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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT2| I HAVE NO MYTHRIL AND I MUST SHOUT

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Swing and a MISS!


So now I'm in an interesting position where I have 3 AoE heals, 2 of which can be used on offensive casters, as well as Kefka's Cloak from the Lucky Draw.


Got Sabin and Yuna's relics from 100 gems + 50 mythril.

Probably on the lower end of usefulness for me from this banner but I'll take it. Game seems intent on giving me AoE heal relics as this is my 7th.


Did the 100 gem pull plus 3 3-pulls, got:

Oak Staff
Emerald Shield
Lullaby Rod

Can't really complain at all; 4 relics in 10 total possible item drops is goddamn ridiculous. The Emerald Shield and Lullaby Rod were duplicates sadly but having another FFX Rod isn't bad at all since i have little synergy there. Oak Staff and Yoshiyuki are new for me, I have virtually no FFIX synergy besides one Asura's Rod and no Vivi relics so that's not bad there, and the Yoshiyuki is a fairly solid relic as far as I can tell.

I mean sure I wish I had gotten an Excalibur since that's like the one thing I really wanted from this banner, but nooooooooooo way am I going to tempt fate any more here lol.
100 gem was 3* junk. 11 pull got me the Deneb Duellers. Not what I was wanting but my FF13 synergy is terrible so I'm not too disappointed. Now do I do another pull or wait until phase 4.


100 gem pull - 4* Mesmerize Blade (VIII)
Pull #1 - 3* Dark Bow (V)
Pull #2 - 3* Death Sicle (V)
Pull #3 - 3* Ice Shield (IV)

Back to the salt mines I go.


can't grow facial hair
100 Gem - Deneb Duellers
1st 11x - Revolver, Red Scorpion
2nd 11x - Yoshiyuki

2nd Scorpion and Yoshiyuki. Yuna's Lullaby Rod continues to elude me. Thrilled with getting Duellers.

I will just do 100 gems for Banner 2, 3 and 4. Banner 5 will get 1 or 2 eleven pulls out of me.


Oh wow. This Ultimate Dungeon look amazing!

Too bad I'm probably way to weak to fight anything in it yet...

What does a 6* Black Crystal do? Give you ten 5* Black Orbs?
I got Excalibur but I really need a upgrade on AoE heal (I have Aerith's Healing Wind). I was tempted to pull again for Lullaby Rod but then I thought that I could save those 50 Mythrils for Relm's banner 1 for her SSB and Shadow SSB. Makes sense?


can't grow facial hair
I got Excalibur but I really need a upgrade on AoE heal (I have Aerith's Healing Wind). I was tempted to pull again for Lullaby Rod but then I thought that I could save those 50 Mythrils for Relm's banner 1 for her SSB and Shadow SSB. Makes sense?

Yea makes sense, especially if you need FF6 synergy.


Got Zidane's which I'm super happy with from an 11x pull. I don't have any good IX weapon synergy, and while it doesn't play nice with Scream, he's one of my favourites.

I budgeted 2 11x pulls for this, but I'm scared to tempt fate.
I got Excalibur but I really need a upgrade on AoE heal (I have Aerith's Healing Wind). I was tempted to pull again for Lullaby Rod but then I thought that I could save those 50 Mythrils for Relm's banner 1 for her SSB and Shadow SSB. Makes sense?

I'm in the same boat w/ Aerith's Healing Wind as my AoE heal and Yuna's is mighty tempting. However, I'm going to hedge my Mythril bets towards getting Yuffie's Headband in banner 5 while going after Tyro's SG + any of the SSBs.
Oh snap, got Lullaby Rod off of my 100-gem! This is great, since my only Unique Medica is on Yshtola, for whom I've already got Stoneskin II. Now I have the option of running Yuna as a summoner for those sick AoE heals.

I'd love to pull for Excalibur, but now nothing else on the banner is terribly worthwhile for me. I'll continue biding my time until Banner 5 for now.


Did the 100 gem and got garbage. Didn't want to commit to an 11x pull, so I went with a 3x pull and got two 3-stars and the Deneb Duellers. I'll consider that a win.
Ended up doing another 11 pull and got Zidane's SSB. Finally got my first physical SSB. I also got 7 4* relics in my two pulls which most can be combined. Now to determine where to spend the rest of my Mythril.


Fuck it. I got Zidane's, which is one of the weapons I wanted. The other I wanted was Bartz but I'm pretty alright with V synergy and there's nothing on this banner that interest me either.

Saving 50 mithril!


My pull gave me two 5*, first one revolver...I was like "are you kidding me?", second one was EXCALIBUR, everything I wanted for this banner. Victory!!!

Now wait for banner 5.
Got an Oak staff and two Revolvers. Good for realm synergy (I didn't have any FFVIII melee weapons besides an Ochu Tentacle), but not what I was hoping for. I really just want/need a Hastega and a Medica that doesn't suck. (A strong SSB attack would be nice too.)

The wait for Phase 5 begins.
Did one last yolo cult of 15, pulled Sabin's claws so now I have both. So many freaking monk weapons if only Monks didn't suck :<

I'm also at the point I might seriously consider augmenting 5 stars which is crazy since I have so many I doubt I'd be able to bring a team with all of them



I was just gonna do one and I got a 5* so I was like okay sure I will do another, and then I got another 5*. Then I was like fuck it let's keep this train going and did another and got two 5*s at which point I am severely tempting fate so decided to stop. Also been drinking so hey


that puzzling face
I got 6 4*s and 5 3*s in my 11-pull. I know the feeling.

Were any combinable at least? I tossed one of mine (Defender I), left one as is (Gravity Rod VI) and combined the rest.

I'm collecting 2nd 4++s because they're poor-man 5*s in RS.

Got two Mesmerize Blade 4++s, two Diamond Armor and two Red Jackets (i'm set for ff6 lol) and I think it's faster to list the 4s that I don't have ++ of otherwise.
My fucking friend, he started playing the game about a week ago, did a 50 and got zidane's ssb and sazh's gun, accidentally clicked single pull, pulled quistis ssb. Lucky sob

He also pulled Selphie's ssb with his first 5 star pull when he had no idea what he was doing, 3 ssbs same number as me and I've been here since day one :<


Yeah on paper doing 3 triple pulls is dumb, but I somehow wound up with 4 relics for 45 mythril so I'm gonna let it rock lol.

Alternatively if I got one relic the both of the first two pulls and two on the third pull it only stands to reason that I would get 3 on the next one right???
After reviewing the banners again, I'm not going to spend any mythril on banner 2, instead I'll do a few extra pulls on 3. I really only want Lulu's headband from it and I already have Mog's spear (which I KNOW I'll get again if I pull and get a rainbow orb >_> ). Whereas, all of the SSBs in banner 3 look desirable (Maduin Horn would be glorious, as would finally replacing Cloud's default SB).

I got Cecil's SSB in a lucky draw (my first SSB), so I'll only toss 15 at banner 4. Aerith's SSB would be better than her current AoE Cura that I use and Locke's SSB sounds great.

Finally, Banner 5 gets the mythril dump truck. All of the featured SSBs are on characters I love and use regularly, while I, obviously, want Tyro's wall and Yuffie's headband would be great as well.

What's the better Haste banner? 1 or 5?

5. Both SSBs have Haste and Major Regen. Garnet's gives a Res boost that is stackable w/ Shellga and Wall vs Quistis's "just" applying Shellga.


Fibonacci pulls

Falk making me google shit when I'm borderline drunk pls

I am honestly morbidly curious enough to see if I could go a 4th consecutive 3 pull with getting a relic, possibly curious enough to spend the $9 on it, need to think about that later though when I'm not tipsy
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