any MC2s for anyone, and the only characters I have at 65 are Tyro, Cloud, Tidus, Lenna, and Steiner. I've been working on leveling up Zidane, Lightning, Vivi, Terra, and Sephiroth. Going by that reddit poll, I guess I should swap in Gilgamesh and whoever that is in God tier beside Cloud. I only have 329 mythril and have absurdly bad luck with draws, so I guess I'll keep saving it.


Thanks for all the advice and the links to these resources. I still struggle to understand half of the things you all talk about, so this should help at least a little bit.

I'm still a bit too weak to get MC2s reliably. I've gotten 1 or 2 I think, but I couldn't even beat Tiamat to get the Warrior of Light MC2 during the last event. Could get it down to about 25% but I'd always run out of power and get wiped.


What's the best way to unlock Garnet's RM Healer?

Does the location matter or can I just Cliff Road in the event for 6 Stamina over and over again until forever?

Edit: Nvm.

100 stamina later, finally.

If anyone else is missing this RM (which I needed to get the Doublecast summon one), I suggest going for it now while we have a 6 stamina dungeon in the IX event, cause otherwise the lowest stamina per dungeon available to farm it is 43 and/or waiting for the next IX event.

Thanks for the tip!


Well, that didn't take me that long? What? Maybe 20 minutes? lol


What's the best way to unlock Garnet's RM Healer?

Does the location matter or can I just Cliff Road in the event for 6 Stamina over and over again until forever?

Any location that gives FF9 synergy, including the FF9 event yeah. Quoting myself from a few days ago:

100 stamina later, finally.


If anyone else is missing this RM (which I needed to get the Doublecast summon one), I suggest going for it now while we have a 6 stamina dungeon in the IX event, cause otherwise the lowest stamina per dungeon available to farm it is 43 and/or waiting for the next IX event.
Thanks for all the advice and the links to these resources. I still struggle to understand half of the things you all talk about, so this should help at least a little bit.

I'm still a bit too weak to get MC2s reliably. I've gotten 1 or 2 I think, but I couldn't even beat Tiamat to get the Warrior of Light MC2 during the last event. Could get it down to about 25% but I'd always run out of power and get wiped.
Definitely make the most out of the current Spring Festival (aka Orbfest). The Exp. is excellent and the orbs should give you a solid stockpile for crafting and honing the essential 4* skills. In terms of specific characters, people have suggested some strong ones already but just try and cover all bases in the long term for both realms and roles. There are very few characters who are outright awful, so provided you balance correctly you can have a team of your favourites and still clear all the content :)


I just finished leveling Luneth and I'm working in Fusoya now. Tomorrow it's Riona's time! Yep, orbfest is awesome.

When's the lucky draw, before or after the banners?
When's the lucky draw, before or after the banners?

If it follows Japan, then it will be one Lucky Draw per day, the 3 days leading into the anniversary. They also got 25 mythril on the first day of the Lucky Draw banners and 50 on the anniversary date.


My Orbfest Phase One totals (27 Mythril refreshes this phase on top of only wasting ~40 Stamina overall)

3* Black - 32 -> 652
4* Black - 18 -> 91
5* Black - 25 -> 35

3* Dark - 55 -> 657
4* Dark - 35 -> 105
5* Dark - 16 -> 26

3* Lightning - 90 -> 670
4* Lightning - 24 -> 103
5* Lightning - 10 -> 27

Got 26 characters from 1-50, one BM from 57 to 65, two BM's from 50 to 65, and another BM from 50 to 52.

I regret nothing; I clearly needed the orbs (pleased about the MLOs in particular) and I'm super happy to get so many characters leveled. I play the game because I enjoy the cast and leveling up and getting hones and whatnot so this is 100% worth it for me, especially since I still have about 300 mythril right now. Do what you feel!
After a terrible Orbfest day, the last stage I did gave me 1 GLO and 2 MLO before kicking me out of the dungeon. I am happy because it ends this phase well. However, it also means that there is no staying in a phase after it's over.


After a terrible Orbfest day, the last stage I did gave me 1 GLO and 2 MLO before kicking me out of the dungeon. I am happy because it ends this phase well. However, it also means that there is no staying in a phase after it's over.

Yeah I meant to mention that, they learned from last time. Guess this means people can't just farm Phase 2 until the end of the event now lol.


My Orbfest Phase One totals (27 Mythril refreshes this phase on top of only wasting ~40 Stamina overall)

3* Black - 32 -> 652
4* Black - 18 -> 91
5* Black - 25 -> 35

3* Dark - 55 -> 657
4* Dark - 35 -> 105
5* Dark - 16 -> 26

3* Lightning - 90 -> 670
4* Lightning - 24 -> 103
5* Lightning - 10 -> 27

Ah man, didn't get my totals... This one I will though.

3* Power - 13
4* Power - 4
5* Power - 9

3* Non-Elemental - 113
4* Non-Elemental - 7
5* Non-Elemental - 2

3* Wind - 10
4* Wind - 9
5* Wind - 5

My staring numbers...

Yeah I meant to mention that, they learned from last time. Guess this means people can't just farm Phase 2 until the end of the event now lol.

There's a way normally to stay in a phase after it's ended?!


My Orbfest Phase One totals (27 Mythril refreshes this phase on top of only wasting ~40 Stamina overall)

5* Black - 25 -> 35

5* Dark - 16 -> 26

5* Lightning - 10 -> 27

uh........ you are saying you got 37 5* orbs in 4 days? You have some serious luck with that...
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