Beat Jenova Life EX++, got Cloud's MC2 *tears of joy*. This is the first time, as a completely free player (* side note: I've noticed a lot of people describe themselves as "free" players "except" for 100 gem pulls--uh, if you've been doing 100 gem pulls this whole time you've paid like $30 so far) who has been lagging behind the curve a little bit that I've been able to get my shit together and make progress. Really looking forward to refocusing my attention on dungeons after orbfest is done, because I think I'll be able to make some pretty great progress. And for the first time since I've started playing the game, I have more equipment to upgrade than upgrade materials. That feels pretty good.
I used Advantilate on the boss. I had tried a sleep->Bioblaster option and a stop->Planet Protector option and neither managed to get me where I needed to be, but Advantilate+honing Sleep to 8 uses got me there. Yay.
Also, I rarely do the daily dungeons which means a few things, first that I was pretty behind on hones, second that I was pretty behind on leveling up my scrub characters. That has changed. I've taken Auron from 30 to 62, Terra from 50 to 65, Lightning from 50 to 65, Cloud to 65+, Summoner from 30 to 50, White Mage from 30 to 50, Edgar from 30 to 50, Sephiroth to mid-50s, Squall to 51, Dark Cecil to 50, Tellah to 50, Zack to 50, Dagger to 50, Cyan to 45, and now working on Tifa and Paladin Cecil to 50. Used my Major Orb from the login bonuses to bring Barrett from 1 to 31 in one go. Really feel like I've made a big stride catching up on the power curve.