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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT2| I HAVE NO MYTHRIL AND I MUST SHOUT

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Hahaha I had totally forgotten about "him". Wonder what skillset he'll have, wasn't his only command Attack in the original game? Whenever i'd do Kefka's Tower he'd be one of the two I always left on the airship.

Cid from FF4 is the only other main party member I can think of, but he was only temporary still. There are a couple of other temporary ones too like General Leo and Kiros/Ward so plenty of characters still to be introduced.

So with Guy and Paine coming that leaves just Gogo and Umaro for major main playable characters from mainline FF titles not in RK correct?
Permanent/Main Characters...
Cid (FFIV)

Temp Characters...
General Leo
????? (Ghost)
All those crazy moogles


Then the casts of Tactics, XI, XIV, TAY, etc.
Are we getting the free mythril again for the second lucky banner or was it a one time deal?
Japan did get 50 mythril with the Ultros summon but I think this was when the SSBfest started.

Got the Official Ball. It's severely outdated, but it's my first FFX character relic, and my first Support character relic. Also got a dupe Runeblade.

And of course I log into JP for the black mage lucky banner and get 2 SSB. lol
The problem with that SB is the debuff lasts barely any time at all. As for the blitzball itself, it is a ranged weapon for FFX that can be used by more than Wakka.



Multiplayer Mode beta starting in April. Implementation at the end of May.

Four players, controlling two characters each. Communicate with stamps/stickers.

New Relic Celebration is a BSSB Fest.

It will have special bosses too.

-New Record Drive Level... Unlock 6* Abilities for Samurai and Monk. (Monk's is like Thief's Raid, but based on Strength instead of Speed.)
-Another Orb Fest planned.
-Japanese Players get a bunch of free stuff tomorrow. (Mats, Gold & Mythril.)

Source 1 & 2
Multiplayer sounds hilarious. I can see people ragequitting upon level 5 tyro and level 5 cloud entering the room.

Guess there will be no Samurai and Monk nightmare dungeons if they're getting the 6* ability things for those outside of nightmare.

So with Guy and Paine coming that leaves just Gogo and Umaro for major main playable characters from mainline FF titles not in RK correct?
FFIV Cid? He only blew himself up something awful though...
I expect despair tomorrow and it won't even bother me.

After all this time of having no Supers, I got a Burst Super (on Cloud, sadly) and a regular Super. Plus a 5★ bow, which I've really kind of wanted. AND I finally have some physical synergy for IX (though with two 5★ rods and two 5★ hoods, I'll still probably mage it up for any future events).

Now I just need to figure out which one needs the Rosetta Stones I've been hoarding.

It's Cloud, isn't it? :-\

Ah! Grats!
Amazing pull! All three relics are top tier
Thanks! 'twas a long time coming.


I expect despair tomorrow and it won't even bother me.

After all this time of having no Supers, I got a Burst Super (on Cloud, sadly) and a regular Super. Plus a 5★ bow, which I've really kind of wanted. AND I finally have some physical synergy for IX (though with two 5★ rods and two 5★ hoods, I'll still probably mage it up for any future events).

Now I just need to figure out which one needs the Rosetta Stones I've been hoarding.

It's Cloud, isn't it? :-

Thanks! 'twas a long time coming.
I'd definitely throw your Rosetta stones at the Fusion Sword. It has 123 ATK I believe so with the 20(?) Rosetta stones it becomes a sword with 143 ATK before synergy. That's damn amazing for something a lot of characters can use
People in here really need to get their expectations in check. Any 5* is a win, even if you already have it. I'd say only horribly outdated relics like Cloud's Buster Sword or similar single target one hit relics are worth being disappointed in

Yup! 1/22 and 50 Mythrils for Hardedge... But stats stick and not 0/22, could be worse (a little bit).
Aye, feels weird running Orb Dungeon with all max level characters, but Soul Breaks must be mastered.

YIKES. Fusion Sword mastery exp is nuts.

And I thought I had a good pull this morning...

Congrats dude!
I'd call it a tie, you got one more (and an extra 4★), but I guess Fusion Sword is like a double win.

Plus Runic can be crazy when it can be, I hope you have a Flare Strike in her future.

I'd definitely throw your Rosetta stones at the Fusion Sword. It has 123 ATK I believe so with the 20(?) Rosetta stones it becomes a sword with 143 ATK before synergy. That's damn amazing for something a lot of characters can use
Yeah. I think I'll still wait until after Celebration Banners, juuuuust in case.


wow, getting 11 3* yesterday was worth it i guess...

got 4 5* and 2 4* today

Tyrfing (Luneth), Defender (Steiner), Lustrous Sword (P Cecil), Reno's Goggles (Duh).
Amazing pulls, congrats all! [sorry Kouriozan :(...]

Just cleared the first 2 bonus battles only for now so I can level Firion to 80, will do the rest after Phase 2 ends :)


Got Tidus' haste SB from today's lucky pull so that was cool. Really wish they would have given us free mythril though.

If it happens like Japan we will get 50 mythril on the anniversary date.

0/11 today. Oh well. Did get another Gigantaur this morning so that brings me up to 7/10 being MPO (1 Wind, 2 NE).


I'm laughing too :p
Before pulling I was like "hope I won't get 5*" and see the result.
Still have 546 mythrils so all is fine
for now...

Haha you should be good I'm only at ~400 mythril. Thinking of saving most for tactics lol. Hopefully your luck is the inverse for the ssb and/or tactics


I'm not entitled because I don't think I'm entitled to anything better than what I got, but I'm allowed to be dissappointed when I get something I'm probably never going to use. Even as a stat stick, mind isn't that important. The +holy effect is cool, but I don't even have Diaga made, it's just not useful to me at all.
Well I now have both of Thancred's SBs. Definitely wasn't wanting his Dagger but at least it's a physical weapon for synergy. I just want a hastega relic or a SSB for the last lucky draw and I'll be satisfied.


I have 330 mythril and should probably be spending it since I'm *way* behind all of you progress-wise, but after getting burned on the "lucky" draw yesterday, I think I'm just going to hoard it =\

Also, is Bartz worth using a Hero Soul to unlock and an MC Lode to get his MC1? He's ranked almost at the top of the tier lists I looked at, but Agrias is right there with him, and that Tactics event is coming up soon.


I was actually hoping MC3's wouldn't be a thing. So much more leveling.

I'm just saying that any character relic for 25 mythril is damn good even if it's not one you particularly want

It's all in good fun really. It just sucks having your expectations crushed liked that, specially when you would have settled for almost anything else. Like, I'd have traded my Moore Branch pull for anything anyone else got, since even outdated relics could potentially give me synergy for realms I'm lacling in. As it is, yet another Mag stick when I'm already drowning in mage weapons (and the current anti-magic situation in the game) is something that doesn't help me at all.


Well there's no way today's draw could be better than yesterday's lol

But I got two 5*, both from FF7.. Red's Diamond Pin and Barret's Gatling Gun

Actually, Lunatic High looks really useful, is it worth using Red just because of it? I don't have any other 5* support ready, but I don't have full break either


Got all 3* and 4* today on "lucky" pull. Feels bad. I'll still roll again tomorrow though, then I'm saving until Pecil's BSSB banner. I will just have to live without Scream.

I'm really starting to sweat the decisions I have to make on MC2. I know everyone recommends Tyro and Cloud, and I see why, but neither of them are in my "main" party and I'd like to get more of them to 80 cap.

How often do we get the empty MC2 things for selection in the hall of rites?


Got Yuna's Lullaby Rod (second one) and Garnet's Asura Rod with today's pull. Stats on 6* Lullaby Rod are pretty nice. It's now my highest MND weapon, and will primarily be going on Lenna.
Well there's no way today's draw could be better than yesterday's lol

But I got two 5*, both from FF7.. Red's Diamond Pin and Barret's Gatling Gun

Actually, Lunatic High looks really useful, is it worth using Red just because of it? I don't have any other 5* support ready, but I don't have full break either

Lunatic High is still great, definitely worth putting him in your party if you don't have any other support SBs. Oh, and get Full Break asap! :D


Today's Lucky Draw got me Terra's Enhancer and Yuna's Magistral Rod. Yes they're 1st-gen relics with single hit AOE SB's, but Terra and Yuna both have garbage default SB's so these are nice actually. Also Enhancer is my first magic sword and first 5* mage weapon for VI and Magistral Rod is my first 5* mage weapon for X, so they're actually pretty damn good pulls for me. Not to mention i also got my 3rd copies of the 4* Hayate Bow (V) and Moonring Blade (VI), now I have a 4*++ bow and thrown which is nice because i still don't have any 5* bows or thrown weapons.
I'm gonna burn as much stamina as two episodes of NXT affords me, then I gotta run a few errands (owning a house is so much fun, right?).

Pixy pls. Grats on that pull! Hopefully lady luck will bless my Global account tomorrow!
Thanks. A mega-pull is in everybody's cards eventually as long as you are paitent and keep your expectations realistic.

Today's Lucky Draw got me Terra's Enhancer and Yuna's Magistral Rod. Yes they're 1st-gen relics with single hit AOE SB's, but Terra and Yuna both have garbage default SB's so these are nice actually. Also Enhancer is my first magic sword and first 5* mage weapon for VI and Magistral Rod is my first 5* mage weapon for X, so they're actually pretty damn good pulls for me. Not to mention i also got my 3rd copies of the 4* Hayate Bow (V) and Moonring Blade (VI), now I have a 4*++ bow and thrown which is nice because i still don't have any 5* bows or thrown weapons.
That sounds like a great pull, even without Supers, etc. And it was half price!

Don't underestimate 4★++ gear, those things are killer with synergy and you got two long-range ones.

I think this is a great post for everybody to look at regarding these banners. While it's nice to have the newest "best" items, filling holes in your synergy tables is realistically probably more important.


I think this is a great post for everybody to look at regarding these banners. While it's nice to have the newest "best" items, filling holes in your synergy tables is realistically probably more important.

Yup; the months of build-up to this event has led to people already getting super crazy on Reddit (and other places to be fair). I can't believe people are already flipping out and getting salty when the SSB banners haven't even started yet LOL. Like, I totally get how saving all your mythril for months for X banner and then not getting what you want is a huge bummer so I get being disappointed/salty/quitting or whatever, but at the same time you need to try to not set your expectations like that. For new to newish players (I'm right at 5 months now) all of this stuff is a godsend; I did get incredibly lucky getting the one item I personally wanted the most in the game right now (Maduin's Horn, Terra is my bae) but I'm nearly as pumped by getting some other relics that people would consider subpar like Sephiroth's Masamune just because I can still really use stat sticks if nothing else for almost all realms/setups. And for people who have been playing much longer I'll still get the disappointment if they don't pull Scream/X SSB etc but practically speaking gameplay-wise they probably need it even LESS than a newer player does.

Some people just need to relax and try to enjoy things lol. I've spent like ~55 mythril on refreshes total so far which at ~300 mythril total some people would freak out about saying that's one 11-pull etc, but I'm having a goddamn blast getting literally the entire roster up to 50+ along with a shitload of orbs. I like setting goals in this game and working towards them, but you can't work towards RNG and I think some people lose sight of that.

Regardless I am very much looking forward to reddit once SSB banners start haha.
So far my two half price draws have got me Sazh's gun - so, Boon - and Steiner's first sword. The latter isn't as much use as I already had Steiner's second sword and Zidane's, so I had great FF9 synergy. Still.


I got nothing today boys... Series of Death Sickles which I 3*++ because I got bored and haven't been able to do any weapon leveling lately.

Tomorrow's going to be my day though. SSB fo'sho.


Got Thyrus for my lucky draw. I went to equip it on Y'shtola then I realized I also have her relic that has her heal that I completely forgot about. Guess I have my new main healer in tough fights.


Got Quistis whip...delighted...then I realised that, shite its the maser eye one. Still happy...but hard not to feel a bit deflated on realisation that it was the other one...

On another note I am currently s/l both my Global and Japan accounts on the trio of Gigas'. The ultimate in global and the abyss in Japan. Abyss ones look like they will be overcome easier.

EDIT: Japan much easier. Have my own SG and RW Scream there though I guess.
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