A dollar well spent.

I felt particularly determined. Gem pull was trash, so i did three single pulls. First two were a wash, but then...!
Life is treating you harshly these days! Cloud, Aerith and Lulu SSB within 3 100 gems pulls and 3 single pulls.
I got Zidane's SSB in banner 1 too. I feel like that's just FFRK making up for giving me squat in the lucky draws.
...I hope I don't use /all/ my luck up before banner 5/FFT.
does Auron have the Soul Break where he just smacks the enemy into space?
Since I don't have an AOE heal, should I go all-in trying to get Aerith's Wizard Staff? Or will the major regen from Garnet's Wizard Rod be enough to compensate? Really don't want to go blowing hundreds of mythril trying to get that staff, but I will if it's a necessity I guess.
Since I don't have an AOE heal, should I go all-in trying to get Aerith's Wizard Staff? Or will the major regen from Garnet's Wizard Rod be enough to compensate? Really don't want to go blowing hundreds of mythril trying to get that staff, but I will if it's a necessity I guess.
does Auron have the Soul Break where he just smacks the enemy into space?
I'd buy that for a dollar.
How crucial is this 6* fire orb thing?
I'm thinking of giving up the Ultimate, but I imagine that just means falling even further behind.
That I didn't know!Blindga and Blind Shell have the same proc rate.
I don't think anything is going to save him from RNG.
I found this a lot, lot easier than the Gigas fight just gone. Blind Shell is an awesome ability, don't think i'll ever choose Dark Buster again. MrDaravon you might want to consider that instead of Blindga if you still haven't beaten it?
(Thanks for the RW Wazzy! Your Quistis is getting a lot of use from me!).
Blindga and Blind Shell have the same proc rate.
I don't think anything is going to save him from RNG.
Tonight is the night of the great Salt-gasm. Inb4 0/88 for wall.
The voices are telling me you long awaited reward shall come at last. Be brave my child, for the voices have spoken to RNGesus. He, bless His name, shall grant you what you're looking for. Praise the voices! Praise RNGesus!
Tonight is the night of the great Salt-gasm. Inb4 0/88 for wall.