Finally. Now to go for the other two.
Finally. Now to go for the other two.
So. I'm running Cloud/Golbez to spam Mythril refreshes (80 planned, about 6 in right now)
Cloud has Bladeblitz and Drain Strike
Golbez in the back row has Quake and Meteor.
I'm on the third stage, first wave. Cloud gets hit by Jarring Strike and gets confused. No biggie. I queue up Quake on Golbez, whose castbar starts right after Cloud's
- Cloud autoattacks himself, ZANTETSUKEN PROCS. Cloud dies (LOL)
- Golbez' Quake goes off, kills off the wave.
- Wave 2/3, OH MY GOD A CACTUAR. But wait. Golbez has 0 Meteor 0 Quake remaining. RW is a non-damage RW (I just select the one at the top of the list to save as much time as possible starting the next stage) I really want to kill this Cactuar though for possible 4*.
- Use Golbez's SB, Paralyze sticks on Cactuar
- Well this sucks. Wondering what to do. Golbez only melees for 300.
- YASSSSSS Golbez now melees for 2k like a boss from the back row
- Golbez proceeds to solo wave 3 meleeing from the back row with a rod.
- Cactuar dropped 4* Summon orb
I'm now laughing too hard to continue grinding. Gonna take a break.
Oh poops. Maybe that's it. lol
I'm not 100% positive, but I don't think we get that feature until the new UI hits global.Any idea on when we'll get QOL improvement showing how many dungeons are left in each realm to master/finish?
Hmm, seems like a waste of orbs that could be used to make 4★ later.Finally. Now to go for the other two.
Pretty much, yeah. The dailies are generally the most reliable sources of what they offer. The current event is basically three dailies smashed together with more high-level orbs.
Hmm, seems like a waste of orbs that could be used to make 4★ later.
Hmm, seems like a waste of orbs that could be used to make 4★ later.
Orb conversion is 10:1 and dismantling gives back 50% of the total orb cost.I dunno, with high enough MAG and corresponding elemental weaknesses, well-honed 3* summons would be useful. Do we even know what the orb conversion rates are going to be?
The stats on the keepsake ribbon are so high that unless you already have a bunch of mage hats I'd keep them to outfit my all-mage parties.Although I still want to know, should I augment my Organics with one of Aerith's ribbons since I have two of them?
Hmm, seems like a waste of orbs that could be used to make 4★ later.
Do higher star weapons/armor inherently take more resources to level up (other than the fact they have more levels of course)? Like at the point I'm at is there any reason I shouldn't be leveling up the handful of 4/5* items I have ASAP?
I dunno, with high enough MAG and corresponding elemental weaknesses, well-honed 3* summons would be useful. Do we even know what the orb conversion rates are going to be?
No, though the higher item levels require more experience to achieve, so maxing them out will inherently require exponentially more items.
If gil is an issue for you, note that the cost per item to upgrade is determined by the starting level of the item to be upgraded, so it is most efficient money-wise to upgrade all at once.
Indeed! I still have the link bookmarked, I'll post it again once orb fest is over and I'll get it all nice work. Thanks for the code - followed.
We should maybe update the GAF RW list after orb fest is over and everyone's done getting their shiny new loot. It looks like it hasn't been updated in over a month and I know that I've forgotten to update my entry to reflect who I'm using right now.
lol nice work. Thanks for the code - followed.
Somebody said draw fire/sentinel makes Rufus and doggy a joke. That is a lie. Shotgun is not affected. In fact shotgun ignores retaliate. I have no idea how I finished that boss rush.
Looks like my luck finally ran out. I'm getting no greater or Major orbs in phase 3. 1 greater per 135 stamina, still no major 10 refreshes in :/
Had some absurd luck with my 2nd batch of 10
Yep.What are people talking about when they reference refreshes, as in running the event until they run out of Stamina, then using a Mythril/gems to refill?
Exactly that, yes. It's the best use of Mythril for a variety of reasons, but only under very specific circumstances, the three biggest of which is that
- This is by far the fastest way to farm Summon orbs for foreseeable future.
- 1 Mythril gets 137 stam (the max in the game right now)
- less likely to pull upgrades from banners e.g. already a healthy loadout of 5s.
Generally saving Mythril for gear is the best idea.
I just realized I could totally get Cloud's RM3 and Luneth start the fight with Advance. That's just amazing.
Remember it's only at the start of the entire dungeon and not once per battle like core class RMs.
Meaning only once for boss rush.
How does the stage difficulty correlate? I have been doing 1 difficulty = 1 level which has seemed to work so far more or less (ie 30 difficulty wants lvl 30 chars) but it isn't actually true. Like I can do the hard orb events (45) no problem with my level 35ish characters but other level 30 elites wreck me.
Orb Dungeon is rather undertuned for its displayed level.