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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT2| I HAVE NO MYTHRIL AND I MUST SHOUT

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A dollar well spent.



My Riot Blade lust led me to do a 3x pull after that garbage ice rod, and I was on the edge of my seat when I saw the rainbow orb.........and then it was Rikku's Flexible Arm. ;(

Sitting here debating whether to do another 3x pull or go wild with an 11x.


Leblanc & Co. was long but fairly trivial. Though I think I mostly attribute that to the fact that AoE slow chokes off their damage potential pretty drastically.

Thancred has been my secret MVP for awhile now, it seems.


Life is treating you harshly these days! Cloud, Aerith and Lulu SSB within 3 100 gems pulls and 3 single pulls.

I got Zidane's SSB in banner 1 too. I feel like that's just FFRK making up for giving me squat in the lucky draws.

...I hope I don't use /all/ my luck up before banner 5/FFT.


3/33, but two of them were eh dupes and one of them was the first Zell fist after I'd already gotten his better one, so they were pretty unfulfilling.

I'm splitting my 200 myth evenly between Banner 5 and Tactics unless the first 11 pull on Banner 5 ends up being so amazing that I don't feel like pulling more. Low chance of that, but a man can dream.
I hate this game at times, I just remembered that Locke and Lulu SSB never come back and they are both in banners right now. Freakin SSB should really pop back once within 6 months. They mostly do beside if you are in my top characters I guess. At least Celes' SSB comes back twice after showing up for the first time.
More 3* trash from the 100 gem pull. I really shouldn't complain, because my A team (with Red, Tyro, and Yuna for the Trinity) is strong, but after last night's drunken #YOLO 50 mythril pull on Banner 4, if the FFT banner doesn't give me love, I'm gonna be sad.


Neo Member
I was really going to try to hold out until after some pulls on phase 5, but I just couldn't resist and did an 11x pull tonight. I ended up with two Rune Mogs and Lulu now has this nice doll ( (I also got a Red Armlet, three 4*s and five 3*s) . I really wanted Auron's Riot Blade more than anything else on the banner, but I'm quite pleased with this. I'd already used an MC2 on Lulu and got her to 80 because I'd had her hairpin since the super soul breakfast back a few months ago. Auron's just going to have to wait.



Since I don't have an AOE heal, should I go all-in trying to get Aerith's Wizard Staff? Or will the major regen from Garnet's Wizard Rod be enough to compensate? Really don't want to go blowing hundreds of mythril trying to get that staff, but I will if it's a necessity I guess.
Destroyed the latest Ultimate with this team,


I used good old Retaliate Advance. Focused on the middle boss , then top, then bottom for the medal condition. Kept them blinded and slowed at all times and if they ever needed a dispel Yuna was at the ready while double striking Cloud. Zack spammed life syphon and his attack chopper as much as possible which has always been super useful. Just took 1 try but I do wonder if I got lucky nailing the blinds and slows every shot. They never failed. Lost 1 medal on actions but it went so quick I think I was probably off by 1 turn to get full medals.
Since I don't have an AOE heal, should I go all-in trying to get Aerith's Wizard Staff? Or will the major regen from Garnet's Wizard Rod be enough to compensate? Really don't want to go blowing hundreds of mythril trying to get that staff, but I will if it's a necessity I guess.

No wait for better aoe heals ideally ones that don't have reraise since until multiplayer is added reraise isn't useful.


Since I don't have an AOE heal, should I go all-in trying to get Aerith's Wizard Staff? Or will the major regen from Garnet's Wizard Rod be enough to compensate? Really don't want to go blowing hundreds of mythril trying to get that staff, but I will if it's a necessity I guess.

You'd be better off waiting for the Relm 1 banner if you want to go all in for an AoE heal.


I'm not unhappy with my pulls so far, but still unfulfilled. Got Zidane, Eiko, Areith, and Quistis SSB, and Kefka's flute. Oh also 2x Sabin globe for suplex fun

I now have aoe heal in FF7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14

Weak boostga in 6, 7, 12, 13

No SG tho, and few good physical sbs, but lots of spears


100 gem pull got me a 4*

I really want Auron's SSB but I'm not gonna spend any more on this banner.
Hopefully I pull at least one physical SSB tonight, so it's either Gilgamesh or Lightning. SG would be nice to have, but I'm not stressing too much over it.

Or maybe it's time for a 0/11 pull, it' been a while.

Limit breaks: Black Materia, Stoneskin II, Mirage Dive, Bio Blaster, and Hymn of the Fayth (not used)

This was my party for Ultimate Leblanc Syndicate. Full medals. This fight was very easy for me. Just keep mitigation, Slow, Blind, and Poison up. Dispel and kill Leblanc first.


Subete no aware
How crucial is this 6* fire orb thing?

I'm thinking of giving up the Ultimate, but I imagine that just means falling even further behind.


Finally got around to doing Ultima Nightmare. It was actually super easy (and super fun). My Black Magic hones are high and it basically became a wonderful DPS race. I think I'll try the Ninja method next, I really like that it only costs 1 stamina.

Makes it super fun for experimentation and keeping things fresh.
How crucial is this 6* fire orb thing?

I'm thinking of giving up the Ultimate, but I imagine that just means falling even further behind.

From what I understand 6* abilities are largely irrelevant due to the limited amount of people who can use them mixed with the rarity of their orbs for honing


Does Meltdown use any of the same crystals as Ultima? I'd imagine Black is a given, but I can see it using Fire too

Speaking of, I beat the nightmare dungeon today. Was fun :)


I have the worst RNG of all time for Ultimate Battles.

I have failed to land Blindga on Ormi on all of my 6 Blindga casts 4 battles/tries in a row now. I goddamn KNOW I have the gear and levels to do this Ultimate (I've only done one other one), but I literally cannot get any mitigation started and I just get fucking wrecked. Tried zerging it, can only get them down to about half. Kind of legitimately pissed off.
I finally did some inventory cleansing.

I killed about thirty 3★ items, with plenty more to go if needed.

VI ended up being the biggest inventory clog, especially since I have a LOT of 4★/5★ armor there.

I'm still unsure if ima do one or two eleven pulls tonight, I guess at this point the only thing I really need from it are the physical weapons for V.
I've deleted every 3* item I had, the power creep on relics (especially accessories) made just about everything redundant.

Anyone else get immediately greeted by a load of Gigantaurs at start of Phase 5? I wasn't surprised lol. Nice to wind down from the Orb Fest, although Banner 5, Tactics and the new DU should provide some entertainment (and drama) over the next few days! Good luck everyone on their pulls.



I found this a lot, lot easier than the Gigas fight just gone. Blind Shell is an awesome ability, don't think i'll ever choose Dark Buster again. MrDaravon you might want to consider that instead of Blindga if you still haven't beaten it?
(Thanks for the RW Wazzy! Your Quistis is getting a lot of use from me!).
Blindga and Blind Shell have the same proc rate.

I don't think anything is going to save him from RNG.
That I didn't know!


It really sucks being too shitty to be able to beat the Impostor++ and get the MC2 lode reward. Even with Tyro's wall and Garnet's hastega/regen, I still can't win, and it's about to drive me insane because I need that MC2 badly.


I found this a lot, lot easier than the Gigas fight just gone. Blind Shell is an awesome ability, don't think i'll ever choose Dark Buster again. MrDaravon you might want to consider that instead of Blindga if you still haven't beaten it?
(Thanks for the RW Wazzy! Your Quistis is getting a lot of use from me!).

Blindga and Blind Shell have the same proc rate.

I don't think anything is going to save him from RNG.


Well if anyone wants to flip the bird to the RNG feel free to add me, Wakka's SSB is 100% chance to blind and Poison on all enemies



Blindga and Blind Shell have the same proc rate.

I don't think anything is going to save him from RNG.

Yeah, I hadn't looked into it since I had to run to work (still here) but I assumed Blind Shell is the same proc rate and my Blindga has more hones. My occasional weirdness with bonus battles RNG still has me convinced my account is haunted.


Tonight is the night of the great Salt-gasm. Inb4 0/88 for wall.

The voices are telling me your long awaited reward shall come at last. Be brave my child, for the voices have spoken to RNGesus. He, bless His name, shall grant you what you're looking for. Praise the voices! Praise RNGesus!


The voices are telling me you long awaited reward shall come at last. Be brave my child, for the voices have spoken to RNGesus. He, bless His name, shall grant you what you're looking for. Praise the voices! Praise RNGesus!

Im embracing RNGsus and his command.

If he bless me with 3 7* Ultima swords I will carry them with pride.


What's a good beginner-to-middle strategy to build my team into? I've been playing for a while and have mostly ignored the bonus battle stuff but I felt like I had a good chance to take a few of them this time. I beat the first one but for the second one "Imposter ++" I seem to take too long to kill her.

I know that typically your strategy is influenced by what relics you have but a balanced team doesn't seem to be getting me very far. I'm using Vivi, Bartz, Cloud, Cecil, Yuna, levels 55-70, all have a weapon relic to use (Cloud and Vivi have their (+) relics). Is realm synergy a big factor? Yuna is my only leveled FFX character with a soul break right now, though I have about 3 FFX weapons that are pretty good and am using for the fight. I have plenty of eggs saved so I could level up some relic-less FFX fighters if that's what it'll take.

I'm finding these boss fights where there is no dungeon beforehand difficult because you can't charge any bursts. I've been relying on Protectga from Yuna – which sucks because I have no room for dispel which is recommended for this one – and a friend summon to get some defense up. I feel like I am missing something for these harder fights. Any tips?


Any disadvantage to waiting for next nightmare to do ultima buster?

The only rewards are crystals and the ability to make ultima. All which isn't needed asap since you can't make ultima(if you even want to) until you get more crystals.

Also the tried advantaliate with

Quitis with ssb
Pecil with ssb
Vannille was protect medica
Tyro with SG
Seph with Ssb.

It was mind blowing how op it was.

I'm finding it really hard to believe shout meta will be even more op.


Beat Leblanc Syndicate this morning. Took one s/l to get things set up, but it otherwise went ok. Took Firion since I have his guaranteed blind SSB and landed it on Logos using Mog's Teachings, then had Wakka use Blind Buster on Omni. Burn down Leblanc, etc etc.

I'm don't know if its my gear or finally having more lvl 80 characters in my party, but I've felt like I haven't needed to bring a Wall to any of the last few Ultimates. Basic mitigation/debuffing was more than enough.


Ultimate mastered, it took me more S/L because Blind shell dont landing , or landing too late and Not-So-Love rekting me, or Ormi re-Draw fire so much that I run out of blind shells, or first turn Russian rulette confuse on Selphie.

First time I got to blind first try both ormi and logos just things went smooth, but needed like 7 tries before that happened. I hope DeNa stop making this RNG Ultimates,they are not fun or about skill.
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